/* Copyright (C) 2014 Fredrik Johansson 2x2 mul code taken from MPFR 2.3.0 (Copyright (C) 1991-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.) This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #ifndef ARF_H #define ARF_H #ifdef ARF_INLINES_C #define ARF_INLINE #else #define ARF_INLINE static __inline__ #endif #include #include #include "flint/flint.h" #include "fmpr.h" #include "mag.h" #ifndef flint_abort #if __FLINT_RELEASE <= 20502 #define flint_abort abort #endif #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define arf_rnd_t fmpr_rnd_t #define ARF_RND_DOWN FMPR_RND_DOWN #define ARF_RND_UP FMPR_RND_UP #define ARF_RND_FLOOR FMPR_RND_FLOOR #define ARF_RND_CEIL FMPR_RND_CEIL #define ARF_RND_NEAR FMPR_RND_NEAR ARF_INLINE int arf_rounds_down(arf_rnd_t rnd, int sgnbit) { if (rnd == ARF_RND_DOWN) return 1; if (rnd == ARF_RND_UP) return 0; if (rnd == ARF_RND_FLOOR) return !sgnbit; return sgnbit; } ARF_INLINE int arf_rounds_up(arf_rnd_t rnd, int sgnbit) { if (rnd == ARF_RND_DOWN) return 0; if (rnd == ARF_RND_UP) return 1; if (rnd == ARF_RND_FLOOR) return sgnbit; return !sgnbit; } ARF_INLINE mpfr_rnd_t arf_rnd_to_mpfr(arf_rnd_t rnd) { if (rnd == ARF_RND_DOWN) return MPFR_RNDZ; else if (rnd == ARF_RND_UP) return MPFR_RNDA; else if (rnd == ARF_RND_FLOOR) return MPFR_RNDD; else if (rnd == ARF_RND_CEIL) return MPFR_RNDU; else return MPFR_RNDN; } /* Allow 'infinite' precision for operations where a result can be computed exactly. */ #define ARF_PREC_EXACT WORD_MAX #define ARF_PREC_ADD(prec,extra) ((prec) == ARF_PREC_EXACT ? ARF_PREC_EXACT : (prec) + (extra)) #define ARF_RESULT_EXACT 0 #define ARF_RESULT_INEXACT 1 /* Range where we can skip fmpz overflow checks for exponent manipulation. */ #define ARF_MAX_LAGOM_EXP MAG_MAX_LAGOM_EXP #define ARF_MIN_LAGOM_EXP MAG_MIN_LAGOM_EXP /* Exponent values used to encode special values. */ #define ARF_EXP_ZERO 0 #define ARF_EXP_NAN COEFF_MIN #define ARF_EXP_POS_INF (COEFF_MIN+1) #define ARF_EXP_NEG_INF (COEFF_MIN+2) /* Direct access to the exponent. */ #define ARF_EXP(x) ((x)->exp) #define ARF_EXPREF(x) (&(x)->exp) /* Finite and with lagom big exponents. */ #define ARF_IS_LAGOM(x) (ARF_EXP(x) >= ARF_MIN_LAGOM_EXP && \ ARF_EXP(x) <= ARF_MAX_LAGOM_EXP) /* More than two limbs (needs pointer). */ #define ARF_HAS_PTR(x) ((x)->size > ((2 << 1) + 1)) /* Raw size field (encodes both limb size and sign). */ #define ARF_XSIZE(x) ((x)->size) /* Construct size field value from size in limbs and sign bit. */ #define ARF_MAKE_XSIZE(size, sgnbit) ((((mp_size_t) size) << 1) | (sgnbit)) /* The limb size, and the sign bit. */ #define ARF_SIZE(x) (ARF_XSIZE(x) >> 1) #define ARF_SGNBIT(x) (ARF_XSIZE(x) & 1) /* Assumes non-special value */ #define ARF_NEG(x) (ARF_XSIZE(x) ^= 1) /* Note: may also be hardcoded in a few places. */ #define ARF_NOPTR_LIMBS 2 /* Direct access to the limb data. */ #define ARF_NOPTR_D(x) ((x)->d.noptr.d) #define ARF_PTR_D(x) ((x)->d.ptr.d) #define ARF_PTR_ALLOC(x) ((x)->d.ptr.alloc) /* Encoding for special values. */ #define ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x) (ARF_XSIZE(x) == 0) /* Value is +/- a power of two */ #define ARF_IS_POW2(x) (ARF_SIZE(x) == 1) && (ARF_NOPTR_D(x)[0] == LIMB_TOP) /* To set a special value, first call this and then set the exponent. */ #define ARF_MAKE_SPECIAL(x) \ do { \ fmpz_clear(ARF_EXPREF(x)); \ ARF_DEMOTE(x); \ ARF_XSIZE(x) = 0; \ } while (0) typedef struct { mp_limb_t d[ARF_NOPTR_LIMBS]; } mantissa_noptr_struct; typedef struct { mp_size_t alloc; mp_ptr d; } mantissa_ptr_struct; typedef union { mantissa_noptr_struct noptr; mantissa_ptr_struct ptr; } mantissa_struct; typedef struct { fmpz exp; mp_size_t size; mantissa_struct d; } arf_struct; typedef arf_struct arf_t[1]; typedef arf_struct * arf_ptr; typedef const arf_struct * arf_srcptr; void _arf_promote(arf_t x, mp_size_t n); void _arf_demote(arf_t x); /* Warning: does not set size! -- also doesn't demote exponent. */ #define ARF_DEMOTE(x) \ do { \ if (ARF_HAS_PTR(x)) \ _arf_demote(x); \ } while (0) /* Get mpn pointer and size (xptr, xn) for read-only use. */ #define ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(xptr, xn, x) \ do { \ xn = ARF_SIZE(x); \ if (xn <= ARF_NOPTR_LIMBS) \ xptr = ARF_NOPTR_D(x); \ else \ xptr = ARF_PTR_D(x); \ } while (0) /* Assumes non-special! */ #define ARF_GET_TOP_LIMB(lmb, x) \ do { \ mp_srcptr __xptr; \ mp_size_t __xn; \ ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(__xptr, __xn, (x)); \ (lmb) = __xptr[__xn - 1]; \ } while (0) /* Get mpn pointer xptr for writing *exactly* xn limbs to x. */ #define ARF_GET_MPN_WRITE(xptr, xn, x) \ do { \ mp_size_t __xn = (xn); \ if ((__xn) <= ARF_NOPTR_LIMBS) \ { \ ARF_DEMOTE(x); \ xptr = ARF_NOPTR_D(x); \ } \ else \ { \ if (!ARF_HAS_PTR(x)) \ { \ _arf_promote(x, __xn); \ } \ else if (ARF_PTR_ALLOC(x) < (__xn)) \ { \ ARF_PTR_D(x) = (mp_ptr) \ flint_realloc(ARF_PTR_D(x), \ (xn) * sizeof(mp_limb_t)); \ ARF_PTR_ALLOC(x) = (__xn); \ } \ xptr = ARF_PTR_D(x); \ } \ ARF_XSIZE(x) = ARF_MAKE_XSIZE(__xn, 0); \ } while (0) ARF_INLINE void arf_init(arf_t x) { fmpz_init(ARF_EXPREF(x)); ARF_XSIZE(x) = 0; } void arf_clear(arf_t x); ARF_INLINE void arf_zero(arf_t x) { ARF_MAKE_SPECIAL(x); ARF_EXP(x) = ARF_EXP_ZERO; } ARF_INLINE void arf_pos_inf(arf_t x) { ARF_MAKE_SPECIAL(x); ARF_EXP(x) = ARF_EXP_POS_INF; } ARF_INLINE void arf_neg_inf(arf_t x) { ARF_MAKE_SPECIAL(x); ARF_EXP(x) = ARF_EXP_NEG_INF; } ARF_INLINE void arf_nan(arf_t x) { ARF_MAKE_SPECIAL(x); ARF_EXP(x) = ARF_EXP_NAN; } ARF_INLINE int arf_is_special(const arf_t x) { return ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x); } ARF_INLINE int arf_is_zero(const arf_t x) { return ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x) && (ARF_EXP(x) == ARF_EXP_ZERO); } ARF_INLINE int arf_is_pos_inf(const arf_t x) { return ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x) && (ARF_EXP(x) == ARF_EXP_POS_INF); } ARF_INLINE int arf_is_neg_inf(const arf_t x) { return ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x) && (ARF_EXP(x) == ARF_EXP_NEG_INF); } ARF_INLINE int arf_is_nan(const arf_t x) { return ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x) && (ARF_EXP(x) == ARF_EXP_NAN); } ARF_INLINE int arf_is_normal(const arf_t x) { return !ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x); } ARF_INLINE int arf_is_finite(const arf_t x) { return !ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x) || (ARF_EXP(x) == ARF_EXP_ZERO); } ARF_INLINE int arf_is_inf(const arf_t x) { return ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x) && (ARF_EXP(x) == ARF_EXP_POS_INF || ARF_EXP(x) == ARF_EXP_NEG_INF); } ARF_INLINE void arf_one(arf_t x) { fmpz_clear(ARF_EXPREF(x)); ARF_DEMOTE(x); ARF_EXP(x) = 1; ARF_XSIZE(x) = ARF_MAKE_XSIZE(1, 0); ARF_NOPTR_D(x)[0] = LIMB_TOP; } ARF_INLINE int arf_is_one(const arf_t x) { return (ARF_EXP(x) == 1) && (ARF_XSIZE(x) == ARF_MAKE_XSIZE(1, 0)) && ARF_NOPTR_D(x)[0] == LIMB_TOP; } ARF_INLINE int arf_sgn(const arf_t x) { if (arf_is_special(x)) { if (arf_is_zero(x) || arf_is_nan(x)) return 0; return arf_is_pos_inf(x) ? 