/* Copyright (C) 2016 Fredrik Johansson This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "acb_hypgeom.h" static void factor(acb_poly_t A, acb_poly_t tmp, const acb_poly_struct * a, slong p, const acb_poly_t z, slong k, slong len, slong prec) { slong i; if (p == 0) { if (z == NULL) acb_poly_one(A); else acb_poly_set(A, z); } else { acb_poly_add_si(A, a, k, prec); for (i = 1; i < p; i++) { acb_poly_add_si(tmp, a + i, k, prec); acb_poly_mullow(A, A, tmp, len, prec); } if (z != NULL) { acb_poly_mullow(A, A, z, len, prec); } } } static void bsplit(acb_poly_t A1, acb_poly_t B1, acb_poly_t C1, const acb_poly_struct * a, slong p, const acb_poly_struct * b, slong q, const acb_poly_t z, slong aa, slong bb, slong len, slong prec) { if (bb - aa == 1) { factor(A1, B1, a, p, z, aa, len, prec); factor(C1, B1, b, q, NULL, aa, len, prec); /* acb_poly_set(B1, C1); but we skip this */ } else { slong m; acb_poly_t A2, B2, C2, tmp; acb_poly_init(A2); acb_poly_init(B2); acb_poly_init(C2); acb_poly_init(tmp); m = aa + (bb - aa) / 2; bsplit(A1, B1, C1, a, p, b, q, z, aa, m, len, prec); bsplit(A2, B2, C2, a, p, b, q, z, m, bb, len, prec); if (bb - m == 1) /* B2 = C2 */ { if (m - aa == 1) acb_poly_add(B2, A1, C1, prec); else acb_poly_add(B2, A1, B1, prec); acb_poly_mullow(B1, B2, C2, len, prec); } else { if (m - aa == 1) { acb_poly_mullow(B1, C1, C2, len, prec); } else { acb_poly_mullow(tmp, B1, C2, len, prec); acb_poly_swap(B1, tmp); } acb_poly_mullow(tmp, A1, B2, len, prec); acb_poly_add(B1, B1, tmp, prec); } acb_poly_mullow(tmp, A1, A2, len, prec); acb_poly_swap(A1, tmp); acb_poly_mullow(tmp, C1, C2, len, prec); acb_poly_swap(C1, tmp); acb_poly_clear(A2); acb_poly_clear(B2); acb_poly_clear(C2); acb_poly_clear(tmp); } } void acb_hypgeom_pfq_series_sum_bs(acb_poly_t s, acb_poly_t t, const acb_poly_struct * a, slong p, const acb_poly_struct * b, slong q, const acb_poly_t z, int regularized, slong n, slong len, slong prec) { acb_poly_t u, v, w; slong i, start; if (n == 0) { acb_hypgeom_pfq_series_sum_forward(s, t, a, p, b, q, z, regularized, n, len, prec); return; } start = 0; if (regularized) { /* Use basecase algorithm to get past any poles. G(x) = 1/Gamma(x) n = 1: s = 0; t = G(b); b = 0 requires skipping n = 2: s = G(b); t = G(b) G(b+1); b = 0, -1 require skipping... TODO: when pole is near the end, do the *start* (or middle segment) using fast algorithm; use basecase algorithm for the end. */ for (i = 0; i < q; i++) { if (acb_poly_is_zero(b + i)) { start = FLINT_MAX(start, 1); } else { /* todo: use a fuzzier test? */ if (acb_contains_int((b + i)->coeffs) && !arb_is_positive(acb_realref((b + i)->coeffs)) && arf_cmpabs_2exp_si(arb_midref(acb_realref((b + i)->coeffs)), FLINT_BITS - 2) < 0) { slong c = -arf_get_si(arb_midref(acb_realref((b + i)->coeffs)), ARF_RND_NEAR); /* if c >= n, terminates earlier, so no problem */ if (c < n) { start = FLINT_MAX(start, c + 1); } } } } /* We should now have start <= n. */ if (start > n) abort(); acb_hypgeom_pfq_series_sum_forward(s, t, a, p, b, q, z, regularized, start, len, prec); } else { acb_poly_zero(s); acb_poly_one(t); } if (start == n) return; acb_poly_init(u); acb_poly_init(v); acb_poly_init(w); bsplit(u, v, w, a, p, b, q, z, start, n, len, prec); if (n - start == 1) acb_poly_set(v, w); /* B1 not set */ acb_poly_mullow(v, v, t, len, prec); acb_poly_div_series(v, v, w, len, prec); acb_poly_add(s, s, v, prec); acb_poly_mullow(t, t, u, len, prec); acb_poly_div_series(t, t, w, len, prec); acb_poly_clear(u); acb_poly_clear(v); acb_poly_clear(w); }