ecce sherpa
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ class IntegrationResult:
return self.result, self.sigma
def integrate(
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#+PROPERTY: header-args :exports both :output-dir results :session pdf :kernel python3
#+PROPERTY: header-args :exports both :output-dir results :kernel python3 :session :session pdf
#+TITLE: Investigaton of Parton Density Functions
#+AUTHOR: Valentin Boettcher
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
: Welcome to JupyROOT 6.20/04
** Utilities
#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :exports both
@ -25,16 +24,17 @@
: The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
: %reload_ext autoreload
** Global Config
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
η = 1
min_pT = 200
min_pT = 500
e_proton = 6500 # GeV
interval_η = [-η, η]
interval = η_to_θ([-η, η])
interval_cosθ = np.cos(interval)
num_samples = 10_000
pdf = lhapdf.mkPDF("NNPDF31_lo_as_0118", 0)
@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ We begin by implementing the same sermon for the lab frame.
if quarks is not None
else np.array(
[[5, -1 / 3], [4, 2 / 3], [3, -1 / 3], [2, 2 / 3], [1, -1 / 3]]
# [[1, -1 / 3]]
#[[5, -1 / 3], [4, 2 / 3], [3, -1 / 3], [2, 2 / 3], [1, -1 / 3]]
[[1, -1 / 3]]
) # all the light quarks
@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ We begin by implementing the same sermon for the lab frame.
for (quark, charge), q_1, qb_1, q_2, qb_2 in zip(quarks, *pdf_values):
xs_value = xs(e_hadron, charge, angle_arg, x_1, x_2)
result += (q_1 + qb_1) / x_1 * (qb_1 + qb_2) / x_2 * xs_value
result += (q_1 + qb_1) * (q_2 + qb_2) * xs_value
return result / 2 # identical protons
return result / (2 * x_1 * x_2) # identical protons
def vectorized(events):
result = np.empty(events.shape[0])
@ -343,14 +343,14 @@ We begin by implementing the same sermon for the lab frame.
Let's set up a cut for the η of the other photon and codify our
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
other_eta_cut = -2.5 < CutOtherEta() < 2.5
cut_part = (CutpT() > 2000) & (-2.5 < CutOtherEta() < 2.5)
def part_dist(eta):
if isinstance(eta, np.ndarray):
return np.array([part_dist(s_η) for s_η in eta])
if not other_eta_cut([0, eta, 0.5, 1]):
if not cut_part([e_proton, eta, 0.5, 1]) :
return 0
return 2 * np.pi * c_xs.diff_xs_eta(e_proton, -1 / 3, eta, 0.5, 1)
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ The total cross section is as follows:
: IntegrationResult(result=5.4416934204711784e-14, sigma=9.756444488333038e-17, N=65626)
: IntegrationResult(result=3.325064936980328e-14, sigma=9.462497477597356e-17, N=94315)
We have to convert that to picobarn.
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ We have to convert that to picobarn.
| 2.1188831676148063e-05 | 3.798958229496718e-08 |
| 1.2947116975920639e-05 | 3.6845013270046635e-08 |
That is compatible with sherpa!
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ We can take some samples as well.
: -2.4999601983216055
: -1.8206638753300048
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
part_hist = np.histogram(part_samples, bins=50, range=[-2.5, 2.5])
@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ draw_histogram(ax, part_hist)
: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f99b08ee7f0>
: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f17d44a51f0>
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
@ -429,11 +429,11 @@ draw_histogram(ax, part_hist)
: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f99b07fbe80>
: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f17e664a400>
* Total XS
* Total xS
Now, it would be interesting to know the total cross section.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
@ -449,16 +449,43 @@ Now, it would be interesting to know the total cross section.
xs_int_res, xs_sample = monte_carlo.integrate(
lambda x: gev_to_pb(2 * np.pi * dist_η_vec(x)),
np.array([interval_η, [pdf.xMin, 1], [pdf.xMin, 1]]),
num_points=1000000, # 8000000,
xs_int_res.result, xs_int_res.sigma
| 0.01134143962110799 | 0.0002881603770957593 |
# [goto error]
: NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
: <ipython-input-4-f3208878798b> in <module>
: ----> 1 dist_η_vec, _ = get_xs_distribution_with_pdf(
: 2 c_xs.diff_xs_eta,
: 3 c_xs.averaged_tchanel_q2,
: 4 e_proton,
: 5 cut=(CutpT() > min_pT) & (interval_η[0] < CutOtherEta() < interval_η[1]),
: NameError: name 'get_xs_distribution_with_pdf' is not defined
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
xs_int_res.result, xs_int_res.sigma
# [goto error]
: NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
: <ipython-input-5-e8ad6977c4b3> in <module>
: ----> 1 xs_int_res.result, xs_int_res.sigma
: NameError: name 'xs_int_res' is not defined
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
sherpa, sherpa_σ = np.loadtxt('../../runcards/pp/sherpa_xs')
@ -466,20 +493,28 @@ Now, it would be interesting to know the total cross section.
| 0.0151293 | 1.56851e-05 |
| 2.95235e-05 | 4.6442e-08 |
A factor of two used to be in here. It stemmed from the fact, that
there are two identical protons.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
(xs_int_res.result - sherpa)
: 0.003823696866720681
# [goto error]
: NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
: <ipython-input-7-124002796006> in <module>
: ----> 1 (xs_int_res.result/sherpa)
: NameError: name 'xs_int_res' is not defined
**Weird enough, the values are compatible if we choose memeber ~1~ in
They are not compatible, but that changes a lot if one changes the
multiplication order!
