/* Copyright (C) 2012 Fredrik Johansson This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "arf.h" int _arf_are_close(const arf_t x, const arf_t y, slong prec) { fmpz_t xb, yb; fmpz_t delta; int result; fmpz_init(xb); fmpz_init(yb); fmpz_init(delta); arf_bot(xb, x); arf_bot(yb, y); if (fmpz_cmp(ARF_EXPREF(x), ARF_EXPREF(y)) >= 0) fmpz_sub(delta, xb, ARF_EXPREF(y)); else fmpz_sub(delta, yb, ARF_EXPREF(x)); fmpz_sub_ui(delta, delta, 64); result = (fmpz_cmp_ui(delta, prec) < 0); fmpz_clear(xb); fmpz_clear(yb); fmpz_clear(delta); return result; } int _arf_add_eps(arf_t s, const arf_t x, int sgn, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; slong bits; bits = arf_bits(x); if (bits == 0) { flint_printf("_arf_add_eps\n"); abort(); } bits = FLINT_MAX(bits, prec) + 10; arf_init(t); arf_set_si(t, sgn); arf_mul_2exp_fmpz(t, t, ARF_EXPREF(x)); arf_mul_2exp_si(t, t, -bits); arf_add(s, x, t, prec, rnd); arf_clear(t); return 1; } int arf_sum(arf_t s, arf_srcptr terms, slong len, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_ptr blocks; slong i, j, used; int have_merged, res; /* first check if the result is inf or nan */ { int have_pos_inf = 0; int have_neg_inf = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (arf_is_pos_inf(terms + i)) { if (have_neg_inf) { arf_nan(s); return 0; } have_pos_inf = 1; } else if (arf_is_neg_inf(terms + i)) { if (have_pos_inf) { arf_nan(s); return 0; } have_neg_inf = 1; } else if (arf_is_nan(terms + i)) { arf_nan(s); return 0; } } if (have_pos_inf) { arf_pos_inf(s); return 0; } if (have_neg_inf) { arf_neg_inf(s); return 0; } } blocks = flint_malloc(sizeof(arf_struct) * len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) arf_init(blocks + i); /* put all terms into blocks */ used = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!arf_is_zero(terms + i)) { arf_set(blocks + used, terms + i); used++; } } /* merge blocks until all are well separated */ have_merged = 1; while (used >= 2 && have_merged) { have_merged = 0; for (i = 0; i < used && !have_merged; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < used && !have_merged; j++) { if (_arf_are_close(blocks + i, blocks + j, prec)) { arf_add(blocks + i, blocks + i, blocks + j, ARF_PREC_EXACT, ARF_RND_DOWN); /* remove the merged block */ arf_swap(blocks + j, blocks + used - 1); used--; /* remove the updated block if the sum is zero */ if (arf_is_zero(blocks + i)) { arf_swap(blocks + i, blocks + used - 1); used--; } have_merged = 1; } } } } if (used == 0) { arf_zero(s); res = 0; } else if (used == 1) { res = arf_set_round(s, blocks + 0, prec, rnd); } else { /* find the two largest blocks */ for (i = 1; i < used; i++) if (arf_cmpabs(blocks + 0, blocks + i) < 0) arf_swap(blocks + 0, blocks + i); for (i = 2; i < used; i++) if (arf_cmpabs(blocks + 1, blocks + i) < 0) arf_swap(blocks + 1, blocks + i); res = _arf_add_eps(s, blocks + 0, arf_sgn(blocks + 1), prec, rnd); } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) arf_clear(blocks + i); flint_free(blocks); return res; }