1 : -1; } else { return ARF_SGNBIT(x) ? -1 : 1; } } int arf_cmp(const arf_t x, const arf_t y); int arf_cmpabs(const arf_t x, const arf_t y); int arf_cmpabs_ui(const arf_t x, ulong y); int arf_cmpabs_d(const arf_t x, double y); int arf_cmp_si(const arf_t x, slong y); int arf_cmp_ui(const arf_t x, ulong y); int arf_cmp_d(const arf_t x, double y); ARF_INLINE void arf_swap(arf_t y, arf_t x) { if (x != y) { arf_struct t = *x; *x = *y; *y = t; } } ARF_INLINE void arf_set(arf_t y, const arf_t x) { if (x != y) { /* Fast path */ if (!COEFF_IS_MPZ(ARF_EXP(x)) && !COEFF_IS_MPZ(ARF_EXP(y))) ARF_EXP(y) = ARF_EXP(x); else fmpz_set(ARF_EXPREF(y), ARF_EXPREF(x)); /* Fast path */ if (!ARF_HAS_PTR(x)) { ARF_DEMOTE(y); (y)->d = (x)->d; } else { mp_ptr yptr; mp_srcptr xptr; mp_size_t n; ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(xptr, n, x); ARF_GET_MPN_WRITE(yptr, n, y); flint_mpn_copyi(yptr, xptr, n); } /* Important. */ ARF_XSIZE(y) = ARF_XSIZE(x); } } ARF_INLINE void arf_neg(arf_t y, const arf_t x) { arf_set(y, x); if (arf_is_special(y)) { if (arf_is_pos_inf(y)) arf_neg_inf(y); else if (arf_is_neg_inf(y)) arf_pos_inf(y); } else { ARF_NEG(y); } } ARF_INLINE void arf_init_set_ui(arf_t x, ulong v) { if (v == 0) { ARF_EXP(x) = ARF_EXP_ZERO; ARF_XSIZE(x) = 0; } else { unsigned int c; count_leading_zeros(c, v); ARF_EXP(x) = FLINT_BITS - c; ARF_NOPTR_D(x)[0] = v << c; ARF_XSIZE(x) = ARF_MAKE_XSIZE(1, 0); } } /* FLINT_ABS is unsafe for x = WORD_MIN */ #define UI_ABS_SI(x) (((slong)(x) < 0) ? (-(ulong)(x)) : ((ulong)(x))) ARF_INLINE void arf_init_set_si(arf_t x, slong v) { arf_init_set_ui(x, UI_ABS_SI(v)); if (v < 0) ARF_NEG(x); } ARF_INLINE void arf_set_ui(arf_t x, ulong v) { ARF_DEMOTE(x); _fmpz_demote(ARF_EXPREF(x)); if (v == 0) { ARF_EXP(x) = ARF_EXP_ZERO; ARF_XSIZE(x) = 0; } else { unsigned int c; count_leading_zeros(c, v); ARF_EXP(x) = FLINT_BITS - c; ARF_NOPTR_D(x)[0] = v << c; ARF_XSIZE(x) = ARF_MAKE_XSIZE(1, 0); } } ARF_INLINE void arf_set_si(arf_t x, slong v) { arf_set_ui(x, UI_ABS_SI(v)); if (v < 0) ARF_NEG(x); } ARF_INLINE void arf_init_set_shallow(arf_t z, const arf_t x) { *z = *x; } ARF_INLINE void arf_init_neg_shallow(arf_t z, const arf_t x) { *z = *x; arf_neg(z, z); } ARF_INLINE void arf_init_set_mag_shallow(arf_t y, const mag_t x) { mp_limb_t t = MAG_MAN(x); ARF_XSIZE(y) = ARF_MAKE_XSIZE(t != 0, 0); ARF_EXP(y) = MAG_EXP(x); ARF_NOPTR_D(y)[0] = t << (FLINT_BITS - MAG_BITS); } ARF_INLINE void arf_init_neg_mag_shallow(arf_t z, const mag_t x) { arf_init_set_mag_shallow(z, x); arf_neg(z, z); } ARF_INLINE int arf_cmpabs_mag(const arf_t x, const mag_t y) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_mag_shallow(t, y); /* no need to free */ return arf_cmpabs(x, t); } ARF_INLINE int arf_mag_cmpabs(const mag_t x, const arf_t y) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_mag_shallow(t, x); /* no need to free */ return arf_cmpabs(t, y); } /* Assumes xn > 0, x[xn-1] != 0. */ /* TBD: 1, 2 limb versions */ void arf_set_mpn(arf_t y, mp_srcptr x, mp_size_t xn, int sgnbit); ARF_INLINE void arf_set_mpz(arf_t y, const mpz_t x) { slong size = x->_mp_size; if (size == 0) arf_zero(y); else arf_set_mpn(y, x->_mp_d, FLINT_ABS(size), size < 0); } ARF_INLINE void arf_set_fmpz(arf_t y, const fmpz_t x) { if (!COEFF_IS_MPZ(*x)) arf_set_si(y, *x); else arf_set_mpz(y, COEFF_TO_PTR(*x)); } int _arf_set_round_ui(arf_t x, ulong v, int sgnbit, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int _arf_set_round_uiui(arf_t z, slong * fix, mp_limb_t hi, mp_limb_t lo, int sgnbit, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int _arf_set_round_mpn(arf_t y, slong * exp_shift, mp_srcptr x, mp_size_t xn, int sgnbit, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); ARF_INLINE int arf_set_round_ui(arf_t x, ulong v, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { return _arf_set_round_ui(x, v, 0, prec, rnd); } ARF_INLINE int arf_set_round_si(arf_t x, slong v, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { return _arf_set_round_ui(x, UI_ABS_SI(v), v < 0, prec, rnd); } ARF_INLINE int arf_set_round_mpz(arf_t y, const mpz_t x, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { int inexact; slong size = x->_mp_size; slong fix; if (size == 0) { arf_zero(y); return 0; } inexact = _arf_set_round_mpn(y, &fix, x->_mp_d, FLINT_ABS(size), (size < 0), prec, rnd); _fmpz_demote(ARF_EXPREF(y)); ARF_EXP(y) = FLINT_ABS(size) * FLINT_BITS + fix; return inexact; } ARF_INLINE int arf_set_round_fmpz(arf_t y, const fmpz_t x, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { if (!COEFF_IS_MPZ(*x)) return arf_set_round_si(y, *x, prec, rnd); else return arf_set_round_mpz(y, COEFF_TO_PTR(*x), prec, rnd); } int arf_set_round(arf_t y, const arf_t x, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_neg_round(arf_t y, const arf_t x, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); void arf_get_fmpr(fmpr_t y, const arf_t x); void arf_set_fmpr(arf_t y, const fmpr_t x); int arf_get_mpfr(mpfr_t x, const arf_t y, mpfr_rnd_t rnd); void arf_set_mpfr(arf_t x, const mpfr_t y); int arf_equal(const arf_t x, const arf_t y); int arf_equal_si(const arf_t x, slong y); int arf_equal_ui(const arf_t x, ulong y); int arf_equal_d(const arf_t x, double y); ARF_INLINE void arf_min(arf_t z, const arf_t a, const arf_t b) { if (arf_cmp(a, b) <= 0) arf_set(z, a); else arf_set(z, b); } ARF_INLINE void arf_max(arf_t z, const arf_t a, const arf_t b) { if (arf_cmp(a, b) > 0) arf_set(z, a); else arf_set(z, b); } ARF_INLINE void arf_abs(arf_t y, const arf_t x) { if (arf_sgn(x) < 0) arf_neg(y, x); else arf_set(y, x); } ARF_INLINE slong arf_bits(const arf_t x) { if (arf_is_special(x)) return 0; else { mp_srcptr xp; mp_size_t xn; slong c; ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(xp, xn, x); count_trailing_zeros(c, xp[0]); return xn * FLINT_BITS - c; } } ARF_INLINE void arf_bot(fmpz_t e, const arf_t x) { if (arf_is_special(x)) fmpz_zero(e); else fmpz_sub_si(e, ARF_EXPREF(x), arf_bits(x)); } int arf_is_int(const arf_t x); int arf_is_int_2exp_si(const arf_t x, slong e); int arf_cmp_2exp_si(const arf_t x, slong e); int arf_cmpabs_2exp_si(const arf_t x, slong e); ARF_INLINE void arf_set_si_2exp_si(arf_t x, slong man, slong exp) { arf_set_si(x, man); if (man != 0) fmpz_add_si_inline(ARF_EXPREF(x), ARF_EXPREF(x), exp); } ARF_INLINE void arf_set_ui_2exp_si(arf_t x, ulong man, slong exp) { arf_set_ui(x, man); if (man != 0) fmpz_add_si_inline(ARF_EXPREF(x), ARF_EXPREF(x), exp); } ARF_INLINE void arf_mul_2exp_si(arf_t y, const arf_t x, slong e) { arf_set(y, x); if (!arf_is_special(y)) fmpz_add_si_inline(ARF_EXPREF(y), ARF_EXPREF(y), e); } ARF_INLINE void arf_mul_2exp_fmpz(arf_t y, const arf_t x, const fmpz_t e) { arf_set(y, x); if (!arf_is_special(y)) fmpz_add_inline(ARF_EXPREF(y), ARF_EXPREF(y), e); } ARF_INLINE int arf_set_round_fmpz_2exp(arf_t y, const fmpz_t x, const fmpz_t exp, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { if (fmpz_is_zero(x)) { arf_zero(y); return 0; } else { int r = arf_set_round_fmpz(y, x, prec, rnd); fmpz_add_inline(ARF_EXPREF(y), ARF_EXPREF(y), exp); return r; } } ARF_INLINE void arf_abs_bound_lt_2exp_fmpz(fmpz_t b, const arf_t x) { if (arf_is_special(x)) fmpz_zero(b); else fmpz_set(b, ARF_EXPREF(x)); } ARF_INLINE void arf_abs_bound_le_2exp_fmpz(fmpz_t b, const arf_t x) { if (arf_is_special(x)) fmpz_zero(b); else if (ARF_IS_POW2(x)) fmpz_sub_ui(b, ARF_EXPREF(x), 1); else fmpz_set(b, ARF_EXPREF(x)); } slong arf_abs_bound_lt_2exp_si(const arf_t x); void arf_frexp(arf_t man, fmpz_t exp, const arf_t x); void arf_get_fmpz_2exp(fmpz_t man, fmpz_t exp, const arf_t x); int _arf_get_integer_mpn(mp_ptr y, mp_srcptr x, mp_size_t xn, slong exp); int _arf_set_mpn_fixed(arf_t z, mp_srcptr xp, mp_size_t xn, mp_size_t fixn, int negative, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_get_fmpz(fmpz_t z, const arf_t x, arf_rnd_t rnd); slong arf_get_si(const arf_t x, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_get_fmpz_fixed_fmpz(fmpz_t y, const arf_t x, const fmpz_t e); int arf_get_fmpz_fixed_si(fmpz_t y, const arf_t x, slong e); ARF_INLINE void arf_set_fmpz_2exp(arf_t x, const fmpz_t man, const fmpz_t exp) { arf_set_fmpz(x, man); if (!arf_is_zero(x)) fmpz_add_inline(ARF_EXPREF(x), ARF_EXPREF(x), exp); } void arf_floor(arf_t z, const arf_t x); void arf_ceil(arf_t z, const arf_t x); void arf_debug(const arf_t x); char * arf_get_str(const arf_t x, slong d); void arf_fprint(FILE * file, const arf_t x); void arf_fprintd(FILE * file, const arf_t y, slong d); ARF_INLINE void arf_print(const arf_t x) { arf_fprint(stdout, x); } ARF_INLINE void arf_printd(const arf_t y, slong d) { arf_fprintd(stdout, y, d); } void arf_randtest(arf_t x, flint_rand_t state, slong bits, slong mag_bits); void arf_randtest_not_zero(arf_t x, flint_rand_t state, slong bits, slong mag_bits); void arf_randtest_special(arf_t x, flint_rand_t state, slong bits, slong mag_bits); void arf_urandom(arf_t x, flint_rand_t state, slong bits, arf_rnd_t rnd); #define MUL_MPFR_MIN_LIMBS 25 #define MUL_MPFR_MAX_LIMBS 10000 #define nn_mul_2x1(r2, r1, r0, a1, a0, b0) \ do { \ mp_limb_t t1; \ umul_ppmm(r1, r0, a0, b0); \ umul_ppmm(r2, t1, a1, b0); \ add_ssaaaa(r2, r1, r2, r1, 0, t1); \ } while (0) #define nn_mul_2x2(r3, r2, r1, r0, a1, a0, b1, b0) \ do { \ mp_limb_t t1, t2, t3; \ umul_ppmm(r1, r0, a0, b0); \ umul_ppmm(r2, t1, a1, b0); \ add_ssaaaa(r2, r1, r2, r1, 0, t1); \ umul_ppmm(t1, t2, a0, b1); \ umul_ppmm(r3, t3, a1, b1); \ add_ssaaaa(r3, t1, r3, t1, 0, t3); \ add_ssaaaa(r2, r1, r2, r1, t1, t2); \ r3 += r2 < t1; \ } while (0) #define ARF_USE_FFT_MUL(_xn) ((_xn) > 10000) /* from flint/fft.h */ void flint_mpn_mul_fft_main(mp_ptr r1, mp_srcptr i1, mp_size_t n1, mp_srcptr i2, mp_size_t n2); #define ARF_MPN_MUL(_z, _x, _xn, _y, _yn) \ if ((_xn) == (_yn)) \ { \ if ((_xn) == 1) \ { \ umul_ppmm((_z)[1], (_z)[0], (_x)[0], (_y)[0]); \ } \ else if ((_xn) == 2) \ { \ mp_limb_t __arb_x1, __arb_x0, __arb_y1, __arb_y0; \ __arb_x0 = (_x)[0]; \ __arb_x1 = (_x)[1]; \ __arb_y0 = (_y)[0]; \ __arb_y1 = (_y)[1]; \ nn_mul_2x2((_z)[3], (_z)[2], (_z)[1], (_z)[0], __arb_x1, __arb_x0, __arb_y1, __arb_y0); \ } \ else if (ARF_USE_FFT_MUL(_xn)) \ flint_mpn_mul_fft_main((_z), (_x), (_xn), (_y), (_yn)); \ else if ((_x) == (_y)) \ mpn_sqr((_z), (_x), (_xn)); \ else \ mpn_mul_n((_z), (_x), (_y), (_xn)); \ } \ else if ((_xn) > (_yn)) \ { \ if ((_yn) == 1) \ (_z)[(_xn) + (_yn) - 1] = mpn_mul_1((_z), (_x), (_xn), (_y)[0]); \ else if (ARF_USE_FFT_MUL(_yn)) \ flint_mpn_mul_fft_main((_z), (_x), (_xn), (_y), (_yn)); \ else \ mpn_mul((_z), (_x), (_xn), (_y), (_yn)); \ } \ else \ { \ if ((_xn) == 1) \ (_z)[(_xn) + (_yn) - 1] = mpn_mul_1((_z), (_y), (_yn), (_x)[0]); \ else if (ARF_USE_FFT_MUL(_xn)) \ flint_mpn_mul_fft_main((_z), (_y), (_yn), (_x), (_xn)); \ else \ mpn_mul((_z), (_y), (_yn), (_x), (_xn)); \ } #define ARF_MUL_STACK_ALLOC 40 #define ARF_MUL_TLS_ALLOC 1000 extern TLS_PREFIX mp_ptr __arf_mul_tmp; extern TLS_PREFIX slong __arf_mul_alloc; ARB_DLL extern void _arf_mul_tmp_cleanup(void); #define ARF_MUL_TMP_DECL \ mp_limb_t tmp_stack[ARF_MUL_STACK_ALLOC]; \ #define ARF_MUL_TMP_ALLOC(tmp, alloc) \ if (alloc <= ARF_MUL_STACK_ALLOC) \ { \ tmp = tmp_stack; \ } \ else if (alloc <= ARF_MUL_TLS_ALLOC) \ { \ if (__arf_mul_alloc < alloc) \ { \ if (__arf_mul_alloc == 0) \ { \ flint_register_cleanup_function(_arf_mul_tmp_cleanup); \ } \ __arf_mul_tmp = flint_realloc(__arf_mul_tmp, sizeof(mp_limb_t) * alloc); \ __arf_mul_alloc = alloc; \ } \ tmp = __arf_mul_tmp; \ } \ else \ { \ tmp = flint_malloc(sizeof(mp_limb_t) * alloc); \ } #define ARF_MUL_TMP_FREE(tmp, alloc) \ if (alloc > ARF_MUL_TLS_ALLOC) \ flint_free(tmp); void arf_mul_special(arf_t z, const arf_t x, const arf_t y); int arf_mul_via_mpfr(arf_t z, const arf_t x, const arf_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_mul_rnd_any(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_mul_rnd_down(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec); #define arf_mul(z, x, y, prec, rnd) \ ((rnd == FMPR_RND_DOWN) \ ? arf_mul_rnd_down(z, x, y, prec) \ : arf_mul_rnd_any(z, x, y, prec, rnd)) ARF_INLINE int arf_neg_mul(arf_t z, const arf_t x, const arf_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { if (arf_is_special(y)) { arf_mul(z, x, y, prec, rnd); arf_neg(z, z); return 0; } else { arf_t t; *t = *y; ARF_NEG(t); return arf_mul(z, x, t, prec, rnd); } } ARF_INLINE int arf_mul_ui(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, ulong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_ui(t, y); /* no need to free */ return arf_mul(z, x, t, prec, rnd); } ARF_INLINE int arf_mul_si(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, slong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_si(t, y); /* no need to free */ return arf_mul(z, x, t, prec, rnd); } int arf_mul_mpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const mpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); ARF_INLINE int arf_mul_fmpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const fmpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { if (!COEFF_IS_MPZ(*y)) return arf_mul_si(z, x, *y, prec, rnd); else return arf_mul_mpz(z, x, COEFF_TO_PTR(*y), prec, rnd); } #define ARF_ADD_STACK_ALLOC 40 #define ARF_ADD_TLS_ALLOC 1000 extern TLS_PREFIX mp_ptr __arf_add_tmp; extern TLS_PREFIX slong __arf_add_alloc; ARB_DLL extern void _arf_add_tmp_cleanup(void); #define ARF_ADD_TMP_DECL \ mp_limb_t tmp_stack[ARF_ADD_STACK_ALLOC]; \ #define ARF_ADD_TMP_ALLOC(tmp, alloc) \ if (alloc <= ARF_ADD_STACK_ALLOC) \ { \ tmp = tmp_stack; \ } \ else if (alloc <= ARF_ADD_TLS_ALLOC) \ { \ if (__arf_add_alloc < alloc) \ { \ if (__arf_add_alloc == 0) \ { \ flint_register_cleanup_function(_arf_add_tmp_cleanup); \ } \ __arf_add_tmp = flint_realloc(__arf_add_tmp, sizeof(mp_limb_t) * alloc); \ __arf_add_alloc = alloc; \ } \ tmp = __arf_add_tmp; \ } \ else \ { \ tmp = flint_malloc(sizeof(mp_limb_t) * alloc); \ } #define ARF_ADD_TMP_FREE(tmp, alloc) \ if (alloc > ARF_ADD_TLS_ALLOC) \ flint_free(tmp); int _arf_add_mpn(arf_t z, mp_srcptr xp, mp_size_t xn, int xsgnbit, const fmpz_t xexp, mp_srcptr yp, mp_size_t yn, int ysgnbit, flint_bitcnt_t shift, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_add(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_add_si(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, slong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_add_ui(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, ulong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_add_fmpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const fmpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_add_fmpz_2exp(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const fmpz_t y, const fmpz_t exp, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_sub(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_sub_si(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, slong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_sub_ui(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, ulong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_sub_fmpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const fmpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_addmul(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); ARF_INLINE int arf_addmul_ui(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, ulong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_ui(t, y); /* no need to free */ return arf_addmul(z, x, t, prec, rnd); } ARF_INLINE int arf_addmul_si(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, slong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_si(t, y); /* no need to free */ return arf_addmul(z, x, t, prec, rnd); } int arf_addmul_mpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const mpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); ARF_INLINE int arf_addmul_fmpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const fmpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { if (!COEFF_IS_MPZ(*y)) return arf_addmul_si(z, x, *y, prec, rnd); else return arf_addmul_mpz(z, x, COEFF_TO_PTR(*y), prec, rnd); } int arf_submul(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); ARF_INLINE int arf_submul_ui(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, ulong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_ui(t, y); /* no need to free */ return arf_submul(z, x, t, prec, rnd); } ARF_INLINE int arf_submul_si(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, slong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_si(t, y); /* no need to free */ return arf_submul(z, x, t, prec, rnd); } int arf_submul_mpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const mpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); ARF_INLINE int arf_submul_fmpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const fmpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { if (!COEFF_IS_MPZ(*y)) return arf_submul_si(z, x, *y, prec, rnd); else return arf_submul_mpz(z, x, COEFF_TO_PTR(*y), prec, rnd); } int arf_fma(arf_ptr res, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, arf_srcptr z, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_sosq(arf_t z, const arf_t x, const arf_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_div(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); ARF_INLINE int arf_div_ui(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, ulong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_ui(t, y); /* no need to free */ return arf_div(z, x, t, prec, rnd); } ARF_INLINE int arf_ui_div(arf_ptr z, ulong x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_ui(t, x); /* no need to free */ return arf_div(z, t, y, prec, rnd); } ARF_INLINE int arf_div_si(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, slong y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_si(t, y); /* no need to free */ return arf_div(z, x, t, prec, rnd); } ARF_INLINE int arf_si_div(arf_ptr z, slong x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; arf_init_set_si(t, x); /* no need to free */ return arf_div(z, t, y, prec, rnd); } ARF_INLINE int arf_div_fmpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const fmpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; int r; arf_init(t); arf_set_fmpz(t, y); r = arf_div(z, x, t, prec, rnd); arf_clear(t); return r; } ARF_INLINE int arf_fmpz_div(arf_ptr z, const fmpz_t x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t; int r; arf_init(t); arf_set_fmpz(t, x); r = arf_div(z, t, y, prec, rnd); arf_clear(t); return r; } ARF_INLINE int arf_fmpz_div_fmpz(arf_ptr z, const fmpz_t x, const fmpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { arf_t t, u; int r; arf_init(t); arf_init(u); arf_set_fmpz(t, x); arf_set_fmpz(u, y); r = arf_div(z, t, u, prec, rnd); arf_clear(t); arf_clear(u); return r; } int arf_sqrt(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_sqrt_ui(arf_t z, ulong x, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_sqrt_fmpz(arf_t z, const fmpz_t x, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_rsqrt(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_root(arf_t z, const arf_t x, ulong k, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); /* Magnitude bounds */ void arf_get_mag(mag_t y, const arf_t x); void arf_get_mag_lower(mag_t y, const arf_t x); ARF_INLINE void arf_set_mag(arf_t y, const mag_t x) { if (mag_is_zero(x)) { arf_zero(y); } else if (mag_is_inf(x)) { arf_pos_inf(y); } else { _fmpz_set_fast(ARF_EXPREF(y), MAG_EXPREF(x)); ARF_DEMOTE(y); ARF_XSIZE(y) = ARF_MAKE_XSIZE(1, 0); ARF_NOPTR_D(y)[0] = MAG_MAN(x) << (FLINT_BITS - MAG_BITS); } } ARF_INLINE void mag_init_set_arf(mag_t y, const arf_t x) { mag_init(y); arf_get_mag(y, x); } ARF_INLINE void mag_fast_init_set_arf(mag_t y, const arf_t x) { if (ARF_IS_SPECIAL(x)) /* x == 0 */ { mag_fast_zero(y); } else { mp_srcptr xp; mp_size_t xn; ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(xp, xn, x); MAG_MAN(y) = (xp[xn - 1] >> (FLINT_BITS - MAG_BITS)) + LIMB_ONE; MAG_EXP(y) = ARF_EXP(x); MAG_FAST_ADJUST_ONE_TOO_LARGE(y); } } ARF_INLINE void arf_mag_fast_add_ulp(mag_t z, const mag_t x, const arf_t y, slong prec) { mag_fast_add_2exp_si(z, x, ARF_EXP(y) - prec); } ARF_INLINE void arf_mag_add_ulp(mag_t z, const mag_t x, const arf_t y, slong prec) { if (ARF_IS_SPECIAL(y)) { flint_printf("error: ulp error not defined for special value!\n"); flint_abort(); } else if (MAG_IS_LAGOM(z) && MAG_IS_LAGOM(x) && ARF_IS_LAGOM(y)) { arf_mag_fast_add_ulp(z, x, y, prec); } else { fmpz_t e; fmpz_init(e); fmpz_sub_ui(e, ARF_EXPREF(y), prec); mag_add_2exp_fmpz(z, x, e); fmpz_clear(e); } } ARF_INLINE void arf_mag_set_ulp(mag_t z, const arf_t y, slong prec) { if (ARF_IS_SPECIAL(y)) { flint_printf("error: ulp error not defined for special value!\n"); flint_abort(); } else { _fmpz_add_fast(MAG_EXPREF(z), ARF_EXPREF(y), 1 - prec); MAG_MAN(z) = MAG_ONE_HALF; } } void arf_get_fmpq(fmpq_t y, const arf_t x); ARF_INLINE int arf_set_fmpq(arf_t y, const fmpq_t x, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd) { return arf_fmpz_div_fmpz(y, fmpq_numref(x), fmpq_denref(x), prec, rnd); } int arf_complex_mul(arf_t e, arf_t f, const arf_t a, const arf_t b, const arf_t c, const arf_t d, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_complex_mul_fallback(arf_t e, arf_t f, const arf_t a, const arf_t b, const arf_t c, const arf_t d, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_complex_sqr(arf_t e, arf_t f, const arf_t a, const arf_t b, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); int arf_sum(arf_t s, arf_srcptr terms, slong len, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd); double arf_get_d(const arf_t x, arf_rnd_t rnd); void arf_set_d(arf_t x, double v); ARF_INLINE slong arf_allocated_bytes(const arf_t x) { slong size = fmpz_allocated_bytes(ARF_EXPREF(x)); if (ARF_HAS_PTR(x)) size += ARF_PTR_ALLOC(x) * sizeof(mp_limb_t); return size; } int arf_load_str(arf_t res, const char * data); char * arf_dump_str(const arf_t x); int arf_load_file(arf_t res, FILE *stream); int arf_dump_file(FILE* stream, const arf_t x); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif