diff --git a/acb_dirichlet.h b/acb_dirichlet.h
index df353a91..63d3edb6 100644
--- a/acb_dirichlet.h
+++ b/acb_dirichlet.h
@@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ void acb_dirichlet_hardy_theta_series(acb_poly_t res, const acb_poly_t s, const
void _acb_dirichlet_hardy_z_series(acb_ptr res, acb_srcptr s, slong slen, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong len, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_hardy_z_series(acb_poly_t res, const acb_poly_t s, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong len, slong prec);
+void acb_dirichlet_gram_point(arb_t res, const fmpz_t n, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec);
/* Discrete Fourier Transform */
void acb_dirichlet_dft_index(acb_ptr w, acb_srcptr v, const dirichlet_group_t G, slong prec);
diff --git a/acb_dirichlet/gram_point.c b/acb_dirichlet/gram_point.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..950dc93d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acb_dirichlet/gram_point.c
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2019 Fredrik Johansson
+ This file is part of Arb.
+ Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version. See .
+#include "acb_dirichlet.h"
+Claim: the error is bounded by 1/256 if n <= 1 and (1/64) (log(n)/n) if n >= 2.
+A crude lower bound for g_n is 2 pi exp(W(n)), or 8*n/log(n) for n >= 8.
+We want to solve pi n = -t/2 log(2 pi/t) - t/2 - pi/8 + epsilon for t (= g_n).
+Using (47) in Brent [https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.03682], |epsilon| <= 1/(8 t) for for t >= 2.
+Also, for x >= 3, |f'(x)| < 0.5 where f(x) = exp(W(x)).
+Assume n >= 9, so that (n+1/8)/e >= 3.35. Then inverting gives
+t = 2 pi exp[W( [pi n - epsilon + pi/8] / (pi e) ) + 1]
+ = 2 pi e exp[W((n+1/8)/e - epsilon / (pi e))]
+ = 2 pi e exp[W((n+1/8)/e)] + epsilon2, |epsilon2| <= 1/(8 t) <= (1/64) (log(n)/n)
+One can check 0 <= n <= 8 separately.
+static void
+gram_point_initial(arb_t x, const fmpz_t n, slong prec)
+ arb_t pi, e;
+ mag_t b;
+ arb_init(pi);
+ arb_init(e);
+ mag_init(b);
+ arb_const_pi(pi, prec);
+ arb_const_e(e, prec);
+ /* x = 2*pi*exp(1 + W((n+1/8)/e)) */
+ arb_one(x);
+ arb_mul_2exp_si(x, x, -3);
+ arb_add_fmpz(x, x, n, prec);
+ arb_div(x, x, e, prec);
+ arb_lambertw(x, x, 0, prec);
+ arb_add_ui(x, x, 1, prec);
+ arb_exp(x, x, prec);
+ arb_mul(x, x, pi, prec);
+ arb_mul_2exp_si(x, x, 1);
+ if (fmpz_cmp_ui(n, 1) <= 0)
+ {
+ mag_set_ui_2exp_si(b, 1, -8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mag_set_fmpz(b, n);
+ mag_log(b, b);
+ mag_div_fmpz(b, b, n);
+ mag_mul_2exp_si(b, b, -6);
+ }
+ arb_add_error_mag(x, b);
+ arb_clear(pi);
+ arb_clear(e);
+ mag_clear(b);
+acb_dirichlet_gram_point(arb_t res, const fmpz_t n, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
+ slong asymp_accuracy;
+ /* Only implemented for n >= 0 and Riemann zeta. */
+ if (fmpz_sgn(n) < 0 || G != NULL || chi != NULL)
+ {
+ arb_indeterminate(res);
+ return;
+ }
+ asymp_accuracy = 2 * fmpz_bits(n);
+ asymp_accuracy = FLINT_MIN(asymp_accuracy, prec);
+ gram_point_initial(res, n, asymp_accuracy + 20);
+ asymp_accuracy = arb_rel_accuracy_bits(res);
+ if (asymp_accuracy < prec)
+ {
+ acb_struct tmp[2];
+ arb_t f, fprime, root;
+ mag_t C, r;
+ slong * steps;
+ slong wp, step;
+ acb_init(tmp);
+ acb_init(tmp + 1);
+ arb_init(f);
+ arb_init(fprime);
+ arb_init(root);
+ mag_init(C);
+ mag_init(r);
+ steps = flint_malloc(sizeof(slong) * FLINT_BITS);
+ step = 0;
+ steps[step] = prec * 1.05 + 10;
+ while (steps[step] / 2 > asymp_accuracy)
+ {
+ steps[step + 1] = steps[step] / 2;
+ step++;
+ }
+ arb_set(root, res);
+ /* theta''(x) <= C = 1/x, x >= 1 */
+ arb_get_mag_lower(C, root);
+ if (mag_cmp_2exp_si(C, 0) >= 0)
+ mag_inv(C, C);
+ else
+ mag_inf(C);
+ arb_set(root, res);
+ for ( ; step >= 0; step--)
+ {
+ wp = steps[step] + 10;
+ wp = FLINT_MAX(wp, arb_rel_accuracy_bits(root) + 10);
+ /* store radius, set root to the midpoint */
+ mag_set(r, arb_radref(root));
+ mag_zero(arb_radref(root));
+ acb_set_arb(tmp, root);
+ acb_dirichlet_hardy_theta(tmp, tmp, NULL, NULL, 2, wp);
+ arb_set(f, acb_realref(tmp));
+ arb_const_pi(acb_imagref(tmp), wp);
+ arb_submul_fmpz(f, acb_imagref(tmp), n, wp);
+ arb_set(fprime, acb_realref(tmp + 1));
+ /* f'([m+/-r]) = f'(m) +/- f''([m +/- r]) * r */
+ mag_mul(r, C, r);
+ arb_add_error_mag(fprime, r);
+ arb_div(f, f, fprime, wp);
+ arb_sub(root, root, f, wp);
+ /* Verify inclusion so that C is still valid. */
+ if (!arb_contains(res, root))
+ {
+ flint_printf("unexpected: no containment computing Gram point\n");
+ arb_set(root, res);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ arb_set(res, root);
+ acb_clear(tmp);
+ acb_clear(tmp + 1);
+ arb_clear(f);
+ arb_clear(fprime);
+ arb_clear(root);
+ mag_clear(C);
+ mag_clear(r);
+ flint_free(steps);
+ }
+ arb_set_round(res, res, prec);
diff --git a/acb_dirichlet/test/t-gram_point.c b/acb_dirichlet/test/t-gram_point.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a82a6d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acb_dirichlet/test/t-gram_point.c
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2019 Fredrik Johansson
+ This file is part of Arb.
+ Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version. See .
+#include "acb_dirichlet.h"
+int main()
+ slong iter;
+ flint_rand_t state;
+ flint_printf("gram_point....");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ flint_randinit(state);
+ for (iter = 0; iter < 1000 * arb_test_multiplier(); iter++)
+ {
+ arb_t x1, x2, v1, v2, pin;
+ acb_t t;
+ fmpz_t n;
+ slong prec1, prec2;
+ arb_init(x1);
+ arb_init(x2);
+ arb_init(v1);
+ arb_init(v2);
+ arb_init(pin);
+ acb_init(t);
+ fmpz_init(n);
+ fmpz_randtest(n, state, 500);
+ fmpz_abs(n, n);
+ prec1 = 2 + n_randtest(state) % 500;
+ prec2 = 2 + n_randtest(state) % 2000;
+ acb_dirichlet_gram_point(x1, n, NULL, NULL, prec1);
+ acb_dirichlet_gram_point(x2, n, NULL, NULL, prec2);
+ arb_const_pi(pin, FLINT_MAX(prec1, prec2) + 20);
+ arb_mul_fmpz(pin, pin, n, FLINT_MAX(prec1, prec2) + 20);
+ acb_set_arb(t, x1);
+ acb_dirichlet_hardy_theta(t, t, NULL, NULL, 1, prec1 + 20);
+ arb_set(v1, acb_realref(t));
+ acb_set_arb(t, x2);
+ acb_dirichlet_hardy_theta(t, t, NULL, NULL, 1, prec2 + 20);
+ arb_set(v2, acb_realref(t));
+ if (!arb_overlaps(x1, x2) || !arb_contains(v1, pin) || !arb_contains(v2, pin))
+ {
+ flint_printf("FAIL: overlap\n\n");
+ flint_printf("n = "); fmpz_print(n);
+ flint_printf(" prec1 = %wd prec2 = %wd\n\n", prec1, prec2);
+ flint_printf("x1 = "); arb_printn(x1, 100, 0); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("x2 = "); arb_printn(x2, 100, 0); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("v1 = "); arb_printn(v1, 100, 0); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("v2 = "); arb_printn(v2, 100, 0); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_abort();
+ }
+ if (arb_rel_accuracy_bits(x1) < prec1 - 3 || arb_rel_accuracy_bits(x2) < prec2 - 3)
+ {
+ flint_printf("FAIL: accuracy\n\n");
+ flint_printf("n = "); fmpz_print(n);
+ flint_printf(" prec1 = %wd prec2 = %wd\n\n", prec1, prec2);
+ flint_printf("acc(x1) = %wd, acc(x2) = %wd\n\n", arb_rel_accuracy_bits(x1), arb_rel_accuracy_bits(x2));
+ flint_printf("x1 = "); arb_printn(x1, 100, 0); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("x2 = "); arb_printn(x2, 100, 0); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_abort();
+ }
+ arb_clear(x1);
+ arb_clear(x2);
+ arb_clear(v1);
+ arb_clear(v2);
+ arb_clear(pin);
+ acb_clear(t);
+ fmpz_clear(n);
+ }
+ flint_randclear(state);
+ flint_cleanup();
+ flint_printf("PASS\n");
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/doc/source/acb_dirichlet.rst b/doc/source/acb_dirichlet.rst
index 7c8f0705..173a6f03 100644
--- a/doc/source/acb_dirichlet.rst
+++ b/doc/source/acb_dirichlet.rst
@@ -613,3 +613,10 @@ Currently, these methods require *chi* to be a primitive character.
Sets *res* to the power series `Z(t)` where *t* is a given power series, truncating the result to length *len*.
+.. function:: void acb_dirichlet_gram_point(arb_t res, const fmpz_t n, const dirichlet_group_t G, const dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec)
+ Sets *res* to the *n*-th Gram point `g_n`, defined as the solution of
+ `\theta(g_n) = \pi n`. Currently only the Gram points corresponding to the
+ Riemann zeta function are supported and *G* and *chi* must both be set to
+ *NULL*. Requires `n \ge 0`.