/* Copyright (C) 2010 Juan Arias de Reyna Copyright (C) 2019 D.H.J. Polymath This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "acb_dirichlet.h" #include "arb_calc.h" /* * For a detailed explanation of the algorithm implemented in this file, see: * * J. Arias de Reyna, "Programs for Riemann's zeta function", (J. A. J. van * Vonderen, Ed.) Leven met getallen : liber amicorum ter gelegenheid van de * pensionering van Herman te Riele, CWI (2012) 102-112, * https://ir.cwi.nl/pub/19724 */ /* * These constants define the largest n such that for every k <= n * the kth zero of the Hardy Z function is governed by Gram's law * or by Rosser's rule respectively. */ static const slong GRAMS_LAW_MAX = 126; static const slong ROSSERS_RULE_MAX = 13999526; /* * This structure describes a node of a doubly linked list. * Each node represents a height t at which the Hardy Z-function * Z(t) has been evaluated. * * As it relates to this data structure, the big picture of the algorithm * to isolate the nth zero is roughly: * * 1) Initialize a two-node list consisting of the two points * predicted by Gram's law to surround the nth zero. * 2) Append and prepend as many additional Gram points as are indicated * by the theory behind Turing's method, and occasionally insert points * between existing points for the purpose of certifying blocks of intervals * as 'good'. * 3) Repeatedly insert new points into the list, interleaving existing points, * until the number of sign changes indicated by theory is observed. * This is where the algorithm would enter an infinite loop if it encountered * a counterexample to the Riemann hypothesis. * 4) Traverse the list until we find the pair of adjacent nodes with opposite * signs of Z(t) that corresponds to the nth zero; the t heights of the * two nodes define the endpoints of an isolating interval. * 5) Delete the list. */ typedef struct _zz_node_struct { arf_struct t; /* height t where v = Z(t) is evaluated */ arb_struct v; /* Z(t) */ fmpz *gram; /* Gram point index or NULL if not a Gram point */ slong prec; /* precision of evaluation of v */ struct _zz_node_struct *prev; struct _zz_node_struct *next; } zz_node_struct; typedef zz_node_struct zz_node_t[1]; typedef zz_node_struct * zz_node_ptr; typedef const zz_node_struct * zz_node_srcptr; static int zz_node_is_gram_node(const zz_node_t p) { return p->gram != NULL; } static int zz_node_sgn(const zz_node_t p) { int s = arb_sgn_nonzero(&p->v); if (!s) { flint_printf("unexpectedly imprecise evaluation of Z(t)\n"); flint_abort(); } return s; } /* Good Gram points are Gram points where sgn(Z(g(n)))*(-1)^n > 0. */ static int zz_node_is_good_gram_node(const zz_node_t p) { if (zz_node_is_gram_node(p)) { int s = zz_node_sgn(p); if ((s > 0 && fmpz_is_even(p->gram)) || (s < 0 && fmpz_is_odd(p->gram))) { return 1; } } return 0; } static void zz_node_init(zz_node_t p) { arf_init(&p->t); arb_init(&p->v); arb_indeterminate(&p->v); p->prec = 0; p->gram = NULL; p->prev = NULL; p->next = NULL; } static void zz_node_clear(zz_node_t p) { arf_clear(&p->t); arb_clear(&p->v); if (p->gram) { fmpz_clear(p->gram); flint_free(p->gram); } p->prec = 0; p->gram = NULL; p->prev = NULL; p->next = NULL; } /* * The node p represents the evaluation of the Hardy Z-function * at a point t with some precision. This function re-evaluates * the Hardy Z-function at t with greater precision, and it also * guarantees that the precision is high enough to determine the * sign of Z(t). */ static int zz_node_refine(zz_node_t p) { slong default_prec = arf_bits(&p->t) + 8; if (p->prec < default_prec) { p->prec = default_prec; } else { p->prec *= 2; } return _acb_dirichlet_definite_hardy_z(&p->v, &p->t, &p->prec); } /* * Create a node representing an evaluation of the Hardy Z-function * at arbitrary point t. Upon creation the sign of Z(t) will * be known with certainty. */ static zz_node_ptr create_non_gram_node(const arf_t t) { zz_node_ptr p = flint_malloc(sizeof(zz_node_struct)); zz_node_init(p); arf_set(&p->t, t); zz_node_refine(p); return p; } /* * Create a node representing an evaluation of the Hardy Z-function * at the nth Gram point g(n). Upon creation a floating point number t will be * assigned to this node, with the property that there are no zeros of the * Hardy Z-function between t and the actual value of g(n). * The sign of Z(t) will also be known with certainty. */ static zz_node_ptr create_gram_node(const fmpz_t n) { zz_node_ptr p; arb_t t, v; acb_t z; slong prec = fmpz_bits(n) + 8; arb_init(t); arb_init(v); acb_init(z); while (1) { /* Computing the Gram point to higher precision improves performance significantly. The likely explanation (not verified) is that when evaluating the Z-function at an inexact ball using the Riemann-Siegel formula, error propagation uses a bound for Z' that is far from tight. The extra precision compensates for this lack of tightness. */ acb_dirichlet_gram_point(t, n, NULL, NULL, prec + fmpz_bits(n)); acb_set_arb(z, t); acb_dirichlet_hardy_z(z, z, NULL, NULL, 1, prec); acb_get_real(v, z); if (!arb_contains_zero(v)) { break; } prec *= 2; } p = flint_malloc(sizeof(zz_node_struct)); zz_node_init(p); p->gram = flint_malloc(sizeof(fmpz)); fmpz_init(p->gram); /* t contains g(n) and does not contain a zero of the Z function */ fmpz_set(p->gram, n); arf_set(&p->t, arb_midref(t)); arb_set(&p->v, v); p->prec = prec; arb_clear(t); arb_clear(v); acb_clear(z); return p; } /* * Count the number of Gram intervals between the Gram point * represented by node a and the Gram point represented by node b. * Traversing the linked list is not necessary because the Gram indices * of nodes a and b can be accessed directly. */ static slong count_gram_intervals(zz_node_srcptr a, zz_node_srcptr b) { slong out = 0; if (!a || !b) { flint_printf("a and b must be non-NULL\n"); flint_abort(); } if (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(a) || !zz_node_is_good_gram_node(b)) { flint_printf("both nodes must be good Gram points\n"); flint_abort(); } else { fmpz_t m; fmpz_init(m); fmpz_sub(m, b->gram, a->gram); out = fmpz_get_si(m); fmpz_clear(m); } return out; } /* * Count the observed number of sign changes of Z(t) by traversing * a linked list of evaluated points from node a to node b. */ static slong count_sign_changes(zz_node_srcptr a, zz_node_srcptr b) { zz_node_srcptr p, q; slong n = 0; if (!a || !b) { flint_printf("a and b must be non-NULL\n"); flint_abort(); } p = a; q = a->next; while (p != b) { if (!q) { flint_printf("prematurely reached end of list\n"); flint_abort(); } if (zz_node_sgn(p) != zz_node_sgn(q)) { n++; } p = q; q = q->next; } return n; } /* * Modify a linked list that ends with node p, * by appending nodes representing Gram points. * Continue until a 'good' Gram point is found. */ static zz_node_ptr extend_to_next_good_gram_node(zz_node_t p) { fmpz_t n; zz_node_ptr q, r; fmpz_init(n); if (!zz_node_is_gram_node(p)) { flint_printf("expected to begin at a gram point\n"); flint_abort(); } if (p->next) { flint_printf("expected to extend from the end of a list\n"); flint_abort(); } fmpz_set(n, p->gram); q = p; while (1) { fmpz_add_ui(n, n, 1); r = create_gram_node(n); q->next = r; r->prev = q; q = r; r = NULL; if (zz_node_is_good_gram_node(q)) { break; } } fmpz_clear(n); return q; } /* * Modify a linked list that begins with node p, * by prepending nodes representing Gram points. * Continue until a 'good' Gram point is found. */ static zz_node_ptr extend_to_prev_good_gram_node(zz_node_t p) { fmpz_t n; zz_node_ptr q, r; fmpz_init(n); if (!zz_node_is_gram_node(p)) { flint_printf("expected to begin at a gram point\n"); flint_abort(); } if (p->prev) { flint_printf("expected to extend from the start of a list\n"); flint_abort(); } fmpz_set(n, p->gram); q = p; while (1) { fmpz_sub_ui(n, n, 1); r = create_gram_node(n); q->prev = r; r->next = q; q = r; r = NULL; if (zz_node_is_good_gram_node(q)) { break; } } fmpz_clear(n); return q; } /* * TODO: This is probably redundant. * Can arb_get_lbound_arf ever give a negative arf given a nonnegative arb? * If the answer is no, and it's probably no, then this function * can be deleted. */ static void _arb_get_lbound_arf_nonnegative(arf_t res, const arb_t x, slong prec) { arb_get_lbound_arf(res, x, prec); if (arf_cmp_si(res, 0) < 0) { arf_zero(res); } } /* * res = (x1*w1 + x2*w2) / (w1 + w2) * Undefined if weights are not nonnegative. * If w1 and w2 are zero, the resulting interval contains x1 and x2. */ static void _weighted_arithmetic_mean(arb_t res, const arf_t x1, const arf_t x2, const arb_t w1, const arb_t w2, slong prec) { if (!arb_is_nonnegative(w1) || !arb_is_nonnegative(w2)) { arb_indeterminate(res); } else if (arb_is_zero(w1) && arb_is_zero(w2)) { arb_set_interval_arf(res, x1, x2, prec); } else if (arb_is_zero(w1)) { arb_set_arf(res, x2); } else if (arb_is_zero(w2)) { arb_set_arf(res, x1); } else if (arb_is_exact(w1) && arb_is_exact(w2)) { arb_t a, b; arb_init(a); arb_init(b); arb_mul_arf(a, w1, x1, prec); arb_addmul_arf(a, w2, x2, prec); arb_add(b, w1, w2, prec); arb_div(res, a, b, prec); arb_clear(a); arb_clear(b); } else { arb_t a, b, r1, r2; arb_init(a); arb_init(b); arb_init(r1); arb_init(r2); arb_zero(a); arb_zero(b); _arb_get_lbound_arf_nonnegative(arb_midref(a), w1, prec); arb_get_ubound_arf(arb_midref(b), w2, prec); _weighted_arithmetic_mean(r1, x1, x2, a, b, prec); arb_zero(a); arb_zero(b); arb_get_ubound_arf(arb_midref(a), w1, prec); _arb_get_lbound_arf_nonnegative(arb_midref(b), w2, prec); _weighted_arithmetic_mean(r2, x1, x2, a, b, prec); arb_union(res, r1, r2, prec); arb_clear(a); arb_clear(b); arb_clear(r1); arb_clear(r2); } } /* * Split the interval (t1, t2) into the intervals (t1, out) and (out, t2) * in an attempt to increase the number of observed sign changes of Z(t) * between endpoints. * v1 and v2 are the Hardy Z-function values at t1 and t2 respectively. * sign1 and sign2 are the signs of v1 and v2 respectively. */ static void split_interval(arb_t out, const arf_t t1, const arb_t v1, slong sign1, const arf_t t2, const arb_t v2, slong sign2, slong prec) { if (sign1 == sign2) { /* * out = (sqrt(v2/v1)*t1 + t2) / (sqrt(v2/v1) + 1) * We have f(t1)=v1, f(t2)=v2 where v1 and v2 have the same sign, * and we want to guess t between t1 and t2 so that f(t) * has the opposite sign. Try the vertex of a parabola that would touch * f(t)=0 between t1 and t2 and would pass through (t1,v1) and (t2,v2). */ arb_t w1, w2; arb_init(w1); arb_init(w2); arb_abs(w1, v2); /* w1, v2 is deliberate */ arb_sqrt(w1, w1, prec); arb_abs(w2, v1); /* w2, v1 is deliberate */ arb_sqrt(w2, w2, prec); _weighted_arithmetic_mean(out, t1, t2, w1, w2, prec); arb_clear(w1); arb_clear(w2); } else { /* * out = (t1 + t2) / 2 * There is already one sign change in this interval. * To find additional sign changes we would need to evaluate * at least two more points in the interval, * so begin by just splitting the interval in half at the midpoint. */ arb_set_arf(out, t1); arb_add_arf(out, out, t2, prec); arb_mul_2exp_si(out, out, -1); } } /* * Add a new node between each pair of existing nodes in the linked list * of evaluated values of t, within the sublist demarcated by nodes a and b. */ static void intercalate(zz_node_t a, zz_node_t b) { arb_t t; zz_node_ptr q, r, mid_node; if (a == NULL || b == NULL) { flint_printf("a and b must be non-NULL\n"); flint_abort(); } if (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(a) || !zz_node_is_good_gram_node(b)) { flint_printf("a and b must represent good Gram points\n"); flint_abort(); } if (a == b) return; arb_init(t); q = a; r = a->next; while (q != b) { if (!r) { flint_printf("prematurely reached end of list\n"); flint_abort(); } while (1) { split_interval(t, &q->t, &q->v, zz_node_sgn(q), &r->t, &r->v, zz_node_sgn(r), FLINT_MIN(q->prec, r->prec)); if (!arb_contains_arf(t, &q->t) && !arb_contains_arf(t, &r->t)) { break; } zz_node_refine((q->prec < r->prec) ? q : r); } mid_node = create_non_gram_node(arb_midref(t)); q->next = mid_node; mid_node->prev = q; mid_node->next = r; r->prev = mid_node; q = r; r = r->next; } arb_clear(t); } /* * Virtually trim k Gram/Rosser blocks from the head and from the tail * of the sublist (a, b). The resulting sublist is (*A, *B). * No nodes or connections between nodes are modified, added, or deleted. */ static void trim(zz_node_ptr *A, zz_node_ptr *B, zz_node_ptr a, zz_node_ptr b, slong k) { slong n; for (n = 0; n < k; n++) { a = a->next; while (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(a)) { a = a->next; } b = b->prev; while (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(b)) { b = b->prev; } } *A = a; *B = b; } /* * Given a linked sublist beginning at U and ending at V defining function * evaluations at points that fully separate zeros of Z(t) in the vicinity * of the nth zero, traverse the list until the nth zero is found. * Continue traversing the list until len consecutive isolating intervals * have been found, or until the end of the sublist is reached. * Return the number of isolated zeros found, starting at the nth zero. */ static slong count_up_separated_zeros(arf_interval_ptr res, zz_node_srcptr U, zz_node_srcptr V, const fmpz_t n, slong len) { if (len <= 0) { return 0; } else if (fmpz_sgn(n) < 1) { flint_printf("nonpositive indices of zeros are not supported\n"); flint_abort(); } else if (U == NULL || V == NULL) { flint_printf("U and V must not be NULL\n"); flint_abort(); } if (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(U) || !zz_node_is_good_gram_node(V)) { flint_printf("U and V must be good Gram points\n"); flint_abort(); } else { slong i = 0; zz_node_srcptr p = U; fmpz_t N, k; fmpz_init(N); fmpz_init(k); fmpz_add_ui(N, p->gram, 1); fmpz_set(k, n); while (p != V) { if (!p->next) { flint_printf("prematurely reached end of list\n"); flint_abort(); } if (zz_node_sgn(p) != zz_node_sgn(p->next)) { fmpz_add_ui(N, N, 1); if (fmpz_equal(N, k)) { arf_set(&res[i].a, &p->t); arf_set(&res[i].b, &p->next->t); fmpz_add_ui(k, k, 1); i++; if (i == len) break; } } p = p->next; } fmpz_clear(k); return i; } return 0; } /* * Find one 'superblock' below n and one 'superblock' above n. * The term 'superblock' in this context means a stretch of * enough consecutive 'good' Rosser/Gram blocks to meet the Turing method bound. * The output *psb is the number of blocks in the superblock. * The output nodes *pu and *pv are the first node of the first superblock * and the last node of the second superblock respectively. */ static void turing_search_near(zz_node_ptr *pu, zz_node_ptr *pv, slong *psb, const fmpz_t n) { zz_node_ptr u, v; slong i; slong zn; /* target number of sign changes */ slong sb; /* the number of padding blocks required by Turing's method */ slong cgb; /* the number of consecutive good blocks */ const slong loopcount = 4; fmpz_t k; fmpz_init(k); fmpz_sub_ui(k, n, 2); u = create_gram_node(k); fmpz_sub_ui(k, n, 1); v = create_gram_node(k); u->next = v; v->prev = u; if (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(u)) u = extend_to_prev_good_gram_node(u); if (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(v)) v = extend_to_next_good_gram_node(v); /* * Extend the search to greater heights t. * * Continue adding Gram points until the number of consecutive * 'good' Gram/Rosser blocks reaches the Turing method bound. */ sb = 0; cgb = 0; while (1) { zz_node_ptr nv; nv = extend_to_next_good_gram_node(v); zn = count_gram_intervals(v, nv); for (i = 0; i < loopcount && count_sign_changes(v, nv) < zn; i++) { intercalate(v, nv); } if (count_sign_changes(v, nv) >= zn) { cgb++; if (cgb > sb) { sb = cgb; if (acb_dirichlet_turing_method_bound(nv->gram) <= sb) { v = nv; break; } } } else { cgb = 0; } v = nv; } /* Extend the search to smaller heights t. */ cgb = 0; while (1) { zz_node_ptr pu; pu = extend_to_prev_good_gram_node(u); zn = count_gram_intervals(pu, u); for (i = 0; i < loopcount && count_sign_changes(pu, u) < zn; i++) { intercalate(pu, u); } if (count_sign_changes(pu, u) >= zn) { cgb++; if (cgb == sb) { u = pu; break; } } else { cgb = 0; } u = pu; } *pu = u; *pv = v; *psb = sb; fmpz_clear(k); } /* * Find one 'double superblock' beginning below the point represented * by node u, and find one 'double superblock' ending above the point * represented by node v. The term 'double superblock' in this context * means a stretch of twice as many consecutive 'good' Rosser/Gram blocks * as would meet the Turing method bound. * The output nodes *pu and *pv are the first node of the first double * superblock and the last node of the second double superblock respectively. * The output integer *psb reports one half of the number * of blocks in the double superblock. * The parameter initial_cgb is the number of consecutive good blocks * above and below the points represented by nodes u and v respectively. */ static void turing_search_far(zz_node_ptr *pu, zz_node_ptr *pv, slong *psb, zz_node_ptr u, zz_node_ptr v, slong initial_cgb) { slong i; slong zn; /* target number of sign changes */ slong sb; /* the number of padding blocks required by Turing's method */ slong cgb; /* the number of consecutive good blocks */ const slong loopcount = 4; /* * Extend the search to greater heights t. * * Continue adding Gram points until the number of consecutive * 'good' Gram/Rosser blocks is twice the number required by * the Turing method bound. */ sb = 0; cgb = initial_cgb; while (1) { zz_node_ptr nv; nv = extend_to_next_good_gram_node(v); zn = count_gram_intervals(v, nv); for (i = 0; i < loopcount && count_sign_changes(v, nv) < zn; i++) { intercalate(v, nv); } if (count_sign_changes(v, nv) >= zn) { cgb++; if (cgb % 2 == 0 && sb < cgb / 2) { sb = cgb / 2; if (acb_dirichlet_turing_method_bound(nv->gram) <= sb) { v = nv; break; } } } else { cgb = 0; } v = nv; } /* Extend the search to smaller heights t. */ cgb = initial_cgb; while (1) { zz_node_ptr pu; pu = extend_to_prev_good_gram_node(u); zn = count_gram_intervals(pu, u); for (i = 0; i < loopcount && count_sign_changes(pu, u) < zn; i++) { intercalate(pu, u); } if (count_sign_changes(pu, u) >= zn) { cgb++; if (cgb == sb*2) { u = pu; break; } } else { cgb = 0; } u = pu; } *pu = u; *pv = v; *psb = sb; } /* * Used for both zero isolation and for N(t). * n is the index of a Hardy Z-function zero of interest. * *pu and *pv are the first and last node of an output list. * *pU and *pV are the first and last nodes of a sublist with * fully separated zeros, within the *pu -- *pv list. */ static void _separated_turing_list(zz_node_ptr *pU, zz_node_ptr *pV, zz_node_ptr *pu, zz_node_ptr *pv, const fmpz_t n) { zz_node_ptr U, V, u, v; slong i; slong sb_near; /* Turing method bound for near search */ slong sb_far; /* Turing method bound for far search */ slong zn; /* target number of sign changes */ slong variations; /* observed number of sign changes */ const slong loopcount = 4; /* * The loopcount controls how hard we try to find zeros in Gram/Rosser * blocks. If the loopcount is too high then when Rosser's rule is violated * we will spend too much time searching for zeros that don't exist. * If the loopcount is too low then we will miss some 'good' blocks, * causing the search to be extended unnecessarily far from the initial * guess before eventually making another pass in which loopcount * is effectively infinite. */ if (fmpz_cmp_si(n, 2) < 0) { flint_printf("invalid n: "); fmpz_print(n); flint_printf("\n"); flint_abort(); } turing_search_near(&u, &v, &sb_near, n); trim(&U, &V, u, v, sb_near); zn = count_gram_intervals(U, V); for (i = 0; i < loopcount && count_sign_changes(U, V) < zn; i++) { intercalate(U, V); } variations = count_sign_changes(U, V); if (variations > zn) { flint_printf("unexpected number of sign changes\n"); flint_abort(); } else if (variations < zn) { zz_node_ptr r = U; zz_node_ptr s = V; turing_search_far(&u, &v, &sb_far, u, v, sb_near); trim(&U, &V, u, v, 2*sb_far); zn = count_gram_intervals(U, V); for (i = 0; i < loopcount && count_sign_changes(U, V) < zn; i++) { intercalate(U, r); intercalate(s, V); } variations = count_sign_changes(U, V); if (variations > zn) { flint_printf("unexpected number of sign changes\n"); flint_abort(); } else if (variations < zn) { trim(&U, &V, u, v, sb_far); zn = count_gram_intervals(U, V); while (count_sign_changes(U, V) < zn) { intercalate(U, V); } if (count_sign_changes(U, V) != zn) { flint_printf("unexpected number of sign changes\n"); flint_abort(); } } } *pu = u; *pv = v; *pU = U; *pV = V; } /* * Used for both zero isolation and for N(t). * n is the index of a Hardy Z-function zero of interest. * *pu and *pv are the first and last node of an output list * with fully separated zeros. */ static void _separated_rosser_list(zz_node_ptr *pu, zz_node_ptr *pv, const fmpz_t n) { fmpz_t k; zz_node_ptr u, v; if (fmpz_cmp_si(n, 1) < 0 || fmpz_cmp_si(n, ROSSERS_RULE_MAX) > 0) { flint_printf("invalid n: "); fmpz_print(n); flint_printf("\n"); flint_abort(); } fmpz_init(k); fmpz_sub_ui(k, n, 2); u = create_gram_node(k); fmpz_sub_ui(k, n, 1); v = create_gram_node(k); u->next = v; v->prev = u; if (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(u)) u = extend_to_prev_good_gram_node(u); if (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(v)) v = extend_to_next_good_gram_node(v); while (count_sign_changes(u, v) != count_gram_intervals(u, v)) { intercalate(u, v); } *pu = u; *pv = v; fmpz_clear(k); } /* * Used for both zero isolation and for N(t). * n is the index of a Hardy Z-function zero of interest. * *pu and *pv are the first and last node of an output list * with fully separated zeros. */ static void _separated_gram_list(zz_node_ptr *pu, zz_node_ptr *pv, const fmpz_t n) { fmpz_t k; zz_node_ptr u, v; if (fmpz_cmp_si(n, 1) < 0 || fmpz_cmp_si(n, GRAMS_LAW_MAX) > 0) { flint_printf("invalid n: "); fmpz_print(n); flint_printf("\n"); flint_abort(); } fmpz_init(k); fmpz_sub_ui(k, n, 2); u = create_gram_node(k); fmpz_sub_ui(k, n, 1); v = create_gram_node(k); u->next = v; v->prev = u; *pu = u; *pv = v; fmpz_clear(k); } /* * Get a list of points that fully separate zeros of Z. * Used for both zero isolation and for N(t). * n is the index of a Hardy Z-function zero of interest. * *pu and *pv are the first and last node of an output list. * *pU and *pV are the first and last nodes of a sublist with * fully separated zeros, within the *pu -- *pv list. */ static void _separated_list(zz_node_ptr *pU, zz_node_ptr *pV, zz_node_ptr *pu, zz_node_ptr *pv, const fmpz_t n) { zz_node_ptr U, V, u, v; if (fmpz_cmp_si(n, GRAMS_LAW_MAX) <= 0) { _separated_gram_list(&u, &v, n); U = u; V = v; } else if (fmpz_cmp_si(n, ROSSERS_RULE_MAX) <= 0) { _separated_rosser_list(&u, &v, n); U = u; V = v; } else { _separated_turing_list(&U, &V, &u, &v, n); } if (U == NULL || V == NULL) { flint_printf("U and V must not be NULL\n"); flint_abort(); } if (!zz_node_is_good_gram_node(U) || !zz_node_is_good_gram_node(V)) { flint_printf("U and V must be good Gram points\n"); flint_abort(); } if (U == V) { flint_printf("the list must include at least one interval\n"); flint_abort(); } *pU = U; *pV = V; *pu = u; *pv = v; } /* * Isolate up to len zeros, starting from the nth zero. * Return the number of isolated zeros. */ static slong _isolate_hardy_z_zeros(arf_interval_ptr res, const fmpz_t n, slong len) { zz_node_ptr U, V, u, v; slong count; _separated_list(&U, &V, &u, &v, n); count = count_up_separated_zeros(res, U, V, n, len); while (u) { v = u; u = u->next; zz_node_clear(v); flint_free(v); } return count; } /* Isolate len zeros, starting from the nth zero. */ static void isolate_hardy_z_zeros(arf_interval_ptr res, const fmpz_t n, slong len) { if (len <= 0) { return; } else if (fmpz_sgn(n) < 1) { flint_printf("nonpositive indices of zeros are not supported\n"); flint_abort(); } else { slong c = 0; fmpz_t k; fmpz_init(k); while (c < len) { fmpz_add_si(k, n, c); c += _isolate_hardy_z_zeros(res + c, k, len - c); } fmpz_clear(k); } } void acb_dirichlet_isolate_hardy_z_zero(arf_t a, arf_t b, const fmpz_t n) { if (fmpz_sgn(n) < 1) { flint_printf("nonpositive indices of zeros are not supported\n"); flint_abort(); } else { arf_interval_t r; arf_interval_init(r); _isolate_hardy_z_zeros(r, n, 1); arf_set(a, &r->a); arf_set(b, &r->b); arf_interval_clear(r); } } static void count_up(arf_t a, arf_t b, zz_node_srcptr U, zz_node_srcptr V, const fmpz_t n) { arf_interval_t r; arf_interval_init(r); count_up_separated_zeros(r, U, V, n, 1); arf_set(a, &r->a); arf_set(b, &r->b); arf_interval_clear(r); } void _acb_dirichlet_isolate_turing_hardy_z_zero(arf_t a, arf_t b, const fmpz_t n) { zz_node_ptr U, V, u, v; _separated_turing_list(&U, &V, &u, &v, n); count_up(a, b, U, V, n); while (u) { v = u; u = u->next; zz_node_clear(v); flint_free(v); } } void _acb_dirichlet_isolate_rosser_hardy_z_zero(arf_t a, arf_t b, const fmpz_t n) { zz_node_ptr u, v; _separated_rosser_list(&u, &v, n); count_up(a, b, u, v, n); while (u) { v = u; u = u->next; zz_node_clear(v); flint_free(v); } } void _acb_dirichlet_isolate_gram_hardy_z_zero(arf_t a, arf_t b, const fmpz_t n) { zz_node_ptr u, v; _separated_gram_list(&u, &v, n); count_up(a, b, u, v, n); while (u) { v = u; u = u->next; zz_node_clear(v); flint_free(v); } } static void _acb_set_arf(acb_t res, const arf_t t) { acb_zero(res); arb_set_arf(acb_realref(res), t); } /* * Find the index of the largest Gram point less than t. * Requires t > 10. */ static void gram_index(fmpz_t res, const arf_t t) { if (arf_cmp_si(t, 10) < 0) { flint_printf("gram_index requires t > 10\n"); flint_abort(); } else { acb_t z; slong prec = arf_abs_bound_lt_2exp_si(t) + 8; acb_init(z); while (1) { _acb_set_arf(z, t); acb_dirichlet_hardy_theta(z, z, NULL, NULL, 1, prec); arb_const_pi(acb_imagref(z), prec); arb_div(acb_realref(z), acb_realref(z), acb_imagref(z), prec); arb_floor(acb_realref(z), acb_realref(z), prec); if (arb_get_unique_fmpz(res, acb_realref(z))) { break; } prec *= 2; } acb_clear(z); } } /* * Compute nzeros(t) for up to len values of t * and return the number computed. p must be in increasing order, * and all entries must be greater than 10. */ static slong _exact_zeta_multi_nzeros(fmpz *res, arf_srcptr points, slong len) { zz_node_ptr U, V, u, v, p; arb_t x; fmpz_t n, N; slong i; arf_srcptr t; int s; slong prec; arb_init(x); fmpz_init(n); fmpz_init(N); /* * The first point is located between two Gram points. Find the unique n * such that the nth zero is also predicted to be located between these * Gram points. */ gram_index(n, points); fmpz_add_ui(n, n, 2); /* Get a list of points that fully separate zeros of Z. */ _separated_list(&U, &V, &u, &v, n); p = U; fmpz_add_ui(N, U->gram, 1); /* * It's possible that one or more points are located between * the first Gram point and the arf_t representative of that Gram point. */ for (i = 0, t = points; i < len && arf_cmp(t, &p->t) <= 0; i++, t++) { fmpz_set(res + i, N); } while (i < len && p != V) { if (!p->next) { flint_printf("prematurely reached the end of the list\n"); flint_abort(); } if (zz_node_sgn(p) != zz_node_sgn(p->next)) { while (i < len && arf_cmp(t, &p->next->t) <= 0) { prec = arf_abs_bound_lt_2exp_si(t) + 8; s = _acb_dirichlet_definite_hardy_z(x, t, &prec); if (zz_node_sgn(p->next) == s) { fmpz_add_ui(res + i, N, 1); } else { fmpz_set(res + i, N); } t++; i++; } fmpz_add_ui(N, N, 1); } p = p->next; } /* * It's possible that the first point in the array is located between * the last Gram point and the arf_t representative of that Gram point. */ if (i == 0) { fmpz_set(res, N); i++; } while (u) { v = u; u = u->next; zz_node_clear(v); flint_free(v); } arb_clear(x); fmpz_clear(n); fmpz_clear(N); return i; } /* * Compute nzeros for len values of t. The array p must be in increasing order. */ static void exact_zeta_multi_nzeros(fmpz *res, arf_srcptr p, slong len) { slong i, c; arf_srcptr q; if (len <= 0) { return; } for (i = 0, q = p; i < len - 1; i++, q++) { if (arf_cmp(q, p) > 0) { flint_printf("p must be in increasing order\n"); flint_abort(); } } c = 0; while (c < len) { if (arf_cmp_si(p + c, 14) < 0) { fmpz_zero(res + c); c++; } else { c += _exact_zeta_multi_nzeros(res + c, p + c, len - c); } } } void _acb_dirichlet_exact_zeta_nzeros(fmpz_t res, const arf_t t) { exact_zeta_multi_nzeros(res, t, 1); } void acb_dirichlet_hardy_z_zeros(arb_ptr res, const fmpz_t n, slong len, slong prec) { if (len <= 0) { return; } else if (fmpz_sgn(n) < 1) { flint_printf("nonpositive indices of zeros are not supported\n"); flint_abort(); } else { slong i; arf_interval_ptr p = _arf_interval_vec_init(len); isolate_hardy_z_zeros(p, n, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { _acb_dirichlet_refine_hardy_z_zero(res + i, &p[i].a, &p[i].b, prec); } _arf_interval_vec_clear(p, len); } } static void _arb_set_interval_fmpz(arb_t res, const fmpz_t a, const fmpz_t b) { fmpz_t n; fmpz_init(n); fmpz_add(n, a, b); arf_set_fmpz(arb_midref(res), n); fmpz_sub(n, b, a); mag_set_fmpz(arb_radref(res), n); arb_mul_2exp_si(res, res, -1); fmpz_clear(n); } void acb_dirichlet_zeta_nzeros(arb_t res, const arb_t t, slong prec) { if (arb_is_exact(t)) { fmpz_t n; fmpz_init(n); _acb_dirichlet_exact_zeta_nzeros(n, arb_midref(t)); arb_set_fmpz(res, n); fmpz_clear(n); } else { arf_struct b[2]; fmpz n[2]; arf_init(b); arf_init(b + 1); fmpz_init(n); fmpz_init(n + 1); arb_get_lbound_arf(b, t, prec); arb_get_ubound_arf(b + 1, t, prec); exact_zeta_multi_nzeros(n, b, 2); _arb_set_interval_fmpz(res, n, n + 1); arf_clear(b); arf_clear(b + 1); fmpz_clear(n); fmpz_clear(n + 1); } arb_set_round(res, res, prec); } void acb_dirichlet_zeta_nzeros_gram(fmpz_t res, const fmpz_t n) { zz_node_ptr U, V, u, v, p; fmpz_t k, N; if (fmpz_cmp_si(n, -1) < 0) { flint_printf("n must be >= -1\n"); flint_abort(); } fmpz_init(k); fmpz_init(N); /* * Get a list of points that fully separate zeros of Z. * The kth zero is expected to be between the k-2 and the k-1 gram points. */ fmpz_add_ui(k, n, 2); _separated_list(&U, &V, &u, &v, k); p = U; fmpz_add_ui(N, U->gram, 1); fmpz_set_si(res, -1); while (1) { if (p == NULL) { flint_printf("prematurely reached the end of the list\n"); flint_abort(); } if (zz_node_is_gram_node(p) && fmpz_equal(n, p->gram)) { fmpz_set(res, N); break; } if (zz_node_sgn(p) != zz_node_sgn(p->next)) { fmpz_add_ui(N, N, 1); } if (p == V) { break; } p = p->next; } if (fmpz_sgn(res) < 0) { flint_printf("failed to find the gram point\n"); flint_abort(); } while (u) { v = u; u = u->next; zz_node_clear(v); flint_free(v); } fmpz_clear(k); fmpz_clear(N); }