/* Copyright (C) 2016 Fredrik Johansson This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "acb_dirichlet.h" #define ONE_OVER_LOG2 1.4426950408889634 void acb_dirichlet_l_euler_product(acb_t res, const acb_t s, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec) { arf_t left; slong wp, powprec, left_s; ulong val, p, p_limit; double p_needed_approx, powmag, logp, errmag; int is_real; acb_t t, u, v, c; acb_dirichlet_roots_t roots; mag_t err; if (!acb_is_finite(s)) { acb_indeterminate(res); return; } arf_init(left); arf_set_mag(left, arb_radref(acb_realref(s))); arf_sub(left, arb_midref(acb_realref(s)), left, 2 * MAG_BITS, ARF_RND_FLOOR); /* Require re(s) >= 2. */ if (arf_cmp_si(left, 2) < 0) { acb_indeterminate(res); arf_clear(left); return; } is_real = acb_is_real(s) && dirichlet_char_is_real(G, chi); /* L(s) ~= 1. */ if (arf_cmp_si(left, prec) > 0) { acb_one(res); mag_hurwitz_zeta_uiui(arb_radref(acb_realref(res)), prec, 2); if (!is_real) mag_set(arb_radref(acb_imagref(res)), arb_radref(acb_realref(res))); acb_inv(res, res, prec); arf_clear(left); return; } left_s = arf_get_si(left, ARF_RND_FLOOR); /* Heuristic. */ wp = prec + FLINT_BIT_COUNT(prec) + (prec / left_s) + 4; /* Don't work too hard if a small s was passed as input. */ p_limit = 100 + prec * sqrt(prec); /* Truncating at p ~= 2^(prec/s) gives an error of 2^-prec */ if (((double) prec) / left_s > 50.0) p_needed_approx = pow(2.0, 50.0); else p_needed_approx = pow(2.0, ((double) prec) / left_s); p_needed_approx = FLINT_MIN(p_limit, p_needed_approx); /* todo: use exponent of chi instead of G? */ acb_dirichlet_roots_init(roots, G->expo, p_needed_approx / (1.0 + log(p_needed_approx)), wp); acb_init(t); acb_init(u); acb_init(v); acb_init(c); acb_one(v); for (p = 2; p < p_limit; p = n_nextprime(p, 1)) { /* p^s */ logp = log(p); powmag = left_s * logp * ONE_OVER_LOG2; /* zeta(s,p) ~= 1/p^s + 1/((s-1) p^(s-1)) */ errmag = (log(left_s - 1.0) + (left_s - 1.0) * logp) * ONE_OVER_LOG2; errmag = FLINT_MIN(powmag, errmag); if (errmag > prec + 2) break; powprec = FLINT_MAX(wp - powmag, 8); val = dirichlet_chi(G, chi, p); if (val != DIRICHLET_CHI_NULL) { acb_dirichlet_root(c, roots, val, powprec); acb_set_ui(t, p); acb_pow(t, t, s, powprec); acb_set_round(u, v, powprec); acb_div(t, u, t, powprec); acb_mul(t, t, c, powprec); acb_sub(v, v, t, wp); } } mag_init(err); mag_hurwitz_zeta_uiui(err, left_s, p); if (is_real) arb_add_error_mag(acb_realref(v), err); else acb_add_error_mag(v, err); mag_clear(err); acb_inv(res, v, prec); acb_dirichlet_roots_clear(roots); acb_clear(t); acb_clear(u); acb_clear(v); acb_clear(c); arf_clear(left); }