/* Copyright (C) 2021 Fredrik Johansson This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "flint/double_extras.h" #include "arb_hypgeom.h" #include "hypgeom.h" void arb_gamma_const_1_3_eval(arb_t s, slong prec) { hypgeom_t series; arb_t t, u; slong wp = prec + 4 + 2 * FLINT_BIT_COUNT(prec); arb_init(t); arb_init(u); hypgeom_init(series); fmpz_poly_set_str(series->A, "1 1"); fmpz_poly_set_str(series->B, "1 1"); fmpz_poly_set_str(series->P, "4 5 -46 108 -72"); fmpz_poly_set_str(series->Q, "4 0 0 0 512000"); prec += FLINT_CLOG2(prec); arb_hypgeom_infsum(s, t, series, wp, wp); arb_sqrt_ui(u, 10, wp); arb_mul(t, t, u, wp); arb_const_pi(u, wp); arb_pow_ui(u, u, 4, wp); arb_mul_ui(u, u, 12, wp); arb_mul(s, s, u, wp); arb_div(s, s, t, wp); arb_root_ui(s, s, 2, wp); arb_root_ui(s, s, 3, prec); hypgeom_clear(series); arb_clear(t); arb_clear(u); } ARB_DEF_CACHED_CONSTANT(arb_gamma_const_1_3, arb_gamma_const_1_3_eval) void arb_gamma_const_1_4_eval(arb_t x, slong prec) { arb_t t, u; slong wp = prec + 4 + 2 * FLINT_BIT_COUNT(prec); arb_init(t); arb_init(u); arb_one(t); arb_sqrt_ui(u, 2, wp); arb_agm(x, t, u, wp); arb_const_pi(t, wp); arb_mul_2exp_si(t, t, 1); arb_sqrt(u, t, wp); arb_mul(u, u, t, wp); arb_div(x, u, x, wp); arb_sqrt(x, x, wp); arb_clear(t); arb_clear(u); } ARB_DEF_CACHED_CONSTANT(arb_gamma_const_1_4, arb_gamma_const_1_4_eval) void arb_hypgeom_gamma_stirling_choose_param(int * reflect, slong * r, slong * n, const arb_t x, int use_reflect, int digamma, slong prec); void arb_hypgeom_gamma_stirling_inner(arb_t s, const arb_t z, slong N, slong prec); void arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_stirling(arb_t y, const fmpq_t a, slong prec) { int reflect; slong r, n, wp; arb_t x, t, u, v; wp = prec + FLINT_BIT_COUNT(prec); arb_init(x); arb_init(t); arb_init(u); arb_init(v); arb_set_fmpq(x, a, wp); arb_hypgeom_gamma_stirling_choose_param(&reflect, &r, &n, x, 1, 0, wp); if (reflect) { /* gamma(x) = (rf(1-x, r) * pi) / (gamma(1-x+r) sin(pi x)) */ fmpq_t b; fmpq_init(b); fmpz_sub(fmpq_numref(b), fmpq_denref(a), fmpq_numref(a)); fmpz_set(fmpq_denref(b), fmpq_denref(a)); arb_rising_fmpq_ui(u, b, r, wp); fmpq_clear(b); arb_const_pi(v, wp); arb_mul(u, u, v, wp); arb_sub_ui(t, x, 1, wp); arb_neg(t, t); arb_add_ui(t, t, r, wp); arb_hypgeom_gamma_stirling_inner(v, t, n, wp); arb_exp(v, v, wp); arb_sin_pi_fmpq(t, a, wp); arb_mul(v, v, t, wp); } else { /* gamma(x) = gamma(x+r) / rf(x,r) */ arb_add_ui(t, x, r, wp); arb_hypgeom_gamma_stirling_inner(u, t, n, wp); arb_exp(u, u, prec); arb_rising_fmpq_ui(v, a, r, wp); } arb_div(y, u, v, prec); arb_clear(t); arb_clear(u); arb_clear(v); arb_clear(x); } void arb_hypgeom_gamma_small_frac(arb_t y, unsigned int p, unsigned int q, slong prec) { slong wp = prec + 4; if (q == 1) { arb_one(y); } else if (q == 2) /* p = 1 */ { arb_const_sqrt_pi(y, prec); } else if (q == 3) { if (p == 1) { arb_gamma_const_1_3(y, prec); } else /* p = 2 */ { arb_t t; arb_init(t); arb_gamma_const_1_3(y, wp); arb_sqrt_ui(t, 3, wp); arb_mul(y, y, t, wp); arb_const_pi(t, wp); arb_div(y, t, y, prec); arb_mul_2exp_si(y, y, 1); arb_clear(t); } } else if (q == 4) { if (p == 1) { arb_gamma_const_1_4(y, prec); } else /* p = 3 */ { arb_t t; arb_init(t); arb_sqrt_ui(y, 2, wp); arb_const_pi(t, wp); arb_mul(y, y, t, wp); arb_gamma_const_1_4(t, wp); arb_div(y, y, t, prec); arb_clear(t); } } else if (q == 6) { arb_t t; arb_init(t); arb_const_pi(t, wp); arb_div_ui(t, t, 3, wp); arb_sqrt(t, t, wp); arb_set_ui(y, 2); arb_root_ui(y, y, 3, wp); arb_mul(t, t, y, wp); arb_gamma_const_1_3(y, wp); arb_mul(y, y, y, prec); if (p == 1) { arb_div(y, y, t, prec); } else /* p = 5 */ { arb_div(y, t, y, wp); arb_const_pi(t, wp); arb_mul(y, y, t, prec); arb_mul_2exp_si(y, y, 1); } arb_clear(t); } else { flint_printf("small fraction not implemented!\n"); flint_abort(); } } slong _arb_compute_bs_exponents(slong * tab, slong n); slong _arb_get_exp_pos(const slong * tab, slong step); static void bsplit2(arb_t P, arb_t Q, const fmpz_t zp, const fmpz_t zq, const slong * xexp, arb_srcptr xpow, ulong N, slong a, slong b, int cont, slong prec) { if (b - a == 1) { fmpz_t t; fmpz_init(t); fmpz_set(t, zp); fmpz_addmul_ui(t, zq, a + 1); arb_set_fmpz(P, t); arb_set(Q, P); fmpz_clear(t); } else { arb_t Pb, Qb; slong step, i, m; arb_init(Pb); arb_init(Qb); step = (b - a) / 2; m = a + step; bsplit2(P, Q, zp, zq, xexp, xpow, N, a, m, 1, prec); bsplit2(Pb, Qb, zp, zq, xexp, xpow, N, m, b, 1, prec); arb_mul(P, P, Pb, prec); arb_mul(Q, Q, Pb, prec); i = (step == 1) ? 0 : _arb_get_exp_pos(xexp, step); arb_addmul(Q, Qb, xpow + i, prec); arb_clear(Pb); arb_clear(Qb); } } static void bsplit3(arb_t P, arb_t Q, const fmpz_t zp, const fmpz_t zq, const slong * xexp, arb_srcptr xpow, ulong N, slong a, slong b, int cont, slong prec) { if (b - a == 1) { fmpz_t t; fmpz_init(t); arb_set(P, xpow + 0); /* N zq */ fmpz_set(t, zp); fmpz_submul_ui(t, zq, a + 1); /* zp - (a + 1) zq */ arb_set_fmpz(Q, t); fmpz_clear(t); } else { arb_t Pb, Qb; slong step, i, m; arb_init(Pb); arb_init(Qb); step = (b - a) / 2; m = a + step; bsplit3(P, Q, zp, zq, xexp, xpow, N, a, m, 1, prec); bsplit3(Pb, Qb, zp, zq, xexp, xpow, N, m, b, 1, prec); i = _arb_get_exp_pos(xexp, m - a); arb_mul(P, P, xpow + i, prec); if (b - m != m - a) arb_mul(P, P, xpow + 0, prec); arb_addmul(P, Q, Pb, prec); if (cont) { arb_mul(Q, Q, Qb, prec); } else { i = _arb_get_exp_pos(xexp, m - a); arb_mul(Q, xpow + i, xpow + i, prec); if (b - m != m - a) arb_mul(Q, Q, xpow + 0, prec); } arb_clear(Pb); arb_clear(Qb); } } double d_lambertw_branch1(double x); static ulong more_trailing_zeros(ulong N) { ulong bc, N2; bc = FLINT_BIT_COUNT(N); if (bc >= 8) { N2 = (N >> (bc - 5)) << (bc - 5); N2 += ((N2 != N) << (bc - 5)); return N2; } else { return N; } } #define C_LOG2 0.69314718055994530942 #define C_EXP1 2.7182818284590452354 static void build_bsplit_power_table(arb_ptr xpow, const slong * xexp, slong len, slong prec) { slong i; for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { if (xexp[i] == 2 * xexp[i-1]) { arb_mul(xpow + i, xpow + i - 1, xpow + i - 1, prec); } else if (xexp[i] == 2 * xexp[i-2]) /* prefer squaring if possible */ { arb_mul(xpow + i, xpow + i - 2, xpow + i - 2, prec); } else if (xexp[i] == 2 * xexp[i-1] + 1) { arb_mul(xpow + i, xpow + i - 1, xpow + i - 1, prec); arb_mul(xpow + i, xpow + i, xpow, prec); } else if (xexp[i] == 2 * xexp[i-2] + 1) { arb_mul(xpow + i, xpow + i - 2, xpow + i - 2, prec); arb_mul(xpow + i, xpow + i, xpow, prec); } else { flint_printf("power table has the wrong structure!\n"); flint_abort(); } } } /* assumes z in [1, 2] */ static void arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_general_off1(arb_t res, const fmpq_t z, slong prec) { slong wp, N, n, n2, length, length2, wp2; double alpha; arb_t P, Q; slong *xexp, *xexp2; arb_ptr xpow; mag_t err, err2; wp = prec + 30; alpha = 0.52; /* tuning parameter between 0.5 and 1 */ N = alpha * C_LOG2 * wp; N = more_trailing_zeros(N); alpha = N / (C_LOG2 * wp); /* Terms in convergent series */ n = (1 - alpha) / d_lambertw((1 - alpha) / (alpha * C_EXP1)) * C_LOG2 * wp; /* Precision and terms in asymptotic series */ wp2 = wp * (1 - alpha); wp2 = FLINT_MAX(wp2, 30); n2 = (alpha - 1) / d_lambertw_branch1((alpha - 1) / (alpha * C_EXP1)) * C_LOG2 * wp; n2 = FLINT_MAX(n2, 2); /* binary splitting correctness */ mag_init(err); mag_init(err2); arb_init(P); arb_init(Q); /* compute the powers of x = N*zq that will appear (at least x^1) */ xexp = flint_calloc(2 * FLINT_BITS, sizeof(slong)); xexp2 = flint_calloc(2 * FLINT_BITS, sizeof(slong)); length = _arb_compute_bs_exponents(xexp, n); length2 = _arb_compute_bs_exponents(xexp2, n2); xpow = _arb_vec_init(FLINT_MAX(length, length2)); arb_set_fmpz(xpow + 0, fmpq_denref(z)); arb_mul_ui(xpow + 0, xpow + 0, N, wp); build_bsplit_power_table(xpow, xexp, length, wp); /* 1F1(1, 1+z, N) */ bsplit2(P, Q, fmpq_numref(z), fmpq_denref(z), xexp, xpow, N, 0, n, 0, wp); arb_div(P, Q, P, wp); /* Convergent series error bound: N^n / n! (1 + (N/n) + ...) */ mag_set_ui(err, N); mag_pow_ui(err, err, n); mag_rfac_ui(err2, n); mag_mul(err, err, err2); mag_set_ui(err2, N); mag_div_ui(err2, err2, n); mag_geom_series(err2, err2, 0); mag_mul(err, err, err2); arb_add_error_mag(P, err); /* divide 1F1 by z */ arb_mul_fmpz(P, P, fmpq_denref(z), wp); arb_div_fmpz(P, P, fmpq_numref(z), wp); arb_swap(res, P); build_bsplit_power_table(xpow, xexp2, length2, wp2); bsplit3(P, Q, fmpq_numref(z), fmpq_denref(z), xexp2, xpow, N, 0, n2, 0, wp2); arb_div(P, P, Q, wp2); /* 2F0 error bound (bounded by first omitted term) */ mag_fac_ui(err, n2); mag_set_ui_lower(err2, N); mag_pow_ui_lower(err2, err2, n2); mag_div(err, err, err2); arb_add_error_mag(P, err); /* N^z * exp(-N) * (1F1/z + 2F0/N) */ arb_div_ui(P, P, N, wp2); arb_add(res, res, P, wp); arb_set_ui(Q, N); arb_pow_fmpq(Q, Q, z, wp); arb_mul(res, res, Q, wp); arb_set_si(Q, -N); arb_exp(Q, Q, wp); arb_mul(res, res, Q, wp); _arb_vec_clear(xpow, FLINT_MAX(length, length2)); flint_free(xexp); flint_free(xexp2); arb_clear(P); arb_clear(Q); mag_clear(err); mag_clear(err2); } /* assumes z in (0, 1] */ void arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_hyp(arb_t res, const fmpq_t z, slong prec) { fmpq_t t; fmpq_init(t); fmpq_add_ui(t, z, 1); arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_general_off1(res, t, prec); arb_mul_fmpz(res, res, fmpq_denref(z), prec + 30); arb_div_fmpz(res, res, fmpq_numref(z), prec); fmpq_clear(t); } void arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_outward(arb_t y, const fmpq_t x, slong prec) { fmpq_t a; fmpz_t n; fmpz p, q; slong m; arb_t t, u; fmpq_init(a); fmpz_init(n); arb_init(t); arb_init(u); /* write x = a + n with 0 < a <= 1 */ if (fmpz_is_one(fmpq_denref(x))) { fmpq_one(a); fmpz_sub_ui(n, fmpq_numref(x), 1); } else { fmpz_fdiv_qr(n, fmpq_numref(a), fmpq_numref(x), fmpq_denref(x)); fmpz_set(fmpq_denref(a), fmpq_denref(x)); } if (!fmpz_fits_si(n)) { flint_printf("gamma: too large fmpq to reduce to 0!\n"); flint_abort(); } m = fmpz_get_si(n); /* evaluate gamma(a) */ p = *fmpq_numref(a); q = *fmpq_denref(a); if (q == 1 || q == 2 || q == 3 || q == 4 || q == 6) { arb_hypgeom_gamma_small_frac(t, p, q, prec + 4 * (m != 0)); } else { arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_hyp(t, a, prec + 4 * (m != 0)); } /* argument reduction */ if (m >= 0) { arb_rising_fmpq_ui(u, a, m, prec + 4); arb_mul(y, t, u, prec); } else { arb_rising_fmpq_ui(u, x, -m, prec + 4); arb_div(y, t, u, prec); } fmpq_clear(a); fmpz_clear(n); arb_clear(t); arb_clear(u); } int arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_taylor(arb_t y, const fmpq_t x, slong prec) { fmpq_t a; fmpz_t n; slong m; arb_t t; int success; fmpq_init(a); fmpz_init(n); arb_init(t); success = 1; /* write x = a + n with 0 < a <= 1 */ if (fmpz_is_one(fmpq_denref(x))) { fmpq_one(a); fmpz_sub_ui(n, fmpq_numref(x), 1); } else { fmpz_fdiv_qr(n, fmpq_numref(a), fmpq_numref(x), fmpq_denref(x)); fmpz_set(fmpq_denref(a), fmpq_denref(x)); } if (!fmpz_fits_si(n)) { success = 0; goto cleanup; } m = fmpz_get_si(n); if (m < -(40 + (prec - 40) / 4)) { success = 0; goto cleanup; } if (m > 70 + (prec - 40) / 8) { success = 0; goto cleanup; } arb_set_fmpq(t, a, prec + 4); success = arb_hypgeom_gamma_taylor(t, t, 0, prec + 4); if (success) { arb_t u; arb_init(u); if (m >= 0) { arb_rising_fmpq_ui(u, a, m, prec + 4); arb_mul(y, t, u, prec); } else { arb_rising_fmpq_ui(u, x, -m, prec + 4); arb_div(y, t, u, prec); } arb_clear(u); } cleanup: fmpq_clear(a); fmpz_clear(n); arb_clear(t); return success; } void arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq(arb_t y, const fmpq_t x, slong prec) { fmpz p, q; p = *fmpq_numref(x); q = *fmpq_denref(x); if ((q == 1 || q == 2 || q == 3 || q == 4 || q == 6) && !COEFF_IS_MPZ(p)) { if (q == 1) { if (p <= 0) { arb_indeterminate(y); return; } if (p < 1200 || 1.44265 * (p*log(p) - p) < 15.0 * prec) { fmpz_t t; fmpz_init(t); fmpz_fac_ui(t, p - 1); arb_set_round_fmpz(y, t, prec); fmpz_clear(t); return; } } p = FLINT_ABS(p); if (p < q * 500.0 || p < q * (500.0 + 0.1 * prec * sqrt(prec))) { arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_outward(y, x, prec); return; } } if (q != 1 && prec > 7000 + 300 * fmpz_bits(fmpq_denref(x)) && (slong) fmpz_bits(fmpq_numref(x)) - (slong) fmpz_bits(fmpq_denref(x)) < FLINT_BITS && fabs(fmpq_get_d(x)) < 0.03 * prec * sqrt(prec)) { arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_outward(y, x, prec); return; } if (fmpz_bits(fmpq_denref(x)) > 0.1 * prec || fmpz_bits(fmpq_numref(x)) > 0.1 * prec) { slong wp; wp = (slong) fmpz_bits(fmpq_numref(x)) - (slong) fmpz_bits(fmpq_denref(x)); wp = FLINT_MAX(wp, 0); wp = FLINT_MIN(wp, 4 * prec); wp += prec + 4; arb_set_fmpq(y, x, wp); if (!arb_hypgeom_gamma_taylor(y, y, 0, prec)) arb_hypgeom_gamma_stirling(y, y, 0, prec); return; } if (arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_taylor(y, x, prec)) return; arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq_stirling(y, x, prec); } void arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpz(arb_t y, const fmpz_t x, slong prec) { fmpq_t t; *fmpq_numref(t) = *x; *fmpq_denref(t) = WORD(1); arb_hypgeom_gamma_fmpq(y, t, prec); }