We use this as upper bound, as the maximizer is bogus because of the
@ -489,7 +524,16 @@ cuts!
: 1.705293367885849e-09
# [goto error]
: NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
: <ipython-input-8-14c8ec7e4df3> in <module>
: ----> 1 upper_bound = pb_to_gev(xs_sample.max()) * 1.01
: 2 upper_bound
: NameError: name 'xs_sample' is not defined
* Event generation
We set up a new distribution. Look at that cut sugar!
@ -517,8 +561,8 @@ Plotting it, we can see that the variance is reduced.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f99b0516100> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f17e857a550> |
Lets plot how the pdf looks.
@ -531,7 +575,7 @@ Lets plot how the pdf looks.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f99b041fe20> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f17e70a3e80> |
@ -556,7 +600,7 @@ figure out the cpu mapping.
: 0.0005637354643781789
: 0.0004062633291962335
The efficiency is still quite horrible, but at least an order of
mag. better than with cosθ.
@ -571,41 +615,48 @@ Let's look at a histogramm of eta samples.
: 1000000
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
gev_to_pb(eff * (intervals_η[:, 1] - intervals_η[:, 0]).prod() * 5.5e-10) * 2*np.pi
sherpa_manual = np.loadtxt("../../runcards/pp/eta.list", skiprows=57)
sherpa_manual_pT = np.loadtxt("../../runcards/pp/pt.list", skiprows=57)
: 0.0015171232016797228
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
yoda_file ="../../runcards/pp/analysis/Analysis.yoda")
yoda_hist = yoda_to_numpy(yoda_file["/MC_DIPHOTON_PROTON/eta"])
fig, (ax, _) = draw_ratio_plot(
dict(hist=np.histogram(result[:, 0], bins=50, range=interval_η)),
dict(hist=yoda_hist, hist_kwargs=dict(label="sherpa")),
#dict(hist=np.histogram(sherpa_manual, bins=50, range=interval_η), hist_kwargs=dict(label="sherpa")),
# [goto error]
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
: <ipython-input-23-a098cca19edd> in <module>
: 1 yoda_file ="../../runcards/pp/analysis/Analysis.yoda")
: ----> 2 yoda_hist = yoda_to_numpy(yoda_file["/MC_DIPHOTON_PROTON/eta"])
: 3 draw_ratio_plot(
: 4 [
: 5 dict(hist=yoda_hist),
: KeyError: '/MC_DIPHOTON_PROTON/eta'
: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f17c4cb2e50>
That looks OK.
Hah! there we have it!
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
mom = momenta(e_proton, result[:,1], result[:,2], np.cos(η_to_θ(result[:,0])))[2]
#+begin_src jupyter-python :exports both :results raw drawer
from tangled import observables
: 3569.3425401782774
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ def get_xs_distribution_with_pdf(
if quarks is not None
else np.array(
# [[5, -1 / 3], [4, 2 / 3], [3, -1 / 3], [2, 2 / 3], [1, -1 / 3]]
#[[5, -1 / 3], [4, 2 / 3], [3, -1 / 3], [2, 2 / 3], [1, -1 / 3]]
[[1, -1 / 3]]
) # all the light quarks
@ -261,18 +261,19 @@ def get_xs_distribution_with_pdf(
q2_value = q(e_hadron, x_1, x_2)
result = 0
for quark, charge in quarks:
pdf_values = (
xfxQ2(quarks[:, 0], x_1, q2_value),
xfxQ2(-quarks[:, 0], x_1, q2_value),
xfxQ2(quarks[:, 0], x_2, q2_value),
xfxQ2(-quarks[:, 0], x_2, q2_value),
for (quark, charge), q_1, qb_1, q_2, qb_2 in zip(quarks, *pdf_values):
xs_value = xs(e_hadron, charge, angle_arg, x_1, x_2)
result += (
(xfxQ2(quark, x_1, q2_value) + xfxQ2(-quark, x_1, q2_value))
/ x_1
* (xfxQ2(-quark, x_2, q2_value) + xfxQ2(quark, x_2, q2_value))
/ x_2
* xs_value
result += (q_1 + qb_1) * (q_2 + qb_2) * xs_value
return result / 2 # identical protons
return result / (2 * x_1 * x_2) # identical protons
def vectorized(events):
result = np.empty(events.shape[0])
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# event count
EVENTS: 100000/8 # / num_cpus
EVENTS: 1000000/8 # / num_cpus
# save results
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ BEAMS: [2212, 2212]
PDF_SET: NNPDF31_lo_as_0118
# - FlatPDF
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ MI_HANDLER: None
# cuts
- [Eta, 22, -1, 1]
- [PT, 22, 200, 200000000]
- [PT, 22, 500, 200000000]
# no transverse impulses
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ MI_HANDLER: None
# cut to $\abs{\eta} \leq 2.5$, and $p_T \geq 20$ GeV
- [Eta, 22, -2.5, 2.5]
# - [PT, 22, 200, 200000000]
- [PT, 22, 2000, 200000000]
# no transverse impulses