What the heck should be in there. Let's draft up an outline. 20 minutes: bloody short, so just results * Intro :1_30m: ** Importance of MC Methods :SHORT: - important tool in particle physics - not just numerical - also applications in stat. phys and lattice QCD - somewhat romantic: distilling information with entropy - interface with exp - precision predictions within, beyond sm - validation of new theories - some predictions are often more subtle than just the existense of new particles - backgrounds have to be substracted ** Diphoton Process - feynman diags and reaction formula - higgs decay channel - dihiggs decay - pure QED * Calculation of the XS :TOO_LONG: :5m: ** Approach - formalism well separated from underlying theory - but can fool intuition (spin arguments) - in the course of semester: learned more about the theory :) - translating feynman diagrams to abstract matrix elements straight forward - first try: casimir's trick - error in calculation + one identity unknown - second try: evaluating the matrices directly - discovered a lot of tricks - error prone - back to studying the formalism: completeness relation for real photons - a matter of algebraic gymnastics - boils down to some trace and dirac matrix gymnastics - mixing terms cancel out, not zero in themselves - resulting expression for ME essentially t/u channel propagator (1/(t*u)) and spin correlation 1 + cos(x)^2 - only angular dependencies, no kinematics, "nice" factors - symmetric in θ ** Result + Sherpa - apply the golden rule for 2->2 processes - show plots and total xs - shape verified later -> we need sampling techniques first * Monte Carlo Methods :8m: - one simple idea, can be exploited and refined - how to extract information from a totally unknown function - look at it -> random points are the most "symmetric" choice - statistics to the rescue - what does this have to do with minecraft - theory deals with truly random (uncorrelated) so that statistics apply, prng's cater to that: deterministic, efficient (we don't do crypto) ** Integration - integration as mean value - convergence due to law of large numbers - independent of dimension - trivially parallelism - result normal distributed with σ due to central limit theorem - goal: speeding up convergence 1. modify distribution 2. integration variable 3. subdivide integration volume - all those methods can be somewhat intertwined - focus on some simple methods *** Naive Integration - why mix in that distribution: we choose it uniform - integral is mean - variance is variance of function: stddev linear in Volume! - include result - rediculous sample size **** TODO compare to other numeric *** Change of Variables - drastic improvement by transf. to η - only works by chance (more or less) - pseudo rapidity eats up angular divergence - can be shown: same effect as propability density - implementation is different *** VEGAS - a simple ρ: step function on hypercubes, can be trivially generated - effectively subdividing the integration volume - optimal: same variance in every cube - easier to optimize: approximate optimal rho by step function - clarify: use rectangular grid and blank out unwated edges with θ function - nice feature: integrand does not have to be smooth :) - similar efficiency as the travo case - but a lot of room for parameter adjustment and tuning **** TODO research the drawbacks that led to VEGAS **** TODO nice visualization of vegas working **** TODO look at original vegas - in 70s/80s memory a constraint ** Sampling - why: generate events - same as exp. measurements - (includes statistical effects) - events can be "dressed" with more effects - usual case: we have access to uniformly distributed random values - task: convert this sample into a sample of another distribution - short: solve equation *** Hit or Miss - we don't always know f, may have complicated (inexplicit) form - solve "by proxy": generate sample of g and accept with propability f/g - the closer g to f, the better the efficiency - simplest choice: flat upper bound - show results etc - one can optimize upper bound with VEGAS *** Change of Variables - reduction of variance similar to integration - simplify or reduce variance - one removes the step of generating g-samples - show results etc - hard to automate, but intuition and 'general rules' may serve well - see later case with PDFs -> choose eta right away *** Hit or Miss VEGAS - use scaled vegas distribution as g and to hit or miss - samples for g are trivial to generate - vegas again approximates optimal distribution - results etc - advantage: no function specific input - problem: isolated parts of the distribution can drag down efficiency - where the hypercube approx does not work well - especially at discontinuities **** TODO add pic that i've sent Frank *** Stratified Sampling - avoid global effects: subdivide integration interval and sample independently - first generate coarse samples and distribute them in the respective grid points - optimizing: make cubes with low efficiency small! -> VEGAS - this approach was used for the self-made event generator and improved the efficiency greatly (< 1% to 30%) - disadvantage: accuracies of upper bounds and grid weights has to be good - will come back to this *** Observables - particle identities and kinematics determine final state - other observables can be calculated on a per-event base - as can be shown, this results in the correct distributions without knowledge of the Jacobian ** Outlook - of course more methods - Sherpa exploits form propagators etc - multichannel uses multiple distributions for importance sampling and can be optimized "live" - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465594900434 *** TODO Other modern Stuff * Toy Event Generator :3m: ** Basics :SHORT: - just sampling the hard xs not realistic 1. free quarks do not occur in nature 2. hadron interaction more complicated in general - we address the first problem here - quarks in protons: no analytical