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Credits and references
Arb is licensed GNU General Public License version 2, or any later version.
Fredrik's work on Arb is supported by Austrian Science Fund FWF Grant Y464-N18
(Fast Computer Algebra for Special Functions).
Arb includes code by Bill Hart and
Sebastian Pancratz taken from FLINT (also licensed GPL 2.0+).
The following software has been helpful in the development of Arb.
* GMP (Torbjörn Granlund and others), http://gmplib.org
* MPIR (Brian Gladman, Jason Moxham, William Hart and others), http://mpir.org
* MPFR (Guillaume Hanrot, Vincent Lefèvre, Patrick Pélissier, Philippe Théveny, Paul Zimmermann and others), http://mpfr.org
* FLINT (William Hart, Sebastian Pancratz, Andy Novocin, Fredrik Johansson, David Harvey and others), http://flintlib.org
* Sage (William Stein and others), http://sagemath.org
* SymPy (Ondřej Čertík, Aaron Meurer and others), http://sympy.org
* mpmath (Fredrik Johansson and others), http://mpmath.org
* Mathematica (Wolfram Research), http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica
* HolonomicFunctions (Christoph Koutschan), http://www.risc.jku.at/research/combinat/software/HolonomicFunctions/
* Sphinx (George Brandl and others), http://sphinx.pocoo.org
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