/* Copyright (C) 2016 Arb authors This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #ifndef BOOL_MAT_H #define BOOL_MAT_H #ifdef BOOL_MAT_INLINES_C #define BOOL_MAT_INLINE #else #define BOOL_MAT_INLINE static __inline__ #endif #include #include "flint/flint.h" #include "flint/fmpz_mat.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* currently defined in the arb module, but global to the library */ double arb_test_multiplier(void); typedef struct { int *entries; slong r; slong c; int **rows; } bool_mat_struct; typedef bool_mat_struct bool_mat_t[1]; #define bool_mat_nrows(mat) ((mat)->r) #define bool_mat_ncols(mat) ((mat)->c) BOOL_MAT_INLINE int bool_mat_get_entry(const bool_mat_t mat, slong i, slong j) { return mat->rows[i][j]; } BOOL_MAT_INLINE void bool_mat_set_entry(bool_mat_t mat, slong i, slong j, int value) { mat->rows[i][j] = value; } /* Memory management */ void bool_mat_init(bool_mat_t mat, slong r, slong c); void bool_mat_clear(bool_mat_t mat); BOOL_MAT_INLINE void bool_mat_swap(bool_mat_t mat1, bool_mat_t mat2) { bool_mat_struct t = *mat1; *mat1 = *mat2; *mat2 = t; } /* Conversions */ void bool_mat_set(bool_mat_t dest, const bool_mat_t src); /* Random generation */ void bool_mat_randtest(bool_mat_t mat, flint_rand_t state); void bool_mat_randtest_diagonal(bool_mat_t mat, flint_rand_t state); void bool_mat_randtest_nilpotent(bool_mat_t mat, flint_rand_t state); /* I/O */ void bool_mat_fprint(FILE * file, const bool_mat_t mat); BOOL_MAT_INLINE void bool_mat_print(const bool_mat_t mat) { bool_mat_fprint(stdout, mat); } /* Comparisons */ int bool_mat_equal(const bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2); int bool_mat_any(const bool_mat_t mat); int bool_mat_all(const bool_mat_t mat); int bool_mat_is_diagonal(const bool_mat_t mat); int bool_mat_is_lower_triangular(const bool_mat_t mat); int bool_mat_is_transitive(const bool_mat_t mat); int bool_mat_is_nilpotent(const bool_mat_t mat); BOOL_MAT_INLINE int bool_mat_is_empty(const bool_mat_t mat) { return (mat->r == 0) || (mat->c == 0); } BOOL_MAT_INLINE int bool_mat_is_square(const bool_mat_t mat) { return (mat->r == mat->c); } /* Special matrices */ void bool_mat_zero(bool_mat_t mat); void bool_mat_one(bool_mat_t mat); void bool_mat_directed_path(bool_mat_t mat); void bool_mat_directed_cycle(bool_mat_t mat); /* Transpose */ void bool_mat_transpose(bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2); /* Arithmetic */ void bool_mat_complement(bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2); void bool_mat_add(bool_mat_t res, const bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2); void bool_mat_mul(bool_mat_t res, const bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2); void bool_mat_mul_entrywise(bool_mat_t res, const bool_mat_t mat1, const bool_mat_t mat2); void bool_mat_pow_ui(bool_mat_t B, const bool_mat_t A, ulong exp); BOOL_MAT_INLINE void bool_mat_sqr(bool_mat_t B, const bool_mat_t A) { bool_mat_mul(B, A, A); } /* Special functions */ int bool_mat_trace(const bool_mat_t mat); slong bool_mat_nilpotency_degree(const bool_mat_t mat); void bool_mat_transitive_closure(bool_mat_t dest, const bool_mat_t src); slong bool_mat_get_strongly_connected_components(slong *partition, const bool_mat_t A); slong bool_mat_all_pairs_longest_walk(fmpz_mat_t B, const bool_mat_t A); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif