/*============================================================================= This file is part of ARB. ARB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ARB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ARB; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2016 Pascal Molin ******************************************************************************/ #include "acb_dirichlet.h" #define nq 5 #define nx 3 void test_dft() { ulong i, q = 15; slong prec = 100; acb_dirichlet_group_t G; acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x; acb_dirichlet_char_t chi; acb_t s, z; acb_ptr v; acb_dirichlet_group_init(G, q); acb_dirichlet_conrey_init(x, G); acb_dirichlet_char_init(chi, G); acb_init(s); acb_one(s); acb_div_si(s, s, 2, prec); v = _acb_vec_init(G->phi_q); /* all at once */ acb_dirichlet_l_vec_hurwitz(v, s, G, prec); /* check with complete loop */ i = 0; acb_dirichlet_conrey_one(x, G); do { acb_dirichlet_char_conrey(chi, G, x); acb_dirichlet_l_hurwitz(z, s, G, chi, prec); if (!acb_overlaps(z, v + i)) { flint_printf("\n L value differ"); flint_printf("\nL(1/2, %wu) single = ", x->n); acb_printd(z, 20); flint_printf("\nL(1/2, %wu) multi = ", x->n); acb_printd(v + i, 20); flint_printf("\n\n"); acb_vec_printd(v, G->phi_q, 10); flint_printf("\n\n"); } i++; } while (acb_dirichlet_conrey_next(x, G) >= 0); acb_clear(s); _acb_vec_clear(v, G->phi_q); acb_dirichlet_char_clear(chi); acb_dirichlet_conrey_clear(x); acb_dirichlet_group_clear(G); } int main() { slong i, j; ulong q[nq] = {3, 5, 61, 91, 800}; ulong m[nq] = {2, 4, 11, 2, 3}; slong prec = 150; acb_ptr x; /* cannot test at s = 1 with hurwitz */ const char * x_r[nx] = { "1", "0.5", "0.5" }; const char * x_i[nx] = { "1", "0", "6" }; acb_t ref, res; /* default(realprecision, 54) X = [ 1 + I, 1/2, 1/2 + 6 * I ] C = [Mod(2,3),Mod(4,5),Mod(11,61),Mod(2,91),Mod(3,800)] v = concat([ [lfun(c,x) | x<-X] | c<-C]) apply(z->printf("\"%s\",\n",real(z)),v) apply(z->printf("\"%s\",\n",imag(z)),v) */ const char * ref_r[nq * nx] = { "0.655527984002548033786648216345221087939439503905627469", "0.480867557696828626181220063235589877776829730832371863", "1.56831301727577320813799211138797101541772722814204757", "0.521271244517346991221550773660594765406476858135844321", "0.231750947504015755883383661760877226427886696409005898", "0.275543455389521803395512886745330595086898302178508437", "0.598221809458540554839300433683735304093606595684903281", "0.489264190003695740292779374874163221990017067040417393", "0.573331076412428980263984182365365715292560207445592018", "0.510279695870740409778738767334484809708615155539404548", "0.635626509594367380604827545000418331455019188562281349", "0.129304857274642475564179442785425797926079767522671163", "1.18088858810025653590356481638012816019876881487868657", "2.17175778983760437737667738885959799183430688287297767", "3.41568550810774629867945639900431994221065497147578087" }; const char * ref_i[nq * nx] = { "0.220206044893215842652155131408935133596486560067476474", "0", "-0.969458654385732175077973304161399773236957587792986099", "0.354614573267731219242838516784605303288232150760467423", "0", "-0.995392028773643947872231871832838543767598301887892796", "1.04370497561090171487193145841005574472705644411957863", "-0.108902811943905225853677097712717212629591264759957602", "-0.232114369998608907337769019848201890558327186146689311", "-0.133300066189980774635445078240315148544665020358019145", "0.0119464572932630291870372694406253796888930803905106876", "-0.567660589679294457801153713636532209809112025502518666", "-0.654079942571300523223917775358845549990877148918886474", "0.970337207245832214408380510793679653538607483205616894", "-1.43652482351673593824956935036654893593947145947637807" }; flint_printf("l...."); fflush(stdout); x = _acb_vec_init(nx); for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) { if (arb_set_str(acb_realref(x + j), x_r[j], prec) || arb_set_str(acb_imagref(x + j), x_i[j], prec) ) { flint_printf("error while setting x[%ld] <- %s+I*%s\n", j, x_r[j], x_i[j]); abort(); } } acb_init(ref); acb_init(res); for (i = 0; i < nq; i++) { acb_dirichlet_group_t G; acb_dirichlet_char_t chi; acb_dirichlet_group_init(G, q[i]); acb_dirichlet_char_init(chi, G); acb_dirichlet_char(chi, G, m[i]); for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) { if (arb_set_str(acb_realref(ref), ref_r[i * nx + j], prec - 10) || arb_set_str(acb_imagref(ref), ref_i[i * nx + j], prec - 10) ) { flint_printf("error while setting ref <- %s+I*%s\n", ref_r[i * nx + j], ref_i[i * nx + j]); abort(); } acb_dirichlet_l_hurwitz(res, x + j, G, chi, prec + 10); if (!acb_contains(ref, res)) { flint_printf("FAIL:\n\n"); flint_printf("q = %wu\n", q[i]); flint_printf("m = %wu\n", m[i]); flint_printf("x = "); acb_printd(x, 54); flint_printf("\nref = "); acb_printd(ref, 54); flint_printf("\nl(chi,x) = "); acb_printd(res, 54); flint_printf("\n\n"); abort(); } } acb_dirichlet_char_clear(chi); acb_dirichlet_group_clear(G); } acb_clear(ref); acb_clear(res); _acb_vec_clear(x, nx); /* test using dft */ test_dft(); flint_cleanup(); flint_printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }