Setup =============================================================================== Dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arb has the following dependencies: * Either MPIR ( 2.6.0 or later, or GMP ( 5.1.0 or later. If MPIR is used instead of GMP, it must be compiled with the ``--enable-gmpcompat`` option. * MPFR ( 3.0.0 or later. * FLINT ( Currently a source checkout of FLINT from is required (the first release version of FLINT to be compatible with Arb will be FLINT 2.4). Installation as part of FLINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a sufficiently new version of FLINT, Arb can be compiled as a FLINT extension package. Simply put the Arb source directory somewhere, say ``/path/to/arb``. Then go to the FLINT source directory and build FLINT using:: ./configure --extensions=/path/to/arb make make check (optional) make install This is convenient, as Arb does not need to be configured or linked separately. Arb becomes part of the compiled FLINT library, and the Arb header files will be installed along with the other FLINT header files. Standalone installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To compile, test and install Arb from source as a standalone library, first install FLINT. Then go to the Arb source directory and run:: ./configure make make check (optional) make install If GMP/MPIR, MPFR or FLINT is installed in some other location than the default path ``/usr/local``, pass ``--with-gmp=...``, ``--with-mpfr=...`` or ``--with-flint=...`` with the correct path to configure (type ``./configure --help`` to show more options). Running code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an example program to get started using Arb: .. code-block:: c #include "fmprb.h" int main() { fmprb_t x; fmprb_init(x); fmprb_const_pi(x, 50 * 3.33); fmprb_printd(x, 50); printf("\n"); fmprb_clear(x); } Compile it with:: gcc -larb test.c or (if Arb is built as part of FLINT):: gcc -lflint test.c If the Arb/FLINT header and library files are not in a standard location (``/usr/local`` on most systems), you may also have to pass options such as:: -I/path/to/arb -I/path/to/flint -L/path/to/flint -L/path/to/arb to ``gcc``. Finally, to run the program, make sure that the linker can find the FLINT (and Arb) libraries. If they are installed in a nonstandard location, you can for example add this path to the ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` environment variable. The output of the example program should be something like the following:: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 +/- 4.2764e-50