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.. _bool-mat:
**bool_mat.h** -- matrices over booleans
A :type:`bool_mat_t` represents a dense matrix over the boolean
semiring `\langle \left\{0, 1\right\}, \vee, \wedge \rangle`,
implemented as an array of entries of type :type:`int`.
The dimension (number of rows and columns) of a matrix is fixed at
initialization, and the user must ensure that inputs and outputs to
an operation have compatible dimensions. The number of rows or columns
in a matrix can be zero.
Types, macros and constants
.. type:: bool_mat_struct
.. type:: bool_mat_t
Contains a pointer to a flat array of the entries (entries), an array of
pointers to the start of each row (rows), and the number of rows (r)
and columns (c).
An *bool_mat_t* is defined as an array of length one of type
*bool_mat_struct*, permitting an *bool_mat_t* to
be passed by reference.
.. function:: int bool_mat_get_entry(const bool_mat_t mat, slong i, slong j)
Returns the entry of matrix *mat* at row *i* and column *j*.
.. function:: void bool_mat_set_entry(bool_mat_t mat, slong i, slong j, int x)
Sets the entry of matrix *mat* at row *i* and column *j* to *x*.
.. macro:: bool_mat_nrows(mat)
Returns the number of rows of the matrix.
.. macro:: bool_mat_ncols(mat)
Returns the number of columns of the matrix.
Memory management
.. function:: void bool_mat_init(bool_mat_t mat, slong r, slong c)
Initializes the matrix, setting it to the zero matrix with *r* rows
and *c* columns.
.. function:: void bool_mat_clear(bool_mat_t mat)
Clears the matrix, deallocating all entries.
.. macro:: int bool_mat_is_empty(const bool_mat_t mat)
Returns nonzero iff the number of rows or the number of columns in *mat*
is zero. Note that this does not depend on the entry values of *mat*.
.. macro:: int bool_mat_is_square(const bool_mat_t mat)
Returns nonzero iff the number of rows is equal to the number of columns in *mat*.
.. function:: void bool_mat_set(bool_mat_t dest, const bool_mat_t src)
Sets *dest* to *src*. The operands must have identical dimensions.
Input and output
.. function:: void bool_mat_print(const bool_mat_t mat)
Prints each entry in the matrix.
.. function:: void bool_mat_fprint(FILE * file, const bool_mat_t mat)
Prints each entry in the matrix to the stream *file*.
Value comparisons
.. function:: int bool_mat_equal(const bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2)
Returns nonzero iff the matrices have the same dimensions
and identical entries.
.. function:: int bool_mat_any(const bool_mat_t mat)
Returns nonzero iff *mat* has a nonzero entry.
.. function:: int bool_mat_all(const bool_mat_t mat)
Returns nonzero iff all entries of *mat* are nonzero.
.. function:: int bool_mat_is_diagonal(const bool_mat_t A)
Returns nonzero iff `i \ne j \implies \bar{A_{ij}}`.
.. function:: int bool_mat_is_lower_triangular(const bool_mat_t A)
Returns nonzero iff `i < j \implies \bar{A_{ij}}`.
.. function:: int bool_mat_is_transitive(const bool_mat_t mat)
Returns nonzero iff `A_{ij} \wedge A_{jk} \implies A_{ik}`.
.. function:: int bool_mat_is_nilpotent(const bool_mat_t A)
Returns nonzero iff some positive matrix power of `A` is zero.
Random generation
.. function:: void bool_mat_randtest(bool_mat_t mat, flint_rand_t state)
Sets *mat* to a random matrix.
.. function:: void bool_mat_randtest_diagonal(bool_mat_t mat, flint_rand_t state)
Sets *mat* to a random diagonal matrix.
.. function:: void bool_mat_randtest_nilpotent(bool_mat_t mat, flint_rand_t state)
Sets *mat* to a random nilpotent matrix.
Special matrices
.. function:: void bool_mat_zero(bool_mat_t mat)
Sets all entries in mat to zero.
.. function:: void bool_mat_one(bool_mat_t mat)
Sets the entries on the main diagonal to ones,
and all other entries to zero.
.. function:: void bool_mat_directed_path(bool_mat_t A)
Sets `A_{ij}` to `j = i + 1`.
Requires that `A` is a square matrix.
.. function:: void bool_mat_directed_cycle(bool_mat_t A)
Sets `A_{ij}` to `j = (i + 1) \mod n`
where `n` is the order of the square matrix `A`.
.. function:: void bool_mat_transpose(bool_mat_t dest, const bool_mat_t src)
Sets *dest* to the transpose of *src*. The operands must have
compatible dimensions. Aliasing is allowed.
.. function:: void bool_mat_complement(bool_mat_t B, const bool_mat_t A)
Sets *B* to the logical complement of *A*.
That is `B_{ij}` is set to `\bar{A_{ij}}`.
The operands must have the same dimensions.
.. function:: void bool_mat_add(bool_mat_t res, const bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2)
Sets *res* to the sum of *mat1* and *mat2*.
The operands must have the same dimensions.
.. function:: void bool_mat_mul(bool_mat_t res, const bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2)
Sets *res* to the matrix product of *mat1* and *mat2*.
The operands must have compatible dimensions for matrix multiplication.
.. function:: void bool_mat_mul_entrywise(bool_mat_t res, const bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2)
Sets *res* to the entrywise product of *mat1* and *mat2*.
The operands must have the same dimensions.
.. macro:: void bool_mat_sqr(bool_mat_t B, const bool_mat_t A)
Sets *B* to the matrix square of *A*.
The operands must both be square with the same dimensions.
.. function:: void bool_mat_pow_ui(bool_mat_t B, const bool_mat_t A, ulong exp)
Sets *B* to *A* raised to the power *exp*.
Requires that *A* is a square matrix.
Special functions
.. function:: int bool_mat_trace(const bool_mat_t mat)
Returns the trace of the matrix, i.e. the sum of entries on the
main diagonal of *mat*. The matrix is required to be square.
The sum is in the boolean semiring, so this function returns nonzero iff
any entry on the diagonal of *mat* is nonzero.
.. function:: slong bool_mat_nilpotency_degree(const bool_mat_t A)
Returns the nilpotency degree of the `n \times n` matrix *A*.
It returns the smallest positive `k` such that `A^k = 0`.
If no such `k` exists then the function returns `-1` if `n` is positive,
and otherwise it returns `0`.
.. function:: void bool_mat_transitive_closure(bool_mat_t B, const bool_mat_t A)
Sets *B* to the transitive closure `\sum_{k=1}^\infty A^k`.
The matrix *A* is required to be square.
.. function:: slong bool_mat_get_strongly_connected_components(slong * p, const bool_mat_t A)
Partitions the `n` row and column indices of the `n \times n` matrix *A*
according to the strongly connected components (SCC) of the graph
for which *A* is the adjacency matrix.
If the graph has `k` SCCs then the function returns `k`,
and for each vertex `i \in [0, n-1]`,
`p_i` is set to the index of the SCC to which the vertex belongs.
The SCCs themselves can be considered as nodes in a directed acyclic
graph (DAG), and the SCCs are indexed in postorder with respect to that DAG.
.. function:: slong bool_mat_all_pairs_longest_walk(fmpz_mat_t B, const bool_mat_t A)
Sets `B_{ij}` to the length of the longest walk with endpoint vertices
`i` and `j` in the graph whose adjacency matrix is *A*.
The matrix *A* must be square. Empty walks with zero length
which begin and end at the same vertex are allowed. If `j` is not
reachable from `i` then no walk from `i` to `j` exists and `B_{ij}`
is set to the special value `-1`.
If arbitrarily long walks from `i` to `j` exist then `B_{ij}`
is set to the special value `-2`.
The function returns `-2` if any entry of `B_{ij}` is `-2`,
and otherwise it returns the maximum entry in `B`, except if `A` is empty
in which case `-1` is returned.
Note that the returned value is one less than
that of :func:`nilpotency_degree`.
This function can help quantify entrywise errors in a truncated evaluation
of a matrix power series. If *A* is an indictor matrix with the same
sparsity pattern as a matrix `M` over the real or complex numbers,
and if `B_{ij}` does not take the special value `-2`, then the tail
`\left[ \sum_{k=N}^\infty a_k M^k \right]_{ij}`
vanishes when `N > B_{ij}`.