update polynomial documentation

This commit is contained in:
Fredrik Johansson 2013-05-10 00:25:27 +01:00
parent a607bf7fa1
commit baf6e5ad8a
2 changed files with 159 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
**fmpcb_poly.h** -- polynomials over the complex numbers
An :type:`fmpcb_poly_t` represents a polynomial over the complex numbers,
implemented as an array of coefficients of type :type:`fmpcb_struct`.
Most functions are provided in two versions: an underscore method which
operates directly on pre-allocated arrays of coefficients and generally
has some restrictions (such as requiring the lengths to be nonzero
and not supporting aliasing of the input and output arrays),
and a non-underscore method which performs automatic memory
management and handles degenerate cases.
Types, macros and constants
@ -119,30 +129,87 @@ Conversions
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_add(fmpcb_struct * res, const fmpcb_struct * poly1, long len1, const fmpcb_struct * poly2, long len2, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_add(fmpcb_struct * C, const fmpcb_struct * A, long lenA, const fmpcb_struct * B, long lenB, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_add(fmpcb_poly_t res, const fmpcb_poly_t poly1, const fmpcb_poly_t poly2, long prec)
Sets *{C, max(lenA, lenB)}* to the sum of *{A, lenA}* and *{B, lenB}*.
Allows aliasing of the input and output operands.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_mullow_classical(fmpcb_struct * res, const fmpcb_struct * poly1, long len1, const fmpcb_struct * poly2, long len2, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_add(fmpcb_poly_t C, const fmpcb_poly_t A, const fmpcb_poly_t B, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_mullow_classical(fmpcb_poly_t res, const fmpcb_poly_t poly1, const fmpcb_poly_t poly2, long n, long prec)
Sets *C* to the sum of *A* and *B*.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_mullow_transpose(fmpcb_struct * res, const fmpcb_struct * poly1, long len1, const fmpcb_struct * poly2, long len2, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_mullow_classical(fmpcb_struct * C, const fmpcb_struct * A, long lenA, const fmpcb_struct * B, long lenB, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_mullow_transpose(fmpcb_poly_t res, const fmpcb_poly_t poly1, const fmpcb_poly_t poly2, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_mullow_transpose(fmpcb_struct * C, const fmpcb_struct * A, long lenA, const fmpcb_struct * B, long lenB, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_mullow(fmpcb_struct * res, const fmpcb_struct * poly1, long len1, const fmpcb_struct * poly2, long len2, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_mullow_transpose_gauss(fmpcb_struct * C, const fmpcb_struct * A, long lenA, const fmpcb_struct * B, long lenB, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_mullow(fmpcb_poly_t res, const fmpcb_poly_t poly1, const fmpcb_poly_t poly2, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_mullow(fmpcb_struct * C, const fmpcb_struct * A, long lenA, const fmpcb_struct * B, long lenB, long n, long prec)
Sets *{C, n}* to the product of *{A, lenA}* and *{B, lenB}*, truncated to
length *n*. The output is not allowed to be aliased with either of the
inputs. We require `\mathrm{lenA} \ge \mathrm{lenB} > 0`,
`n > 0`, `\mathrm{lenA} + \mathrm{lenB} - 1 \ge n`.
The *classical* version uses a plain loop.
The *transpose* version evaluates the product using four real polynomial
multiplications (via :func:`_fmprb_poly_mullow`).
The *transpose_gauss* version evaluates the product using three real
polynomial multiplications. This is almost always faster than *transpose*,
but has worse numerical stability when the coefficients vary
in magnitude.
The default function :func:`_fmpcb_poly_mullow` automatically switches
been *classical* and *transpose* multiplication.
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_mullow_classical(fmpcb_poly_t C, const fmpcb_poly_t A, const fmpcb_poly_t B, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_mullow_transpose(fmpcb_poly_t C, const fmpcb_poly_t A, const fmpcb_poly_t B, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_mullow_transpose_gauss(fmpcb_poly_t C, const fmpcb_poly_t A, const fmpcb_poly_t B, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_mullow(fmpcb_poly_t C, const fmpcb_poly_t A, const fmpcb_poly_t B, long n, long prec)
Sets *C* to the product of *A* and *B*, truncated to length *n*.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_mul(fmpcb_struct * C, const fmpcb_struct * A, long lenA, const fmpcb_struct * B, long lenB, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_mul(fmpcb_poly_t res, const fmpcb_poly_t poly1, const fmpcb_poly_t poly2, long prec)
Sets *{C, n}* to the product of *{A, lenA}* and *{B, lenB}*, truncated to
length *n*. The output is not allowed to be aliased with either of the
inputs. We require `\mathrm{lenA} \ge \mathrm{lenB} > 0`, `n > 0`.
This function currently calls *_fmpcb_poly_mullow*.
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_mul(fmpcb_poly_t C, const fmpcb_poly_t A1, const fmpcb_poly_t B2, long prec)
Sets *C* to the product of *A* and *B*.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_inv_series(fmpcb_struct * Qinv, const fmpcb_struct * Q, long len, long prec)
Sets *{Qinv, len}* to the power series inverse of *{Q, len}*. Uses Newton iteration.
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_inv_series(fmpcb_poly_t Qinv, const fmpcb_poly_t Q, long n, long prec)
Sets *Qinv* to the power series inverse of *Q*.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_div(fmpcb_struct * Q, const fmpcb_struct * A, long lenA, const fmpcb_struct * B, long lenB, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_rem(fmpcb_struct * R, const fmpcb_struct * A, long lenA, const fmpcb_struct * B, long lenB, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_divrem(fmpcb_struct * Q, fmpcb_struct * R, const fmpcb_struct * A, long lenA, const fmpcb_struct * B, long lenB, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_divrem(fmpcb_poly_t Q, fmpcb_poly_t R, const fmpcb_poly_t A, const fmpcb_poly_t B, long prec)
Performs polynomial division with remainder, computing a quotient `Q` and
a remainder `R` such that `A = BQ + R`. The leading coefficient of `B` must
not contain zero. The implementation reverses the inputs and performs
power series division.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_div_root(fmpcb_struct * Q, fmpcb_t R, const fmpcb_struct * A, long len, const fmpcb_t c, long prec)
Divides `A` by the polynomial `x - c`, computing the quotient `Q` as well
as the remainder `R = f(c)`.
@ -154,7 +221,84 @@ Evaluation
Evaluates the polynomial using Horner's rule.
Product trees
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_product_roots(fmpcb_struct * poly, const fmpcb_struct * xs, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_product_roots(fmpcb_poly_t poly, fmpcb_struct * xs, long n, long prec)
Generates the polynomial `(x-x_0)(x-x_1)\cdots(x-x_{n-1})`.
.. function:: fmpcb_struct ** _fmpcb_poly_tree_alloc(long len)
Returns an initialized data structured capable of representing a
remainder tree (product tree) of *len* roots.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_tree_free(fmpcb_struct ** tree, long len)
Deallocates a tree structure as allocated using *_fmpcb_poly_tree_alloc*.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_tree_build(fmpcb_struct ** tree, const fmpcb_struct * roots, long len, long prec)
Constructs a product tree from a given array of *len* roots. The tree
structure must be pre-allocated to the specified length using
Multipoint evaluation
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_evaluate_vec_iter(fmpcb_struct * ys, const fmpcb_struct * poly, long plen, const fmpcb_struct * xs, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_evaluate_vec_iter(fmpcb_struct * ys, const fmpcb_poly_t poly, const fmpcb_struct * xs, long n, long prec)
Evaluates the polynomial simultaneously at *n* given points, calling
:func:`_fmpcb_poly_evaluate` repeatedly.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_evaluate_vec_fast_precomp(fmpcb_struct * vs, const fmpcb_struct * poly, long plen, fmpcb_struct ** tree, long len, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_evaluate_vec_fast(fmpcb_struct * ys, const fmpcb_struct * poly, long plen, const fmpcb_struct * xs, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_evaluate_vec_fast(fmpcb_struct * ys, const fmpcb_poly_t poly, const fmpcb_struct * xs, long n, long prec)
Evaluates the polynomial simultaneously at *n* given points, using
fast multipoint evaluation.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_interpolate_newton(fmpcb_struct * poly, const fmpcb_struct * xs, const fmpcb_struct * ys, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_interpolate_newton(fmpcb_poly_t poly, const fmpcb_struct * xs, const fmpcb_struct * ys, long n, long prec)
Recovers the unique polynomial of length at most *n* that interpolates
the given *x* and *y* values. This implementation first interpolates in the
Newton basis and then converts back to the monomial basis.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_interpolate_barycentric(fmpcb_struct * poly, const fmpcb_struct * xs, const fmpcb_struct * ys, long n, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_interpolate_barycentric(fmpcb_poly_t poly, const fmpcb_struct * xs, const fmpcb_struct * ys, long n, long prec)
Recovers the unique polynomial of length at most *n* that interpolates
the given *x* and *y* values. This implementation uses the barycentric
form of Lagrange interpolation.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_interpolation_weights(fmpcb_struct * w, fmpcb_struct ** tree, long len, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_interpolate_fast_precomp(fmpcb_struct * poly, const fmpcb_struct * ys, fmpcb_struct ** tree, const fmpcb_struct * weights, long len, long prec)
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_interpolate_fast(fmpcb_struct * poly, const fmpcb_struct * xs, const fmpcb_struct * ys, long len, long prec)
.. function:: void fmpcb_poly_interpolate_fast(fmpcb_poly_t poly, const fmpcb_struct * xs, const fmpcb_struct * ys, long n, long prec)
Recovers the unique polynomial of length at most *n* that interpolates
the given *x* and *y* values, using fast Lagrange interpolation.
The precomp function takes a precomputed product tree over the
*x* values and a vector of interpolation weights as additional inputs.
.. function:: void _fmpcb_poly_derivative(fmpcb_struct * res, const fmpcb_struct * poly, long len, long prec)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
**fmprb_poly.h** -- polynomials over the real numbers
An *fmprb_poly_t* represents a polynomial over the real numbers,
implemented as an array of coefficients of type *fmprb_struct*.
An :type:`fmprb_poly_t` represents a polynomial over the real numbers,
implemented as an array of coefficients of type :type:`fmprb_struct`.
Most functions are provided in two versions: an underscore method which
operates directly on pre-allocated arrays of coefficients and generally
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Arithmetic
Sets *{C, n}* to the product of *{A, lenA}* and *{B, lenB}*, truncated to
length *n*. The output is not allowed to be aliased with either of the
inputs. We require `\mathrm{lenA} \ge \mathrm{lenB} > 0`, `n > 0`.
This function currently calls *_fmprb_poly_mullow*.
This function is implemented as a simple wrapper for :func:`_fmprb_poly_mullow`.
.. function:: void fmprb_poly_mul(fmprb_poly_t C, const fmprb_poly_t A, const fmprb_poly_t B, long prec)
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ Product trees
Constructs a product tree from a given array of *len* roots. The tree
structure must be pre-allocated to the specified length using
Multipoint evaluation
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ Multipoint evaluation
.. function:: void fmprb_poly_evaluate_vec_iter(fmprb_struct * ys, const fmprb_poly_t poly, const fmprb_struct * xs, long n, long prec)
Evaluates the polynomial simultaneously at *n* given points, calling
*_fmprb_poly_evaluate* repeatedly.
:func:`_fmprb_poly_evaluate` repeatedly.
.. function:: void _fmprb_poly_evaluate_vec_fast_precomp(fmprb_struct * vs, const fmprb_struct * poly, long plen, fmprb_struct ** tree, long len, long prec)