bound state solution known so-far *** Parton Density Functions - in leading order, high momentum limit: propability to encounter parton at some energy scale with some momentum fraction - can not be calcualated from first principles - have to be fitted from exp. data - can be evolved to other Q^2 with DGLAP - *calculated* with lattice QCQ: very recently https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.02102 - scale has to be chosen appropriately: in deep inelastic scattering -> momentum transfer - p_T good choice - here s/2 (mean of t and u in this case) - xs formula - here LO fit and evolution of PDFs **** TODO check s/2 ** Implementation - find xs in lab frame - impose more cuts - guarantee applicability of massless limit - satisfy experimental requirements - used vegas to integrate - cuts now more complicated because photons not back to back - apply stratified sampling variant along with VEGAS - 3 dimensions: x1, x2 (symmetric), η - use VEGAS to find grid, grid-weights and maxima - improve maxima by gradient ascend (usually very fast) - improve performance by cythonizing the xs and cut computation - sampling routines JIT compiled with numba, especially performant for loops and /very/ easy - trivial parallelism through python multiprocessing - overestimating the maxima corrects for numerical maximization error - assumptions: mc found maximum and VEGAS weights are precise enough - most time consuming part: multidimensional implementation + debugging - along the way: validation of kinematics and PDF values through sherpa ** Results *** Integration with VEGAS - Python Tax: very slow, parallelism implemented, but omitted due to complications with the PDF library - also very inefficient memory management :P - result compatible with sherpa - that was the easy part *** Sampling and Observables - observables: - usual: η and cosθ - p_t of one photon and invariant mass are more interesting - influence of PDF: - more weight to the central angles (see eta) - p_t cutoff due to cuts, very steep falloff due to pdf - same picture in inv mass - compatibilty problematic: just within acceptable limits - for p_t and inv mass: low statistic and very steep falloff - very sensitive to uncertainties of weights (can be improved by improving accuracy of VEGAS) - prompts a more rigorous study of uncertainties in the vegas step! * Pheno Stuff :2m: - non LO effects completely neglected - sherpa generator allows to model some of them - always approximations ** Short review of HO Effects - always introduce stage and effects along with the nice event picture *** LO - same as toy generator *** LO+PS - parton shower ~CSS~ (dipole) activated - radiation of gluons, and splitting into quarks -> shower like cascades QCD - as there are no QCD particles in FS: initial state radiation - due to 4-mom conservation: recoil momenta (and energies) *** LO+PS+pT - beam remnants and primordial transverse momenta simulated - additinal radiation and parton showers - primordial p_T due to localization of quarks, modeled like gaussian distribution - mean, sigma: .8 GeV, standard values in sherpa - consistent with the notion of "fermi motion" *** LO+PS+pT+Hadronization - AHADIC activated (cluster hadr) - jets of parton cluster into hadrons: non perturbative - models inspired by qcd but still just models - mainly affects isolation of photons (come back to that) - in sherpa, unstable are being decayed (using lookup tables) with correct kinematics *** LO+PS+pT+Hadronization+MI - Multiple Interactions (AMISIC) turned on - no reason for just one single scattering in event - based on overlap of hadrons and the most important QCD scattering processes - in sherpa: shower corrections - generally more particles in FS, affects isolation ** Presentation and Discussion of selected Histograms *** pT of γγ system - Parton showers enhance at higher pT - intrinsic pT at lower pT (around 1GeV) - some isolation impact - but highest in phase space cuts - increase is almost one percent - pT recoils to the diphoton system usually substract pT from one photon -> harder to pass cuts -> amplified through big probability of low pT events! *** pT of leading and sub-leading photon - shape similar to LO - first photon slight pT boost - second almost untouched - cut bias to select events that have little effect on sub-lead photon *** Invariant Mass - events with lower m are allowed throgh cuts - events with very high recoil suppressed: colinear limit... *** Angular Observables - mostly untouched - biggest difference: total xs and details - but LO gives good qualitative picture - reasonable, because LO should be dominating *** Effects of Hadronization and MI - fiducial XS differs because of isolation and cuts in the phase space - we've seen: parton shower affect kinematics and thus the shape of observables and phase space cuts - isolation critera: - photon has to be isolated in detector - allow only certain amount of energy in cone around photon - force moinimum separation of photons to prevent cone overlap - Hadronization spreads out FS particles (decay kinematics) and produces particles like muons and neutrinos that aren't detectable or easily filtered out -> decrase in isolation toll - MI increases hadr activity in FS -> more events filtered out *** Summary - LO gives qualitative picture - NLO affect observables shape, create new interesting observables - some NLO effects affect mainly the isolation - caveat: non-exhaustive, no QED radiation enabled * Wrap-Up ** Summary - calculated XS - studied and applied simple MC methods - built a basic working event generator - looked at what lies beyond that simple generator ** Lessons Learned (if any) - calculations have to be done verbose and explicit - spending time on tooling is OK - have to put more time into detailed diagnosis - event generators are marvelously complex - should have introduced the term importance sampling properly ** Outlook - more effects - multi channel mc - better validation of vegas