/* Copyright (C) 2016 Fredrik Johansson This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "acb_dirichlet.h" #define ONE_OVER_LOG2 1.4426950408889634 void _acb_dirichlet_euler_product_real_ui(arb_t res, ulong s, const signed char * chi, int mod, int reciprocal, slong prec) { slong wp, powprec; double logp, powmag, errmag, limit; arb_t t, u; ulong p; mag_t err; if (s <= 1) { arb_indeterminate(res); return; } if (prec < 2) abort(); /* assert */ /* L(s), 1/L(s) = 1 + ... For s >= 3, zeta(s,2) < 2^(1-s). */ if (s > (ulong) prec) { arf_one(arb_midref(res)); mag_set_ui_2exp_si(arb_radref(res), 1, -prec); return; } /* L(s), 1/L(s) = 1 +/- chi(2) 2^(-s) + ... For s >= 2, zeta(s,3) < 2^(2-floor(3s/2)). */ if (s > 0.7 * prec) { arb_one(res); if (chi[2 % mod] != 0) { arf_t t; arf_init(t); arf_set_si_2exp_si(t, chi[2 % mod], -s); if (reciprocal) arf_neg(t, t); arb_add_arf(res, res, t, prec); arf_clear(t); } arb_add_error_2exp_si(res, 2 - (3 * s) / 2); return; } /* Heuristic. */ wp = prec + FLINT_BIT_COUNT(prec) + (prec / s) + 4; arb_init(t); arb_init(u); /* 1 - chi(2) 2^(-s) */ arb_one(res); arf_set_ui_2exp_si(arb_midref(t), 1, -s); /* -s cannot overflow */ if (chi[2 % mod] == 1) arb_sub(res, res, t, wp); else if (chi[2 % mod] == -1) arb_add(res, res, t, wp); /* Cut at some point if this algorithm just isn't a good fit... */ /* The C * prec / log(prec) cutoff in arb_zeta_ui implies that the limit should be at least prec ^ (log(2) / C) for the Riemann zeta function, which gives prec ^ 1.2956 here. */ limit = 100 + prec * sqrt(prec); for (p = 3; p < limit; p = n_nextprime(p, 1)) { if (mod == 1 || chi[p % mod] != 0) { /* p^s */ logp = log(p); powmag = s * logp * ONE_OVER_LOG2; /* zeta(s,p) ~= 1/p^s + 1/((s-1) p^(s-1)) */ errmag = (log(s - 1.0) + (s - 1.0) * logp) * ONE_OVER_LOG2; errmag = FLINT_MIN(powmag, errmag); if (errmag > prec + 2) break; powprec = FLINT_MAX(wp - powmag, 8); arb_ui_pow_ui(t, p, s, powprec); arb_set_round(u, res, powprec); arb_div(t, u, t, powprec); if (mod == 1 || (chi[p % mod] == 1)) arb_sub(res, res, t, wp); else arb_add(res, res, t, wp); } } mag_init(err); mag_hurwitz_zeta_uiui(err, s, p); arb_add_error_mag(res, err); mag_clear(err); if (reciprocal) arb_set_round(res, res, prec); else arb_inv(res, res, prec); arb_clear(t); arb_clear(u); }