/* Copyright (C) 2013 Fredrik Johansson This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "arb_calc.h" #define BLOCK_NO_ZERO 0 #define BLOCK_ISOLATED_ZERO 1 #define BLOCK_UNKNOWN 2 /* 0 means that it *could* be zero; otherwise +/- 1 */ static __inline__ int _arb_sign(const arb_t t) { if (arb_is_positive(t)) return 1; else if (arb_is_negative(t)) return -1; else return 0; } static int check_block(arb_calc_func_t func, void * param, const arf_interval_t block, int asign, int bsign, slong prec) { arb_struct t[2]; arb_t x; int result; arb_init(t + 0); arb_init(t + 1); arb_init(x); arf_interval_get_arb(x, block, prec); func(t, x, param, 1, prec); result = BLOCK_UNKNOWN; if (arb_is_positive(t) || arb_is_negative(t)) { result = BLOCK_NO_ZERO; } else { if ((asign < 0 && bsign > 0) || (asign > 0 && bsign < 0)) { func(t, x, param, 2, prec); if (arb_is_finite(t + 1) && !arb_contains_zero(t + 1)) { result = BLOCK_ISOLATED_ZERO; } } } arb_clear(t + 0); arb_clear(t + 1); arb_clear(x); return result; } #define ADD_BLOCK \ if (*length >= *alloc) \ { \ slong new_alloc; \ new_alloc = (*alloc == 0) ? 1 : 2 * (*alloc); \ *blocks = flint_realloc(*blocks, sizeof(arf_interval_struct) * new_alloc); \ *flags = flint_realloc(*flags, sizeof(int) * new_alloc); \ *alloc = new_alloc; \ } \ arf_interval_init((*blocks) + *length); \ arf_interval_set((*blocks) + *length, block); \ (*flags)[*length] = status; \ (*length)++; \ static void isolate_roots_recursive(arf_interval_ptr * blocks, int ** flags, slong * length, slong * alloc, arb_calc_func_t func, void * param, const arf_interval_t block, int asign, int bsign, slong depth, slong * eval_count, slong * found_count, slong prec) { int status; if (*found_count <= 0 || *eval_count <= 0) { status = BLOCK_UNKNOWN; ADD_BLOCK } else { *eval_count -= 1; status = check_block(func, param, block, asign, bsign, prec); if (status != BLOCK_NO_ZERO) { if (status == BLOCK_ISOLATED_ZERO || depth <= 0) { if (status == BLOCK_ISOLATED_ZERO) { if (arb_calc_verbose) { flint_printf("found isolated root in: "); arf_interval_printd(block, 15); flint_printf("\n"); } *found_count -= 1; } ADD_BLOCK } else { arf_interval_t L, R; int msign; arf_interval_init(L); arf_interval_init(R); msign = arb_calc_partition(L, R, func, param, block, prec); if (msign == 0 && arb_calc_verbose) { flint_printf("possible zero at midpoint: "); arf_interval_printd(block, 15); flint_printf("\n"); } isolate_roots_recursive(blocks, flags, length, alloc, func, param, L, asign, msign, depth - 1, eval_count, found_count, prec); isolate_roots_recursive(blocks, flags, length, alloc, func, param, R, msign, bsign, depth - 1, eval_count, found_count, prec); arf_interval_clear(L); arf_interval_clear(R); } } } } slong arb_calc_isolate_roots(arf_interval_ptr * blocks, int ** flags, arb_calc_func_t func, void * param, const arf_interval_t block, slong maxdepth, slong maxeval, slong maxfound, slong prec) { int asign, bsign; slong length, alloc; arb_t m, v; *blocks = NULL; *flags = NULL; length = 0; alloc = 0; arb_init(m); arb_init(v); arb_set_arf(m, &block->a); func(v, m, param, 1, prec); asign = _arb_sign(v); arb_set_arf(m, &block->b); func(v, m, param, 1, prec); bsign = _arb_sign(v); arb_clear(m); arb_clear(v); isolate_roots_recursive(blocks, flags, &length, &alloc, func, param, block, asign, bsign, maxdepth, &maxeval, &maxfound, prec); *blocks = flint_realloc(*blocks, length * sizeof(arf_interval_struct)); *flags = flint_realloc(*flags, length * sizeof(int)); return length; }