/* Copyright (C) 2020 D.H.J. Polymath This file is part of Arb. Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "acb_dirichlet.h" int main() { /* Check a specific combination of parameter values that is relatively fast * to evaluate and that has relatively tight bounds. */ slong A, B, K, sigma_grid, Ns_max, sigma_interp; arb_t h, H; fmpz_t J, T, n; arb_ptr pa, pb; slong count, i; slong maxcount = 50; slong prec = 128; flint_printf("platt_local_hardy_z_zeros...."); fflush(stdout); arb_init(h); arb_init(H); fmpz_init(J); fmpz_init(T); fmpz_init(n); pa = _arb_vec_init(maxcount); pb = _arb_vec_init(maxcount); fmpz_set_si(n, 10142); /* parameters related to the location/resolution/width of the grid */ fmpz_set_si(T, 10000); A = 8; B = 128; /* tuning parameters for the evaluation of grid points */ fmpz_set_si(J, 1000); K = 30; sigma_grid = 63; arb_set_d(h, 4.5); /* tuning parameters for interpolation on the grid */ Ns_max = 200; sigma_interp = 21; arb_one(H); count = _acb_dirichlet_platt_local_hardy_z_zeros(pa, n, maxcount, T, A, B, h, J, K, sigma_grid, Ns_max, H, sigma_interp, prec); acb_dirichlet_hardy_z_zeros(pb, n, count, prec); if (count != maxcount) { flint_printf("FAIL: not enough zeros were isolated\n\n"); flint_printf("count = %wd maxcount = %wd\n\n", count, maxcount); flint_abort(); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!arb_overlaps(pa+i, pb+i)) { flint_printf("FAIL: overlap\n\n"); flint_printf("observed[%wd] = ", i); arb_printd(pa+i, 20); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("expected[%wd] = ", i); arb_printd(pb+i, 20); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_abort(); } } arb_clear(h); arb_clear(H); fmpz_clear(J); fmpz_clear(T); fmpz_clear(n); _arb_vec_clear(pa, maxcount); _arb_vec_clear(pb, maxcount); flint_cleanup(); flint_printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }