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.. _acb-dirichlet:
**acb_dirichlet.h** -- Dirichlet L-functions, zeta functions, and related functions
*Warning: the interfaces in this module are experimental and may change
without notice.*
This module allows working with values of Dirichlet characters, Dirichlet L-functions,
and related functions. Working with Dirichlet characters is documented in
A Dirichlet L-function is the analytic continuation of an L-series
.. math ::
L(s,\chi) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{\chi(k)}{k^s}
where `\chi(k)` is a Dirichlet character.
The code in other modules for computing the Riemann zeta function,
Hurwitz zeta function and polylogarithm will possibly be migrated to this
module in the future.
Character evaluation
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_chi(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, ulong n, slong prec)
Sets *res* to `\chi(n)`, the value of the Dirichlet character *chi*
at the integer *n*.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_chi_vec(acb_ptr v, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong nv, slong prec)
Compute the *nv* first Dirichlet values.
Roots of unity
.. type:: acb_dirichlet_powers_struct
.. type:: acb_dirichlet_powers_t
This structure allows to compute *n* powers of a fixed root of unity of order *m*
using precomputations. Extremal cases are
- all powers are stored: `O(m)` initialization + storage, `O(n)` evaluations
- nothing stored: `O(1)` initialization + storage, `O(\log(m)n)` evaluations
- `k` step decomposition: `O(k m^{\frac1k})` init + storage, `O((k-1)n)` evaluations.
Currently, only baby-step giant-step decomposition (i.e. `k=2`)
is implemented, allowing to obtain each power using one multiplication.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_powers_init(acb_dirichlet_powers_t t, ulong order, slong num, slong prec)
Initialize the powers structure for *num* evaluations of powers of the root of unity
of order *order*.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_powers_clear(acb_dirichlet_powers_t t)
Clears *t*.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_power(acb_t z, const acb_dirichlet_powers_t t, ulong n, slong prec)
Sets *z* to `x^n` where *t* contains precomputed powers of `x`.
Gauss and Jacobi sums
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_gauss_sum_naive(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_gauss_sum_factor(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_gauss_sum_order2(acb_t res, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_gauss_sum_theta(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_gauss_sum(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_gauss_sum_ui(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong a, slong prec)
Sets *res* to the Gauss sum
.. math::
G_q(a) = \sum_{x \bmod q} \chi_q(a, x) e^{\frac{2i\pi x}q}
- the *naive* version computes the sum as defined.
- the *factor* version writes it as a product of local Gauss sums by chinese
remainder theorem.
- the *order2* version assumes *chi* is real and primitive and returns
`i^p\sqrt q` where `p` is the parity of `\chi`.
- the *theta* version assumes that *chi* is primitive to obtain the Gauss
sum by functional equation of the theta series at `t=1`. An abort will be
raised if the theta series vanishes at `t=1`. Only 4 exceptional
characters of conductor 300 and 600 are known to have this particularity,
and none with primepower modulus.
- the default version automatically combines the above methods.
- the *ui* version only takes the Conrey number *a* as parameter.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_jacobi_sum_naive(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi1, const dirichlet_char_t chi2, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_jacobi_sum_factor(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi1, const dirichlet_char_t chi2, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_jacobi_sum_gauss(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi1, const dirichlet_char_t chi2, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_jacobi_sum(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi1, const dirichlet_char_t chi2, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_jacobi_sum_ui(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong a, ulong b, slong prec)
Computes the Jacobi sum
.. math::
J_q(a,b) = \sum_{x \bmod q} \chi_q(a, x)\chi_q(b, 1-x)
- the *naive* version computes the sum as defined.
- the *factor* version writes it as a product of local Jacobi sums
- the *gauss* version assumes `ab` is primitive and uses the formula
`J_q(a,b)G_q(ab) = G_q(a)G_q(b)`
- the default version automatically combines the above methods.
- the *ui* version only takes the Conrey numbers *a* and *b* as parameters.
Theta sums
We call *theta series* of a Dirichlet character the quadratic series
.. math::
\Theta_q(a) = \sum_{n\geq 0} \chi_q(a, n) n^p x^{n^2}
where `p` is the parity of the character `\chi_q(a,\cdot)`.
For `\Re(t)>0` we write `x(t)=\exp(-\frac{\pi}{N}t^2)` and define
.. math::
\Theta_q(a,t) = \sum_{n\geq 0} \chi_q(a, n) x(t)^{n^2}.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_chi_theta_arb(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, const arb_t t, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_ui_theta_arb(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong a, const arb_t t, slong prec)
Compute the theta series `\Theta_q(a,t)` for real argument `t>0`.
Beware that if `t<1` the functional equation
.. math::
t \theta(a,t) = \epsilon(\chi) \theta\left(\frac1a, \frac1t\right)
should be used, which is not done automatically (to avoid recomputing the
Gauss sum).
.. function:: ulong acb_dirichlet_theta_length(ulong q, const arb_t t, slong prec)
Compute the number of terms to be summed in the theta series of argument *t*
so that the tail is less than `2^{-\mathrm{prec}}`.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_qseries_powers_naive(acb_t res, const arb_t x, int p, const ulong * a, const acb_dirichlet_powers_t z, slong len, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_qseries_powers_smallorder(acb_t res, const arb_t x, int p, const ulong * a, const acb_dirichlet_powers_t z, slong len, slong prec)
Compute the series `\sum n^p z^{a_n} x^{n^2}` for exponent list *a*,
precomputed powers *z* and parity *p* (being 0 or 1).
The *naive* version sums the series as defined, while the *smallorder*
variant evaluates the series on the quotient ring by a cyclotomic polynomial
before evaluating at the root of unity, ignoring its argument *z*.
Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT)
Let *G* be a finite abelian group, and `\chi` a character of *G*.
For any map `f:G\to\mathbb C`, the discrete fourier transform
`\hat f:\hat G\to \mathbb C` is defined by
.. math::
\hat f(\chi) = \sum_{x\in G}\chi(x)f(x)
Fast Fourier Transform techniques allow to compute efficiently
all values `\hat f(\chi)`.
For a Dirichlet group `G` modulo `q`, we take advantage
of the Conrey isomorphism `G \to \hat G` to consider the
the Fourier transform on Conrey labels as
.. math::
g(a) = \sum_{b\bmod q}\chi_q(a,b)f(b)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_dft_conrey(acb_ptr w, acb_srcptr v, const dirichlet_group_t G, slong prec)
Compute the DFT of *v* using Conrey indices.
This function assumes *v* and *w* are vectors
of size *G->phi_q*, whose values correspond to a lexicographic ordering
of Conrey logs (as obtained using :func:`dirichlet_conrey_next` or
by :func:`dirichlet_index_conrey`).
For example, if `q=15`, the Conrey elements are stored in following
======= ============= =====================
index log = [e,f] number = 7^e 11^f
======= ============= =====================
0 [0, 0] 1
1 [0, 1] 7
2 [0, 2] 4
3 [0, 3] 13
4 [0, 4] 1
5 [1, 0] 11
6 [1, 1] 2
7 [1, 2] 14
8 [1, 3] 8
9 [1, 4] 11
======= ============= =====================
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_dft(acb_ptr w, acb_srcptr v, const dirichlet_group_t G, slong prec)
Compute the DFT of *v* using Conrey numbers.
This function assumes *v* and *w* are vectors of size *G->q*.
All values at index not coprime to *G->q* are ignored.
Euler products
.. function:: void _acb_dirichlet_euler_product_real_ui(arb_t res, ulong s, const signed char * chi, int mod, int reciprocal, slong prec)
Sets *res* to `L(s,\chi)` where `\chi` is a real Dirichlet character
given by the explicit list *chi* of character values at
0, 1, ..., *mod* - 1. If *reciprocal* is set, computes `1 / L(s,\chi)`
(this is faster if the reciprocal can be used directly).
This function uses the Euler product, and is only intended for use when
*s* is large. An error bound is computed via :func:`mag_hurwitz_zeta_uiui`.
.. math ::
\frac{1}{L(s,\chi)} = \prod_{p} \left(1 - \frac{\chi(p)}{p^s}\right)
= \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{\mu(k)\chi(k)}{k^s}
and the truncated product gives all smooth-index terms in the series, we have
.. math ::
\left|\prod_{p < N} \left(1 - \frac{\chi(p)}{p^s}\right) - \frac{1}{L(s,\chi)}\right|
\le \sum_{k=N}^{\infty} \frac{1}{k^s} = \zeta(s,N).
Simple functions
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_eta(acb_t res, const acb_t s, slong prec)
Sets *res* to the Dirichlet eta function
`\eta(s) = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} (-1)^k / k^s = (1-2^{1-s}) \zeta(s)`,
also known as the alternating zeta function.
Note that the alternating character `\{1,-1\}` is not itself
a Dirichlet character.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_root_number_theta(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_root_number(acb_t res, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
Sets *res* to the root number `\epsilon(\chi)` for a primitive character *chi*,
which appears in the functional equation (where `p` is the parity of `\chi`):
.. math::
(\frac{q}{π})^{\frac{s+p}2}\Gamma(\frac{s+p}2) L(s, \chi) = \epsilon(\chi) (\frac{q}{π})^{\frac{1-s+p}2}\Gamma(\frac{1-s+p}2) L(1 - s, \overline\chi)
- The *theta* variant uses the evaluation at `t=1` of the Theta series.
- The default version computes it via the gauss sum.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_l_hurwitz(acb_t res, const acb_t s, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
Compute `L(s,\chi)` using decomposition in terms of the Hurwitz zeta function
.. math::
L(s,\chi) = q^{-s}\sum_{k=1}^{q-1} \chi(k) \,\zeta\!\left(s,\frac kq\right).
If `s = 1` and `\chi` is non-principal, the deflated Hurwitz zeta function
is used to avoid poles.
This formula is slow for large *q*.
.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_l_vec_hurwitz(acb_ptr res, const acb_t s, const dirichlet_group_t G, slong prec)
Compute all values `L(s,\chi)` for `\chi` mod `q`, by Hurwitz formula and
discrete Fourier transform.
*res* is assumed to have length *G->phi_q* and values are stored by lexicographically ordered
Conrey logs. See :func:`acb_dirichlet_dft_conrey`.