/* Copyright (C) 2015 Fredrik Johansson This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "arf.h" int arf_root(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, ulong k, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { mp_size_t xn, zn, val; mp_srcptr xptr; mp_ptr tmp, zptr; mpfr_t xf, zf; fmpz_t q, r; int inexact; if (k == 0) { arf_nan(z); return 0; } if (k == 1) return arf_set_round(z, x, prec, rnd); if (k == 2) return arf_sqrt(z, x, prec, rnd); if (arf_is_special(x)) { if (arf_is_neg_inf(x)) arf_nan(z); else arf_set(z, x); return 0; } if (ARF_SGNBIT(x)) { arf_nan(z); return 0; } fmpz_init(q); fmpz_init(r); /* x = m * 2^e where e = qk + r */ /* x^(1/k) = (m * 2^(qk+r))^(1/k) */ /* x^(1/k) = (m * 2^r)^(1/k) * 2^q */ fmpz_set_ui(r, k); fmpz_fdiv_qr(q, r, ARF_EXPREF(x), r); ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(xptr, xn, x); zn = (prec + FLINT_BITS - 1) / FLINT_BITS; zf->_mpfr_d = tmp = flint_malloc(zn * sizeof(mp_limb_t)); zf->_mpfr_prec = prec; zf->_mpfr_sign = 1; zf->_mpfr_exp = 0; xf->_mpfr_d = (mp_ptr) xptr; xf->_mpfr_prec = xn * FLINT_BITS; xf->_mpfr_sign = 1; xf->_mpfr_exp = fmpz_get_ui(r); inexact = mpfr_root(zf, xf, k, arf_rnd_to_mpfr(rnd)); inexact = (inexact != 0); val = 0; while (tmp[val] == 0) val++; ARF_GET_MPN_WRITE(zptr, zn - val, z); flint_mpn_copyi(zptr, tmp + val, zn - val); fmpz_add_si(ARF_EXPREF(z), q, zf->_mpfr_exp); flint_free(tmp); fmpz_clear(q); fmpz_clear(r); return inexact; }