/* Copyright (C) 2015 Fredrik Johansson This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "acb_hypgeom.h" static void bsplit(acb_t A, acb_t B, acb_t C, acb_t D, const acb_t b, const acb_t z, slong n0, slong n1, slong prec) { if (n1 - n0 == 1) { acb_zero(A); acb_one(B); acb_neg(C, b); acb_add_si(C, C, 2 - n0, prec); acb_mul_si(C, C, n0 - 1, prec); acb_sub(D, z, b, prec); acb_add_si(D, D, 2 - 2 * n0, prec); } else { slong m; acb_t T, A2, B2, C2, D2; acb_init(T); acb_init(A2); acb_init(B2); acb_init(C2); acb_init(D2); m = n0 + (n1 - n0) / 2; bsplit(A, B, C, D, b, z, n0, m, prec); bsplit(A2, B2, C2, D2, b, z, m, n1, prec); acb_set(T, A); acb_mul(A, A, A2, prec); acb_addmul(A, B2, C, prec); acb_mul(C, C, D2, prec); acb_addmul(C, C2, T, prec); acb_set(T, B); acb_mul(B, B, A2, prec); acb_addmul(B, B2, D, prec); acb_mul(D, D, D2, prec); acb_addmul(D, C2, T, prec); acb_clear(T); acb_clear(A2); acb_clear(B2); acb_clear(C2); acb_clear(D2); } } void acb_hypgeom_u_si_rec(acb_t res, slong a, const acb_t b, const acb_t z, slong prec) { slong k; acb_t u0, u1, t; if (a > 0) flint_abort(); if (a == 0) { acb_one(res); return; } else if (a == -1) { acb_sub(res, z, b, prec); return; } /* special-case U(-n, -n+1, z) = z^n */ if (acb_equal_si(b, a + 1)) { acb_pow_si(res, z, -a, prec); return; } acb_init(u0); acb_init(u1); acb_init(t); acb_one(u0); acb_sub(u1, z, b, prec); if (-a < 20) { for (k = 2; k <= -a; k++) { acb_neg(t, b); acb_add_si(t, t, 2 - k, prec); acb_mul_si(t, t, k - 1, prec); acb_mul(u0, u0, t, prec); acb_sub(t, z, b, prec); acb_add_si(t, t, 2 - 2 * k, prec); acb_addmul(u0, u1, t, prec); acb_swap(u0, u1); } acb_set(res, u1); } else { acb_t A, B, C, D; acb_init(A); acb_init(B); acb_init(C); acb_init(D); bsplit(A, B, C, D, b, z, 2, -a + 1, prec); acb_sub(A, z, b, prec); acb_mul(D, D, A, prec); acb_add(res, C, D, prec); acb_clear(A); acb_clear(B); acb_clear(C); acb_clear(D); } acb_clear(u0); acb_clear(u1); acb_clear(t); } void acb_hypgeom_u_1f1_series(acb_poly_t res, const acb_poly_t a, const acb_poly_t b, const acb_poly_t z, slong len, slong prec) { acb_poly_t s, u, A, B; acb_poly_struct aa[3]; arb_t c; slong wlen; int singular; acb_poly_init(s); acb_poly_init(u); acb_poly_init(A); acb_poly_init(B); acb_poly_init(aa + 0); acb_poly_init(aa + 1); acb_poly_init(aa + 2); arb_init(c); singular = (b->length == 0) || acb_is_int(b->coeffs); wlen = len + (singular != 0); /* A = rgamma(a-b+1) * 1F~1(a,b,z) */ acb_poly_sub(u, a, b, prec); acb_poly_add_si(u, u, 1, prec); acb_poly_rgamma_series(A, u, wlen, prec); /* todo: handle a = 1 efficiently */ acb_poly_set(aa, a); acb_poly_set(aa + 1, b); acb_poly_one(aa + 2); acb_hypgeom_pfq_series_direct(s, aa, 1, aa + 1, 2, z, 1, -1, wlen, prec); acb_poly_mullow(A, A, s, wlen, prec); /* B = rgamma(a) * 1F~1(a-b+1,2-b,z) * z^(1-b) */ acb_poly_set(aa, u); acb_poly_add_si(aa + 1, b, -2, prec); acb_poly_neg(aa + 1, aa + 1); acb_hypgeom_pfq_series_direct(s, aa, 1, aa + 1, 2, z, 1, -1, wlen, prec); acb_poly_rgamma_series(B, a, wlen, prec); acb_poly_mullow(B, B, s, wlen, prec); acb_poly_add_si(u, b, -1, prec); acb_poly_neg(u, u); acb_poly_pow_series(s, z, u, wlen, prec); acb_poly_mullow(B, B, s, wlen, prec); acb_poly_sub(A, A, B, prec); /* multiply by pi csc(pi b) */ acb_poly_sin_pi_series(B, b, wlen, prec); if (singular) { acb_poly_shift_right(A, A, 1); acb_poly_shift_right(B, B, 1); } acb_poly_div_series(res, A, B, len, prec); arb_const_pi(c, prec); _acb_vec_scalar_mul_arb(res->coeffs, res->coeffs, res->length, c, prec); acb_poly_clear(s); acb_poly_clear(u); acb_poly_clear(A); acb_poly_clear(B); acb_poly_clear(aa + 0); acb_poly_clear(aa + 1); acb_poly_clear(aa + 2); arb_clear(c); } void acb_hypgeom_u_1f1(acb_t res, const acb_t a, const acb_t b, const acb_t z, slong prec) { if (acb_is_int(b)) { acb_poly_t aa, bb, zz; acb_poly_init(aa); acb_poly_init(bb); acb_poly_init(zz); acb_poly_set_acb(aa, a); acb_poly_set_coeff_acb(bb, 0, b); acb_poly_set_coeff_si(bb, 1, 1); acb_poly_set_acb(zz, z); acb_hypgeom_u_1f1_series(zz, aa, bb, zz, 1, prec); acb_poly_get_coeff_acb(res, zz, 0); acb_poly_clear(aa); acb_poly_clear(bb); acb_poly_clear(zz); } else { acb_t t, u, v; acb_struct aa[3]; acb_init(t); acb_init(u); acb_init(v); acb_init(aa + 0); acb_init(aa + 1); acb_init(aa + 2); acb_set(aa, a); acb_set(aa + 1, b); acb_one(aa + 2); acb_hypgeom_pfq_direct(u, aa, 1, aa + 1, 2, z, -1, prec); acb_sub(aa, a, b, prec); acb_add_ui(aa, aa, 1, prec); acb_sub_ui(aa + 1, b, 2, prec); acb_neg(aa + 1, aa + 1); acb_hypgeom_pfq_direct(v, aa, 1, aa + 1, 2, z, -1, prec); acb_sub_ui(aa + 1, b, 1, prec); /* rgamma(a-b+1) * gamma(1-b) * u */ acb_rgamma(t, aa, prec); acb_mul(u, u, t, prec); acb_neg(t, aa + 1); acb_gamma(t, t, prec); acb_mul(u, u, t, prec); /* rgamma(a) * gamma(b-1) * z^(1-b) * v */ acb_rgamma(t, a, prec); acb_mul(v, v, t, prec); acb_gamma(t, aa + 1, prec); acb_mul(v, v, t, prec); acb_neg(t, aa + 1); acb_pow(t, z, t, prec); acb_mul(v, v, t, prec); acb_add(res, u, v, prec); acb_clear(t); acb_clear(u); acb_clear(v); acb_clear(aa + 0); acb_clear(aa + 1); acb_clear(aa + 2); } } void acb_hypgeom_u_choose(int * asymp, slong * wp, const acb_t a, const acb_t b, const acb_t z, slong prec) { double x, y, t, cancellation; double input_accuracy, direct_accuracy, asymp_accuracy; *asymp = 0; *wp = prec; input_accuracy = acb_rel_one_accuracy_bits(z); t = acb_rel_one_accuracy_bits(a); input_accuracy = FLINT_MIN(input_accuracy, t); t = acb_rel_one_accuracy_bits(b); input_accuracy = FLINT_MIN(input_accuracy, t); input_accuracy = FLINT_MAX(input_accuracy, 0.0); /* From here we ignore the values of a, b. Taking them into account is a possible future improvement... */ /* Tiny |z|. */ if ((arf_cmpabs_2exp_si(arb_midref(acb_realref(z)), 2) < 0 && arf_cmpabs_2exp_si(arb_midref(acb_imagref(z)), 2) < 0)) { *asymp = 0; *wp = FLINT_MAX(2, FLINT_MIN(input_accuracy + 20, prec)); return; } /* Huge |z|. */ if ((arf_cmpabs_2exp_si(arb_midref(acb_realref(z)), 64) > 0 || arf_cmpabs_2exp_si(arb_midref(acb_imagref(z)), 64) > 0)) { *asymp = 1; *wp = FLINT_MAX(2, FLINT_MIN(input_accuracy + 20, prec)); return; } x = arf_get_d(arb_midref(acb_realref(z)), ARF_RND_DOWN); y = arf_get_d(arb_midref(acb_imagref(z)), ARF_RND_DOWN); asymp_accuracy = sqrt(x * x + y * y) * 1.44269504088896; /* The Kummer transformation gives less cancellation with the 1F1 series. if (x < 0.0) { *kummer = 1; x = -x; } */ if (asymp_accuracy >= prec) { *asymp = 1; *wp = FLINT_MAX(2, FLINT_MIN(input_accuracy + 20, prec)); return; } /* Assume U ~ 1, M ~ exp(|z|) (there is cancellation both in the evaluation of M and in the linear combination) -- a better estimate would account for a, b. */ cancellation = sqrt(x * x + y * y) * 1.44269504088896 + 5; direct_accuracy = input_accuracy - cancellation; if (direct_accuracy > asymp_accuracy) { *asymp = 0; *wp = FLINT_MAX(2, FLINT_MIN(input_accuracy + 20, prec + cancellation)); } else { *asymp = 1; *wp = FLINT_MAX(2, FLINT_MIN(input_accuracy + 20, prec)); } } void acb_hypgeom_u(acb_t res, const acb_t a, const acb_t b, const acb_t z, slong prec) { acb_t t; arf_srcptr av, tv; av = arb_midref(acb_realref(a)); /* Handle small polynomial cases without divisions. */ /* todo: should incorporate a -> 1+a-b transformation, also... */ if (acb_is_int(a) && arf_sgn(av) <= 0) { if (arf_cmpabs_ui(av, 30) < 0 || (arf_cmpabs_ui(av, prec) < 0 && ((acb_bits(b) < 0.1 * prec && acb_bits(z) < 0.1 * prec) || acb_contains_zero(z)))) { acb_hypgeom_u_si_rec(res, arf_get_si(av, ARF_RND_DOWN), b, z, prec); return; } } acb_init(t); acb_sub(t, a, b, prec); acb_add_ui(t, t, 1, prec); tv = arb_midref(acb_realref(t)); /* todo: combine these conditions with the code below */ if ((acb_is_int(a) && arf_sgn(av) <= 0) || (acb_is_int(t) && arf_sgn(tv) <= 0) || acb_hypgeom_u_use_asymp(z, prec)) { acb_neg(t, a); acb_pow(t, z, t, prec); acb_hypgeom_u_asymp(res, a, b, z, -1, prec); acb_mul(res, res, t, prec); } else { slong wp; int asymp; acb_hypgeom_u_choose(&asymp, &wp, a, b, z, prec); if (asymp) { acb_neg(t, a); acb_pow(t, z, t, prec); acb_hypgeom_u_asymp(res, a, b, z, -1, wp); acb_mul(res, res, t, prec); } else { acb_hypgeom_u_1f1(res, a, b, z, wp); acb_set_round(res, res, prec); } } acb_clear(t); }