.. _dirichlet: **dirichlet.h** -- Dirichlet characters =================================================================================== *Warning: the interfaces in this module are experimental and may change without notice.* This module allows working with Dirichlet characters algebraically. For evaluations of characters as complex numbers, see :ref:`acb-dirichlet`. Dirichlet characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Working with Dirichlet characters mod *q* consists mainly in going from residue classes mod *q* to exponents on a set of generators of the group. This implementation relies on the Conrey numbering scheme introduced in the `L-functions and Modular Forms DataBase `_, which is an explicit choice of generators allowing to represent Dirichlet characters via the pairing .. math:: \begin{array}{ccccc} (\mathbb Z/q\mathbb Z)^\times \times (\mathbb Z/q\mathbb Z)^\times & \to & \bigoplus_i \mathbb Z/\phi_i\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z/\phi_i\mathbb Z & \to &\mathbb C \\ (m,n) & \mapsto& (a_i,b_i) &\mapsto& \chi_q(m,n) = \exp(2i\pi\sum \frac{a_ib_i}{\phi_i} ) \end{array} We call *number* a residue class `m` modulo *q*, and *log* the corresponding vector `(a_i)` of exponents of Conrey generators. Going from a *log* to the corresponding *number* is a cheap operation we call exponential, while the converse requires computing discrete logarithms. Multiplicative group modulo *q* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. type:: dirichlet_group_struct .. type:: dirichlet_group_t Represents the group of Dirichlet characters mod *q*. An *dirichlet_group_t* is defined as an array of *dirichlet_group_struct* of length 1, permitting it to be passed by reference. .. function:: void dirichlet_group_init(dirichlet_group_t G, ulong q) Initializes *G* to the group of Dirichlet characters mod *q*. This method computes a canonical decomposition of *G* in terms of cyclic groups, which are the mod `p^e` subgroups for `p^e\|q`, plus the specific generator described by Conrey for each subgroup. In particular *G* contains: - the number *num* of components - the generators - the exponent *expo* of the group It does *not* automatically precompute lookup tables of discrete logarithms or numerical roots of unity, and can therefore safely be called even with large *q*. For implementation reasons, the largest prime factor of *q* must not exceed `10^{12}` (an abort will be raised). This restriction could be removed in the future. .. function:: void dirichlet_subgroup_init(dirichlet_group_t H, const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong h) Given an already computed group *G* mod `q`, initialize its subgroup *H* defined mod `h\mid q`. Precomputed discrete log tables are inherited. .. function:: void dirichlet_group_clear(dirichlet_group_t G) Clears *G*. Remark this function does *not* clear the discrete logarithm tables stored in *G* (which may be shared with another group). .. function:: void dirichlet_group_dlog_precompute(dirichlet_group_t G, ulong num) Precompute decomposition and tables for discrete log computations in *G*, so as to minimize the complexity of *num* calls to discrete logarithms. If *num* gets very large, the entire group may be indexed. .. function:: void dirichlet_group_dlog_clear(dirichlet_group_t G, ulong num) Clear discrete logarithm tables in *G*. When discrete logarithm tables are shared with subgroups, those subgroups must be cleared before clearing the tables. Character type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. type:: dirichlet_char_struct .. type:: dirichlet_char_t Represents a Dirichlet character. This structure contains both a *number* (residue class) and the corresponding *log* (exponents on the group generators). An *dirichlet_char_t* is defined as an array of *dirichlet_char_struct* of length 1, permitting it to be passed by reference. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_init(dirichlet_char_t chi, const dirichlet_group_t G) Initializes *chi* to an element of the group *G* and sets its value to the principal character. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_clear(dirichlet_char_t chi) Clears *chi*. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_print(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi) Prints the array of exponents representing this character. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_log(dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong m) Sets *x* to the character of number *m*, computing its log using discrete logarithm in *G*. .. function:: ulong dirichlet_char_exp(dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_group_t G) Computes and returns the number *m* corresponding to exponents in *x*. Since *x* should always contain its *number*, this function is for internal use only. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_one(dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_group_t G) Sets *x* to the principal character in *G*, having *log* `[0,\dots 0]`. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_first_primitive(dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_group_t G) Sets *x* to the first primitive character of *G*, having *log* `[1,\dots 1]`, or `[0, 1, \dots 1]` if `8\mid q`. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_set(dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t y) Sets *x* to the element *y*. .. function:: int dirichlet_char_next(dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_group_t G) Sets *x* to the next character in *G* according to lexicographic ordering of *log*. The return value is the index of the last updated exponent of *x*, or *-1* if the last element has been reached. This function allows to iterate on all elements of *G* looping on their *log*. Note that it produces elements in seemingly random *number* order. The following template can be used for such a loop:: dirichlet_char_one(chi, G); do { /* use character chi */ } while (dirichlet_char_next(chi, G) >= 0); .. function:: int dirichlet_char_next_primitive(dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_group_t G) Same as :func:`dirichlet_char_next`, but jumps to the next primitive character of *G*. .. function:: ulong dirichlet_index_char(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t x) Returns the lexicographic index of the *log* of *x* as an integer in `0\dots \varphi(q)`. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_index(dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong j) Sets *x* to the character whose *log* has lexicographic index *j*. .. function:: int dirichlet_char_eq(const dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_char_t y) .. function:: int dirichlet_char_eq_deep(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t x, const dirichlet_char_t y) Return 1 if *x* equals *y*. The second version checks every byte of the representation and is intended for testing only. Character properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a consequence of the Conrey numbering, all these numbers are available at the level of *number* and *char* object. Both case require no discrete log computation. .. function:: ulong dirichlet_number_primitive(const dirichlet_group_t G) Returns the number of primitive elements in *G*. .. function:: int dirichlet_char_is_principal(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi) Returns 1 if *chi* is the principal character mod *q*. .. function:: ulong dirichlet_conductor_ui(const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong a) .. function:: ulong dirichlet_conductor_char(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t x) Returns the *conductor* of `\chi_q(a,\cdot)`, that is the smallest `r` dividing `q` such `\chi_q(a,\cdot)` can be obtained as a character mod `r`. .. function:: int dirichlet_parity_ui(const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong a) .. function:: int dirichlet_parity_char(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t x) Returns the *parity* `\lambda` in `\{0,1\}` of `\chi_q(a,\cdot)`, such that `\chi_q(a,-1)=(-1)^\lambda`. .. function:: ulong dirichlet_order_ui(const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong a) .. function:: ulong dirichlet_order_char(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t x) Returns the order of `\chi_q(a,\cdot)` which is the order of `a\bmod q`. .. function:: int dirichlet_char_is_real(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi) Returns 1 if *chi* is a real character (iff it has order `\leq 2`). Character evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirichlet characters take value in a finite cyclic group of roots of unity plus zero. Evaluation functions return a *ulong*, this number corresponds to the power of a primitive root of unity, the special value *DIRICHLET_CHI_NULL* encoding the zero value. .. function:: ulong dirichlet_pairing(const dirichlet_group_t G, ulong m, ulong n) .. function:: ulong dirichlet_pairing_char(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, const dirichlet_char_t psi) Compute the value of the Dirichlet pairing on numbers *m* and *n*, as exponent modulo *G->expo*. The *char* variant takes as input two characters, so that no discrete logarithm is computed. The returned value is the numerator of the actual value exponent mod the group exponent *G->expo*. .. function:: ulong dirichlet_chi(const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, ulong n) Compute the value `\chi(n)` as the exponent modulo *G->expo*. .. function:: void dirichlet_chi_vec(ulong * v, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong nv) Compute the list of exponent values *v[k]* for `0\leq k < nv`, as exponents modulo *G->expo*. .. function:: void dirichlet_chi_vec_order(ulong * v, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, ulong order, slong nv) Compute the list of exponent values *v[k]* for `0\leq k < nv`, as exponents modulo *order*, which is assumed to be a multiple of the order of *chi*. Character operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void dirichlet_char_mul(dirichlet_char_t chi12, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi1, const dirichlet_char_t chi2) Multiply two characters of the same group *G*. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_pow(dirichlet_char_t c, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t a, ulong n) Take the power of a character. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_lift(dirichlet_char_t chi_G, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi_H, const dirichlet_group_t H) If *H* is a subgroup of *G*, computes the character in *G* corresponding to *chi_H* in *H*. .. function:: void dirichlet_char_lower(dirichlet_char_t chi_H, const dirichlet_group_t H, const dirichlet_char_t chi_G, const dirichlet_group_t G) If *chi_G* is a character of *G* which factors through *H*, sets *chi_H* to the corresponding restriction in *H*. This requires `c(\chi_G)\mid q_H\mid q_G`, where `c(\chi_G)` is the conductor of `\chi_G` and `q_G, q_H` are the moduli of G and H.