/*============================================================================= This file is part of ARB. ARB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ARB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ARB; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =============================================================================*/ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2014 Fredrik Johansson ******************************************************************************/ #include #include "arb_poly.h" void _arb_poly_get_scale(fmpz_t scale, arb_srcptr x, long xlen, arb_srcptr y, long ylen) { long xa, xb, ya, yb, den; fmpz_zero(scale); /* ignore zeros (and infs/nans!); find the first and last finite nonzero entries to determine the scale */ xa = 0; xb = xlen - 1; while (xa < xlen && arf_is_special(arb_midref(x + xa))) xa++; while (xb > xa && arf_is_special(arb_midref(x + xb))) xb--; ya = 0; yb = ylen - 1; while (ya < ylen && arf_is_special(arb_midref(y + ya))) ya++; while (yb > ya && arf_is_special(arb_midref(y + yb))) yb--; /* compute average of exponent differences, weighted by the lengths */ if (xa <= xb && ya <= yb && (xa < xb || ya < yb)) { fmpz_add(scale, scale, ARF_EXPREF(arb_midref(x + xb))); fmpz_sub(scale, scale, ARF_EXPREF(arb_midref(x + xa))); fmpz_add(scale, scale, ARF_EXPREF(arb_midref(y + yb))); fmpz_sub(scale, scale, ARF_EXPREF(arb_midref(y + ya))); den = (xb - xa) + (yb - ya); /* scale = floor(scale / den + 1/2) = floor((2 scale + den) / (2 den)) */ fmpz_mul_2exp(scale, scale, 1); fmpz_add_ui(scale, scale, den); fmpz_fdiv_q_ui(scale, scale, 2 * den); } } /* Break vector into same-exponent blocks where the largest block has a height of at most ALPHA*prec + BETA bits. These are just tuning parameters. Note that ALPHA * MAG_BITS + BETA should be smaller than DOUBLE_BLOCK_MAX_HEIGHT if we want to use doubles for error bounding. */ #define ALPHA 3.0 #define BETA 512 /* Maximum length of block for which we use double multiplication (for longer blocks, we use fmpz_poly multiplication). This is essentially just a tuning parameter, but note that it must be considered when compensating for rounding error below. */ #define DOUBLE_BLOCK_MAX_LENGTH 1000 /* Computing a dot product of length DOUBLE_BLOCK_MAX_LENGTH involving only nonnegative numbers, and then multiplying by this factor, must give an upper bound for the exact dot product (we can assume that no overflow or underflow occurs). The following is certainly sufficient, but it would be nice to include a formal proof here. */ #define DOUBLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR (1.0 + 1e-9) /* Maximum height for which we use double multiplication. Since the dynamic exponent range of doubles is about +/- 1024, this must be less than about 1024 (to allow the product of two numbers). This must also account for adding MAG_BITS bits. */ #define DOUBLE_BLOCK_MAX_HEIGHT 800 /* We divide coefficients by 2^DOUBLE_BLOCK_SHIFT when converting them to doubles, in order to use the whole exponent range. Note that this means numbers of size (2^(-DOUBLE_BLOCK_SHIFT))^2 must not underflow. */ #define DOUBLE_BLOCK_SHIFT (DOUBLE_BLOCK_MAX_HEIGHT / 2) static __inline__ void _mag_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(fmpz * coeffs, double * dblcoeffs, fmpz * exps, long * blocks, const fmpz_t scale, arb_srcptr x, mag_srcptr xm, long len) { fmpz_t top, bot, t, b, v, block_top, block_bot; long i, j, s, block, bits, maxheight; int in_zero; mag_srcptr cur; fmpz_init(top); fmpz_init(bot); fmpz_init(t); fmpz_init(b); fmpz_init(v); fmpz_init(block_top); fmpz_init(block_bot); blocks[0] = 0; block = 0; in_zero = 1; maxheight = ALPHA * MAG_BITS + BETA; if (maxheight > DOUBLE_BLOCK_MAX_HEIGHT) abort(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { cur = (x == NULL) ? (xm + i) : arb_radref(x + i); /* Skip (must be zero, since we assume there are no Infs/NaNs). */ if (mag_is_special(cur)) continue; /* Bottom and top exponent of current number */ bits = MAG_BITS; fmpz_set(top, MAG_EXPREF(cur)); fmpz_submul_ui(top, scale, i); fmpz_sub_ui(bot, top, bits); /* Extend current block. */ if (in_zero) { fmpz_swap(block_top, top); fmpz_swap(block_bot, bot); } else { fmpz_max(t, top, block_top); fmpz_min(b, bot, block_bot); fmpz_sub(v, t, b); /* extend current block */ if (fmpz_cmp_ui(v, maxheight) < 0) { fmpz_swap(block_top, t); fmpz_swap(block_bot, b); } else /* start new block */ { /* write exponent for previous block */ fmpz_set(exps + block, block_bot); block++; blocks[block] = i; fmpz_swap(block_top, top); fmpz_swap(block_bot, bot); } } in_zero = 0; } /* write exponent for last block */ fmpz_set(exps + block, block_bot); /* end marker */ blocks[block + 1] = len; /* write the block data */ for (i = 0; blocks[i] != len; i++) { for (j = blocks[i]; j < blocks[i + 1]; j++) { cur = (x == NULL) ? (xm + j) : arb_radref(x + j); if (mag_is_special(cur)) { fmpz_zero(coeffs + j); dblcoeffs[j] = 0.0; } else { mp_limb_t man; double c; man = MAG_MAN(cur); /* TODO: only write and use doubles when block is short? */ /* Divide by 2^(scale * j) */ fmpz_mul_ui(t, scale, j); fmpz_sub(t, MAG_EXPREF(cur), t); fmpz_sub_ui(t, t, MAG_BITS); /* bottom exponent */ s = _fmpz_sub_small(t, exps + i); if (s < 0) abort(); /* Bug catcher */ fmpz_set_ui(coeffs + j, man); fmpz_mul_2exp(coeffs + j, coeffs + j, s); c = man; c = ldexp(c, s - DOUBLE_BLOCK_SHIFT); if (c < 1e-150 || c > 1e150) /* Bug catcher */ abort(); dblcoeffs[j] = c; } } } fmpz_clear(top); fmpz_clear(bot); fmpz_clear(t); fmpz_clear(b); fmpz_clear(v); fmpz_clear(block_top); fmpz_clear(block_bot); } static __inline__ void _arb_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(fmpz * coeffs, fmpz * exps, long * blocks, const fmpz_t scale, arb_srcptr x, long len, long prec) { fmpz_t top, bot, t, b, v, block_top, block_bot; long i, j, s, block, bits, maxheight; int in_zero; fmpz_init(top); fmpz_init(bot); fmpz_init(t); fmpz_init(b); fmpz_init(v); fmpz_init(block_top); fmpz_init(block_bot); blocks[0] = 0; block = 0; in_zero = 1; if (prec == ARF_PREC_EXACT) maxheight = ARF_PREC_EXACT; else maxheight = ALPHA * prec + BETA; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { bits = arf_bits(arb_midref(x + i)); /* Skip (must be zero, since we assume