/* Copyright (C) 2017 Fredrik Johansson This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "arb_hypgeom.h" #include "acb_calc.h" /* Gauss-Legendre quadrature nodes are cached to speed up multiple integrations and adaptive subdivision. The steps of 2^(n/2) used here give slightly better performance than steps of 2^n (we use at most 1.4x more points than needed and not 2x more points) but may require more precomputation. */ #define GL_STEPS 38 const slong gl_steps[GL_STEPS] = {1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 22, 32, 46, 64, 90, 128, 182, 256, 362, 512, 724, 1024, 1448, 2048, 2896, 4096, 5792, 8192, 11586, 16384, 23170, 32768, 46340, 65536, 92682, 131072, 185364, 262144, 370728, 524288, 741456}; typedef struct { slong gl_prec[GL_STEPS]; arb_ptr gl_nodes[GL_STEPS]; arb_ptr gl_weights[GL_STEPS]; } gl_cache_struct; TLS_PREFIX gl_cache_struct * gl_cache = NULL; void gl_cleanup() { slong i; if (gl_cache == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < GL_STEPS; i++) { if (gl_cache->gl_prec[i] != 0) { _arb_vec_clear(gl_cache->gl_nodes[i], (gl_steps[i] + 1) / 2); _arb_vec_clear(gl_cache->gl_weights[i], (gl_steps[i] + 1) / 2); } } flint_free(gl_cache); gl_cache = NULL; } void gl_init() { gl_cache = flint_calloc(1, sizeof(gl_cache_struct)); flint_register_cleanup_function(gl_cleanup); } /* Compute GL node and weight of index k for n = gl_steps[i]. Cached. */ void acb_calc_gl_node(arb_t x, arb_t w, slong i, slong k, slong prec) { slong n, kk, jj, wp; if (i < 0 || i >= GL_STEPS || prec < 2) flint_abort(); if (gl_cache == NULL) gl_init(); n = gl_steps[i]; if (k < 0 || k >= n) flint_abort(); if (2 * k < n) kk = k; else kk = n - 1 - k; if (gl_cache->gl_prec[i] < prec) { if (gl_cache->gl_prec[i] == 0) { gl_cache->gl_nodes[i] = _arb_vec_init((n + 1) / 2); gl_cache->gl_weights[i] = _arb_vec_init((n + 1) / 2); } wp = FLINT_MAX(prec, gl_cache->gl_prec[i] * 2 + 30); for (jj = 0; 2 * jj < n; jj++) { arb_hypgeom_legendre_p_ui_root(gl_cache->gl_nodes[i] + jj, gl_cache->gl_weights[i] + jj, n, jj, wp); } gl_cache->gl_prec[i] = wp; } if (2 * k < n) arb_set_round(x, gl_cache->gl_nodes[i] + kk, prec); else arb_neg_round(x, gl_cache->gl_nodes[i] + kk, prec); arb_set_round(w, gl_cache->gl_weights[i] + kk, prec); } int acb_calc_integrate_gl_auto_deg(acb_t res, slong * eval_count, acb_calc_func_t f, void * param, const acb_t a, const acb_t b, const mag_t tol, slong deg_limit, int verbose, slong prec) { acb_t mid, delta, wide; mag_t tmpm; slong status; acb_t s, v; mag_t M, X, Y, rho, err, t, best_rho; slong k, Xexp; slong i, n, best_n; status = ARB_CALC_NO_CONVERGENCE; if (deg_limit <= 0) { acb_indeterminate(res); eval_count[0] = 0; return status; } acb_init(mid); acb_init(delta); acb_init(wide); mag_init(tmpm); /* delta = (b-a)/2 */ acb_sub(delta, b, a, prec); acb_mul_2exp_si(delta, delta, -1); /* mid = (a+b)/2 */ acb_add(mid, a, b, prec); acb_mul_2exp_si(mid, mid, -1); acb_init(s); acb_init(v); mag_init(M); mag_init(X); mag_init(Y); mag_init(rho); mag_init(t); mag_init(err); mag_init(best_rho); best_n = -1; eval_count[0] = 0; mag_inf(err); for (Xexp = 0; Xexp < prec /* && Xexp == 0 */; Xexp += FLINT_MAX(1, Xexp)) { mag_one(X); mag_mul_2exp_si(X, X, Xexp + 1); /* rho = X + sqrt(X^2 - 1) (lower bound) */ mag_mul_lower(rho, X, X); mag_one(t); mag_sub_lower(rho, rho, t); mag_sqrt_lower(rho, rho); mag_add_lower(rho, rho, X); /* Y = sqrt(X^2 - 1) (upper bound) */ mag_mul(Y, X, X); mag_one(t); mag_sub(Y, Y, t); mag_sqrt(Y, Y); acb_zero(wide); mag_set(arb_radref(acb_realref(wide)), X); mag_set(arb_radref(acb_imagref(wide)), Y); /* transform to [a,b] */ acb_mul(wide, wide, delta, prec); acb_add(wide, wide, mid, prec); f(v, wide, param, 1, prec); eval_count[0]++; /* no chance */ if (!acb_is_finite(v)) break; /* M = (b-a)/2 |f| */ acb_get_mag(M, v); acb_get_mag(tmpm, delta); mag_mul(M, M, tmpm); /* Search for the smallest n that gives err < tol (if possible) */ for (i = 0; i < GL_STEPS && gl_steps[i] <= deg_limit; i++) { n = gl_steps[i]; /* (64/15) M / ((rho-1) rho^(2n-1)) */ mag_pow_ui_lower(t, rho, 2 * n - 1); mag_one(tmpm); mag_sub_lower(tmpm, rho, tmpm); mag_mul_lower(t, t, tmpm); mag_mul_ui_lower(t, t, 15); mag_div(t, M, t); mag_mul_2exp_si(t, t, 6); if (mag_cmp(t, tol) < 0) { status = ARB_CALC_SUCCESS; /* The best so far. */ if (best_n == -1 || n < best_n) { mag_set(err, t); mag_set(best_rho, rho); best_n = n; } /* Best possible n. */ if (n == 1) break; } } } /* Evaluate best found Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule. */ if (status == ARB_CALC_SUCCESS) { arb_t x, w; arb_init(x); arb_init(w); if (verbose) { acb_get_mag(tmpm, delta); flint_printf(" {GL deg %ld on [", best_n); acb_printn(a, 10, ARB_STR_NO_RADIUS); flint_printf(", "); acb_printn(b, 10, ARB_STR_NO_RADIUS); flint_printf("], delta "); mag_printd(tmpm, 5); flint_printf(", rho "); mag_printd(best_rho, 5); flint_printf(", tol "); mag_printd(tol, 3); flint_printf("}\n"); } if (best_n == -1) flint_abort(); for (i = 0; i < GL_STEPS; i++) if (gl_steps[i] == best_n) break; acb_zero(s); for (k = 0; k < best_n; k++) { acb_calc_gl_node(x, w, i, k, prec); acb_mul_arb(wide, delta, x, prec); acb_add(wide, wide, mid, prec); f(v, wide, param, 0, prec); acb_addmul_arb(s, v, w, prec); } eval_count[0] += best_n; acb_mul(res, s, delta, prec); acb_add_error_mag(res, err); arb_clear(x); arb_clear(w); } else { acb_indeterminate(res); } acb_clear(s); acb_clear(v); mag_clear(M); mag_clear(X); mag_clear(Y); mag_clear(rho); mag_clear(t); mag_clear(err); mag_clear(best_rho); acb_clear(mid); acb_clear(delta); acb_clear(wide); mag_clear(tmpm); return status; }