there are no Infs/NaNs). */ if (bits == 0) continue; /* Bottom and top exponent of current number */ fmpz_set(top, ARF_EXPREF(arb_midref(x + i))); fmpz_submul_ui(top, scale, i); fmpz_sub_ui(bot, top, bits); /* Extend current block. */ if (in_zero) { fmpz_swap(block_top, top); fmpz_swap(block_bot, bot); } else { fmpz_max(t, top, block_top); fmpz_min(b, bot, block_bot); fmpz_sub(v, t, b); /* extend current block */ if (fmpz_cmp_ui(v, maxheight) < 0) { fmpz_swap(block_top, t); fmpz_swap(block_bot, b); } else /* start new block */ { /* write exponent for previous block */ fmpz_set(exps + block, block_bot); block++; blocks[block] = i; fmpz_swap(block_top, top); fmpz_swap(block_bot, bot); } } in_zero = 0; } /* write exponent for last block */ fmpz_set(exps + block, block_bot); /* end marker */ blocks[block + 1] = len; /* write the block data */ for (i = 0; blocks[i] != len; i++) { for (j = blocks[i]; j < blocks[i + 1]; j++) { if (arf_is_special(arb_midref(x + j))) { fmpz_zero(coeffs + j); } else { /* TODO: make this a single operation */ arf_get_fmpz_2exp(coeffs + j, bot, arb_midref(x + j)); fmpz_mul_ui(t, scale, j); fmpz_sub(t, bot, t); s = _fmpz_sub_small(t, exps + i); if (s < 0) abort(); /* Bug catcher */ fmpz_mul_2exp(coeffs + j, coeffs + j, s); } } } fmpz_clear(top); fmpz_clear(bot); fmpz_clear(t); fmpz_clear(b); fmpz_clear(v); fmpz_clear(block_top); fmpz_clear(block_bot); } static __inline__ void _arb_poly_addmullow_rad(arb_ptr z, fmpz * zz, const fmpz * xz, const double * xdbl, const fmpz * xexps, const long * xblocks, long xlen, const fmpz * yz, const double * ydbl, const fmpz * yexps, const long * yblocks, long ylen, long n) { long i, j, k, ii, xp, yp, xl, yl, bn; fmpz_t zexp; mag_t t; fmpz_init(zexp); mag_init(t); for (i = 0; (xp = xblocks[i]) != xlen; i++) { for (j = 0; (yp = yblocks[j]) != ylen; j++) { if (xp + yp >= n) continue; xl = xblocks[i + 1] - xp; yl = yblocks[j + 1] - yp; bn = FLINT_MIN(xl + yl - 1, n - xp - yp); xl = FLINT_MIN(xl, bn); yl = FLINT_MIN(yl, bn); fmpz_add_inline(zexp, xexps + i, yexps + j); if (xl > 1 && yl > 1 && (xl < DOUBLE_BLOCK_MAX_LENGTH || yl < DOUBLE_BLOCK_MAX_LENGTH)) { fmpz_add_ui(zexp, zexp, 2 * DOUBLE_BLOCK_SHIFT); for (k = 0; k < bn; k++) { /* Classical multiplication (may round down!) */ double ss = 0.0; for (ii = FLINT_MAX(0, k - yl + 1); ii <= FLINT_MIN(xl - 1, k); ii++) { ss += xdbl[xp + ii] * ydbl[yp + k - ii]; } /* Compensate for rounding error */ ss *= DOUBLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR; mag_set_d_2exp_fmpz(t, ss, zexp); mag_add(arb_radref(z + xp + yp + k), arb_radref(z + xp + yp + k), t); } } else { if (xl >= yl) _fmpz_poly_mullow(zz, xz + xp, xl, yz + yp, yl, bn); else _fmpz_poly_mullow(zz, yz + yp, yl, xz + xp, xl, bn); for (k = 0; k < bn; k++) { mag_set_fmpz_2exp_fmpz(t, zz + k, zexp); mag_add(arb_radref(z + xp + yp + k), arb_radref(z + xp + yp + k), t); } } } } fmpz_clear(zexp); mag_clear(t); } static __inline__ void _arb_poly_addmullow_block(arb_ptr z, fmpz * zz, const fmpz * xz, const fmpz * xexps, const long * xblocks, long xlen, const fmpz * yz, const fmpz * yexps, const long * yblocks, long ylen, long n, long prec, int squaring) { long i, j, k, xp, yp, xl, yl, bn; fmpz_t zexp; fmpz_init(zexp); if (squaring) { for (i = 0; (xp = xblocks[i]) != xlen; i++) { if (2 * xp >= n) continue; xl = xblocks[i + 1] - xp; bn = FLINT_MIN(2 * xl - 1, n - 2 * xp); xl = FLINT_MIN(xl, bn); _fmpz_poly_sqrlow(zz, xz + xp, xl, bn); _fmpz_add2_fast(zexp, xexps + i, xexps + i, 0); for (k = 0; k < bn; k++) arb_add_fmpz_2exp(z + 2 * xp + k, z + 2 * xp + k, zz + k, zexp, prec); } } for (i = 0; (xp = xblocks[i]) != xlen; i++) { for (j = squaring ? i + 1 : 0; (yp = yblocks[j]) != ylen; j++) { if (xp + yp >= n) continue; xl = xblocks[i + 1] - xp; yl = yblocks[j + 1] - yp; bn = FLINT_MIN(xl + yl - 1, n - xp - yp); xl = FLINT_MIN(xl, bn); yl = FLINT_MIN(yl, bn); if (xl >= yl) _fmpz_poly_mullow(zz, xz + xp, xl, yz + yp, yl, bn); else _fmpz_poly_mullow(zz, yz + yp, yl, xz + xp, xl, bn); _fmpz_add2_fast(zexp, xexps + i, yexps + j, squaring); for (k = 0; k < bn; k++) arb_add_fmpz_2exp(z + xp + yp + k, z + xp + yp + k, zz + k, zexp, prec); } } fmpz_clear(zexp); } void _arb_poly_mullow_block(arb_ptr z, arb_srcptr x, long xlen, arb_srcptr y, long ylen, long n, long prec) { long xmlen, xrlen, ymlen, yrlen, i; fmpz *xz, *yz, *zz; fmpz *xe, *ye; long *xblocks, *yblocks; int squaring; fmpz_t scale, t; xlen = FLINT_MIN(xlen, n); ylen = FLINT_MIN(ylen, n); squaring = (x == y) && (xlen == ylen); /* Strip trailing zeros */ xmlen = xrlen = xlen; while (xmlen > 0 && arf_is_zero(arb_midref(x + xmlen - 1))) xmlen--; while (xrlen > 0 && mag_is_zero(arb_radref(x + xrlen - 1))) xrlen--; if (squaring) { ymlen = xmlen; yrlen = xrlen; } else { ymlen = yrlen = ylen; while (ymlen > 0 && arf_is_zero(arb_midref(y + ymlen - 1))) ymlen--; while (yrlen > 0 && mag_is_zero(arb_radref(y + yrlen - 1))) yrlen--; } /* We don't know how to deal with infinities or NaNs */ if (!_arb_vec_is_finite(x, xlen) || (!squaring && !_arb_vec_is_finite(y, ylen))) { _arb_poly_mullow_classical(z, x, xlen, y, ylen, n, prec); return; } xlen = FLINT_MAX(xmlen, xrlen); ylen = FLINT_MAX(ymlen, yrlen); /* Start with the zero polynomial */ _arb_vec_zero(z, n); /* Nothing to do */ if (xlen == 0 || ylen == 0) return; n = FLINT_MIN(n, xlen + ylen - 1); fmpz_init(scale); fmpz_init(t); xz = _fmpz_vec_init(xlen); yz = _fmpz_vec_init(ylen); zz = _fmpz_vec_init(n); xe = _fmpz_vec_init(xlen); ye = _fmpz_vec_init(ylen); xblocks = flint_malloc(sizeof(long) * (xlen + 1)); yblocks = flint_malloc(sizeof(long) * (ylen + 1)); _arb_poly_get_scale(scale, x, xlen, y, ylen); /* Error propagation */ /* (xm + xr)*(ym + yr) = (xm*ym) + (xr*ym + xm*yr + xr*yr) = (xm*ym) + (xm*yr + xr*(ym + yr)) */ if (xrlen != 0 || yrlen != 0) { mag_ptr tmp; double *xdbl, *ydbl; tmp = _mag_vec_init(FLINT_MAX(xlen, ylen)); xdbl = flint_malloc(sizeof(double) * xlen); ydbl = flint_malloc(sizeof(double) * ylen); /* (xm + xr)^2 = (xm*ym) + (xr^2 + 2 xm xr) = (xm*ym) + xr*(2 xm + xr) */ if (squaring) { _mag_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(xz, xdbl, xe, xblocks, scale, x, NULL, xrlen); for (i = 0; i < xlen; i++) { arf_get_mag(tmp + i, arb_midref(x + i)); mag_mul_2exp_si(tmp + i, tmp + i, 1); mag_add(tmp + i, tmp + i, arb_radref(x + i)); } _mag_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(yz, ydbl, ye, yblocks, scale, NULL, tmp, xlen); _arb_poly_addmullow_rad(z, zz, xz, xdbl, xe, xblocks, xrlen, yz, ydbl, ye, yblocks, xlen, n); } else if (yrlen == 0) { /* xr * |ym| */ _mag_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(xz, xdbl, xe, xblocks, scale, x, NULL, xrlen); for (i = 0; i < ymlen; i++) arf_get_mag(tmp + i, arb_midref(y + i)); _mag_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(yz, ydbl, ye, yblocks, scale, NULL, tmp, ymlen); _arb_poly_addmullow_rad(z, zz, xz, xdbl, xe, xblocks, xrlen, yz, ydbl, ye, yblocks, ymlen, n); } else { /* |xm| * yr */ for (i = 0; i < xmlen; i++) arf_get_mag(tmp + i, arb_midref(x + i)); _mag_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(xz, xdbl, xe, xblocks, scale, NULL, tmp, xmlen); _mag_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(yz, ydbl, ye, yblocks, scale, y, NULL, yrlen); _arb_poly_addmullow_rad(z, zz, xz, xdbl, xe, xblocks, xmlen, yz, ydbl, ye, yblocks, yrlen, n); /* xr*(|ym| + yr) */ if (xrlen != 0) { _mag_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(xz, xdbl, xe, xblocks, scale, x, NULL, xrlen); for (i = 0; i < ylen; i++) arb_get_mag(tmp + i, y + i); _mag_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(yz, ydbl, ye, yblocks, scale, NULL, tmp, ylen); _arb_poly_addmullow_rad(z, zz, xz, xdbl, xe, xblocks, xrlen, yz, ydbl, ye, yblocks, ylen, n); } } _mag_vec_clear(tmp, FLINT_MAX(xlen, ylen)); flint_free(xdbl); flint_free(ydbl); } /* multiply midpoints */ if (xmlen != 0 && ymlen != 0) { _arb_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(xz, xe, xblocks, scale, x, xmlen, prec); if (squaring) { _arb_poly_addmullow_block(z, zz, xz, xe, xblocks, xmlen, xz, xe, xblocks, xmlen, n, prec, 1); } else { _arb_vec_get_fmpz_2exp_blocks(yz, ye, yblocks, scale, y, ymlen, prec); _arb_poly_addmullow_block(z, zz, xz, xe, xblocks, xmlen, yz, ye, yblocks, ymlen, n, prec, 0); } } /* Unscale. */ if (!fmpz_is_zero(scale)) { fmpz_zero(t); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { arb_mul_2exp_fmpz(z + i, z + i, t); fmpz_add(t, t, scale); } } _fmpz_vec_clear(xz, xlen); _fmpz_vec_clear(yz, ylen); _fmpz_vec_clear(zz, n); _fmpz_vec_clear(xe, xlen); _fmpz_vec_clear(ye, ylen); flint_free(xblocks); flint_free(yblocks); fmpz_clear(scale); fmpz_clear(t); } void arb_poly_mullow_block(arb_poly_t res, const arb_poly_t poly1, const arb_poly_t poly2, long n, long prec) { long xlen, ylen, zlen; xlen = poly1->length; ylen = poly2->length; if (xlen == 0 || ylen == 0 || n == 0) { arb_poly_zero(res); return; } xlen = FLINT_MIN(xlen, n); ylen = FLINT_MIN(ylen, n); zlen = FLINT_MIN(xlen + ylen - 1, n); if (res == poly1 || res == poly2) { arb_poly_t tmp; arb_poly_init2(tmp, zlen); _arb_poly_mullow_block(tmp->coeffs, poly1->coeffs, xlen, poly2->coeffs, ylen, zlen, prec); arb_poly_swap(res, tmp); arb_poly_clear(tmp); } else { arb_poly_fit_length(res, zlen); _arb_poly_mullow_block(res->coeffs, poly1->coeffs, xlen, poly2->coeffs, ylen, zlen, prec); } _arb_poly_set_length(res, zlen); _arb_poly_normalise(res); }