diff --git a/arb.h b/arb.h
index acacd0d2..e84b2ad6 100644
--- a/arb.h
+++ b/arb.h
@@ -425,6 +425,10 @@ void arb_submul_si(arb_t z, const arb_t x, slong y, slong prec);
void arb_submul_ui(arb_t z, const arb_t x, ulong y, slong prec);
void arb_submul_fmpz(arb_t z, const arb_t x, const fmpz_t y, slong prec);
+void arb_fma(arb_t res, const arb_t x, const arb_t y, const arb_t z, slong prec);
+void arb_fma_arf(arb_t res, const arb_t x, const arf_t y, const arb_t z, slong prec);
+void arb_fma_ui(arb_t res, const arb_t x, ulong y, const arb_t z, slong prec);
void arb_dot_simple(arb_t res, const arb_t initial, int subtract,
arb_srcptr x, slong xstep, arb_srcptr y, slong ystep, slong len, slong prec);
void arb_dot_precise(arb_t res, const arb_t initial, int subtract,
diff --git a/arb/fma.c b/arb/fma.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c9156f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arb/fma.c
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2021 Fredrik Johansson
+ This file is part of Arb.
+ Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version. See .
+#include "arb.h"
+arb_fma_arf(arb_t res, const arb_t x, const arf_t y, const arb_t z, slong prec)
+ mag_t ym;
+ int inexact;
+ if (arb_is_exact(x))
+ {
+ inexact = arf_fma(arb_midref(res), arb_midref(x), y, arb_midref(z), prec, ARB_RND);
+ if (inexact)
+ arf_mag_add_ulp(arb_radref(res), arb_radref(z), arb_midref(res), prec);
+ else
+ mag_set(arb_radref(res), arb_radref(z));
+ }
+ else if (ARB_IS_LAGOM(res) && ARB_IS_LAGOM(x) && ARF_IS_LAGOM(y) && ARB_IS_LAGOM(z))
+ {
+ mag_t tm;
+ mag_fast_init_set_arf(ym, y);
+ *tm = *arb_radref(z);
+ mag_fast_addmul(tm, ym, arb_radref(x));
+ *arb_radref(res) = *tm;
+ inexact = arf_fma(arb_midref(res), arb_midref(x), y, arb_midref(z), prec, ARB_RND);
+ if (inexact)
+ arf_mag_fast_add_ulp(arb_radref(res), arb_radref(res), arb_midref(res), prec);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mag_t tm;
+ mag_init(tm);
+ mag_init_set_arf(ym, y);
+ mag_set(tm, arb_radref(z));
+ mag_addmul(tm, ym, arb_radref(x));
+ mag_set(arb_radref(res), tm);
+ inexact = arf_fma(arb_midref(res), arb_midref(x), y, arb_midref(z), prec, ARB_RND);
+ if (inexact)
+ arf_mag_add_ulp(arb_radref(res), arb_radref(res), arb_midref(res), prec);
+ mag_clear(tm);
+ mag_clear(ym);
+ }
+arb_fma(arb_t res, const arb_t x, const arb_t y, const arb_t z, slong prec)
+ mag_t zr, xm, ym;
+ int inexact;
+ if (arb_is_exact(y))
+ {
+ arb_fma_arf(res, x, arb_midref(y), z, prec);
+ }
+ else if (arb_is_exact(x))
+ {
+ arb_fma_arf(res, y, arb_midref(x), z, prec);
+ }
+ else if (ARB_IS_LAGOM(res) && ARB_IS_LAGOM(x) && ARB_IS_LAGOM(y) && ARB_IS_LAGOM(z))
+ {
+ mag_fast_init_set_arf(xm, arb_midref(x));
+ mag_fast_init_set_arf(ym, arb_midref(y));
+ mag_fast_init_set(zr, arb_radref(z));
+ mag_fast_addmul(zr, xm, arb_radref(y));
+ mag_fast_addmul(zr, ym, arb_radref(x));
+ mag_fast_addmul(zr, arb_radref(x), arb_radref(y));
+ inexact = arf_fma(arb_midref(res), arb_midref(x), arb_midref(y), arb_midref(z),
+ prec, ARF_RND_DOWN);
+ if (inexact)
+ arf_mag_fast_add_ulp(zr, zr, arb_midref(res), prec);
+ *arb_radref(res) = *zr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mag_init_set_arf(xm, arb_midref(x));
+ mag_init_set_arf(ym, arb_midref(y));
+ mag_init_set(zr, arb_radref(z));
+ mag_addmul(zr, xm, arb_radref(y));
+ mag_addmul(zr, ym, arb_radref(x));
+ mag_addmul(zr, arb_radref(x), arb_radref(y));
+ inexact = arf_fma(arb_midref(res), arb_midref(x), arb_midref(y), arb_midref(z),
+ prec, ARF_RND_DOWN);
+ if (inexact)
+ arf_mag_add_ulp(arb_radref(res), zr, arb_midref(res), prec);
+ else
+ mag_set(arb_radref(res), zr);
+ mag_clear(zr);
+ mag_clear(xm);
+ mag_clear(ym);
+ }
+arb_fma_ui(arb_t res, const arb_t x, ulong y, const arb_t z, slong prec)
+ arf_t t;
+ arf_init_set_ui(t, y); /* no need to free */
+ arb_fma_arf(res, x, t, z, prec);
diff --git a/arb/test/t-fma.c b/arb/test/t-fma.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6561673a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arb/test/t-fma.c
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2012 Fredrik Johansson
+ This file is part of Arb.
+ Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version. See .
+#include "arb.h"
+arb_fma_naive(arb_t res, const arb_t x, const arb_t y, const arb_t z, slong prec)
+ arb_t t;
+ arb_init(t);
+ arb_set(t, z);
+ arb_addmul(t, x, y, prec);
+ arb_set(res, t);
+ arb_clear(t);
+int main()
+ slong iter;
+ flint_rand_t state;
+ flint_printf("fma....");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ flint_randinit(state);
+ for (iter = 0; iter < 10000 * arb_test_multiplier(); iter++)
+ {
+ arb_t x, y, z, res1, res2;
+ slong prec;
+ int aliasing;
+ arb_init(x);
+ arb_init(y);
+ arb_init(z);
+ arb_init(res1);
+ arb_init(res2);
+ prec = 2 + n_randint(state, 200);
+ arb_randtest_special(x, state, 200, 100);
+ arb_randtest_special(y, state, 200, 100);
+ arb_randtest_special(z, state, 200, 100);
+ arb_randtest_special(res1, state, 200, 100);
+ arb_randtest_special(res2, state, 200, 100);
+ if (n_randint(state, 10) == 0 &&
+ fmpz_bits(ARF_EXPREF(arb_midref(x))) < 10 &&
+ fmpz_bits(ARF_EXPREF(arb_midref(y))) < 10 &&
+ fmpz_bits(ARF_EXPREF(arb_midref(z))) < 10)
+ {
+ prec = ARF_PREC_EXACT;
+ }
+ aliasing = n_randint(state, 7);
+ switch (aliasing)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ arb_fma(res1, x, y, z, prec);
+ arb_fma_naive(res2, x, y, z, prec);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ arb_set(res1, z);
+ arb_fma(res1, x, y, res1, prec);
+ arb_fma_naive(res2, x, y, z, prec);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ arb_set(res1, x);
+ arb_fma(res1, res1, y, z, prec);
+ arb_fma_naive(res2, x, y, z, prec);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ arb_set(res1, y);
+ arb_fma(res1, x, res1, z, prec);
+ arb_fma_naive(res2, x, y, z, prec);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ arb_fma(res1, x, x, z, prec);
+ arb_fma_naive(res2, x, x, z, prec);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ arb_set(res1, x);
+ arb_fma(res1, res1, res1, z, prec);
+ arb_fma_naive(res2, x, x, z, prec);
+ break;
+ default:
+ arb_set(res1, x);
+ arb_fma(res1, res1, res1, res1, prec);
+ arb_fma_naive(res2, x, x, x, prec);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!arb_equal(res1, res2))
+ {
+ flint_printf("FAIL!\n");
+ flint_printf("prec = %wd, aliasing = %d\n\n", prec, aliasing);
+ flint_printf("x = "); arb_printd(x, 30); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("y = "); arb_printd(y, 30); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("z = "); arb_printd(z, 30); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("res1 = "); arb_printd(res1, 30); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("res2 = "); arb_printd(res2, 30); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_abort();
+ }
+ arb_clear(x);
+ arb_clear(y);
+ arb_clear(z);
+ arb_clear(res1);
+ arb_clear(res2);
+ }
+ flint_randclear(state);
+ flint_cleanup();
+ flint_printf("PASS\n");
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/arf.h b/arf.h
index c9e62f32..495293ce 100644
--- a/arf.h
+++ b/arf.h
@@ -1071,6 +1071,8 @@ arf_submul_fmpz(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, const fmpz_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t r
return arf_submul_mpz(z, x, COEFF_TO_PTR(*y), prec, rnd);
+int arf_fma(arf_ptr res, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, arf_srcptr z, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd);
int arf_sosq(arf_t z, const arf_t x, const arf_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd);
int arf_div(arf_ptr z, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd);
diff --git a/arf/fma.c b/arf/fma.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36afc0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arf/fma.c
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2021 Fredrik Johansson
+ This file is part of Arb.
+ Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version. See .
+#include "arf.h"
+arf_fma(arf_ptr res, arf_srcptr x, arf_srcptr y, arf_srcptr z, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd)
+ mp_size_t xn, yn, zn, tn, alloc;
+ mp_srcptr xptr, yptr, zptr;
+ mp_ptr tptr, tptr2;
+ fmpz_t texp;
+ slong shift;
+ int tsgnbit, inexact;
+ if (arf_is_special(x) || arf_is_special(y) || arf_is_special(z))
+ {
+ if (arf_is_zero(z))
+ {
+ return arf_mul(res, x, y, prec, rnd);
+ }
+ else if (arf_is_finite(x) && arf_is_finite(y))
+ {
+ return arf_set_round(res, z, prec, rnd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* todo: speed up */
+ arf_t t;
+ arf_init(t);
+ arf_mul(t, x, y, ARF_PREC_EXACT, ARF_RND_DOWN);
+ inexact = arf_add(res, z, t, prec, rnd);
+ arf_clear(t);
+ return inexact;
+ }
+ }
+ tsgnbit = ARF_SGNBIT(x) ^ ARF_SGNBIT(y);
+ ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(xptr, xn, x);
+ ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(yptr, yn, y);
+ ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(zptr, zn, z);
+ fmpz_init(texp);
+ _fmpz_add2_fast(texp, ARF_EXPREF(x), ARF_EXPREF(y), 0);
+ shift = _fmpz_sub_small(ARF_EXPREF(z), texp);
+ alloc = tn = xn + yn;
+ ARF_MUL_TMP_ALLOC(tptr2, alloc)
+ tptr = tptr2;
+ ARF_MPN_MUL(tptr, xptr, xn, yptr, yn);
+ tn -= (tptr[0] == 0);
+ tptr += (tptr[0] == 0);
+ if (shift >= 0)
+ inexact = _arf_add_mpn(res, zptr, zn, ARF_SGNBIT(z), ARF_EXPREF(z),
+ tptr, tn, tsgnbit, shift, prec, rnd);
+ else
+ inexact = _arf_add_mpn(res, tptr, tn, tsgnbit, texp,
+ zptr, zn, ARF_SGNBIT(z), -shift, prec, rnd);
+ ARF_MUL_TMP_FREE(tptr2, alloc)
+ fmpz_clear(texp);
+ return inexact;
diff --git a/arf/test/t-fma.c b/arf/test/t-fma.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cefaac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arf/test/t-fma.c
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2012 Fredrik Johansson
+ This file is part of Arb.
+ Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version. See .
+#include "arf.h"
+arf_fma_naive(arf_t res, const arf_t x, const arf_t y, const arf_t z, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd)
+ arf_t t;
+ int inexact;
+ arf_init(t);
+ arf_mul(t, x, y, ARF_PREC_EXACT, ARF_RND_DOWN);
+ inexact = arf_add(res, z, t, prec, rnd);
+ arf_clear(t);
+ return inexact;
+int main()
+ slong iter;
+ flint_rand_t state;
+ flint_printf("fma....");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ flint_randinit(state);
+ for (iter = 0; iter < 10000 * arb_test_multiplier(); iter++)
+ {
+ arf_t x, y, z, res1, res2;
+ slong prec, r1, r2;
+ arf_rnd_t rnd;
+ int aliasing;
+ arf_init(x);
+ arf_init(y);
+ arf_init(z);
+ arf_init(res1);
+ arf_init(res2);
+ prec = 2 + n_randint(state, 200);
+ arf_randtest_special(x, state, 200, 100);
+ arf_randtest_special(y, state, 200, 100);
+ arf_randtest_special(z, state, 200, 100);
+ arf_randtest_special(res1, state, 200, 100);
+ arf_randtest_special(res2, state, 200, 100);
+ if (n_randint(state, 10) == 0 &&
+ fmpz_bits(ARF_EXPREF(x)) < 10 &&
+ fmpz_bits(ARF_EXPREF(y)) < 10 &&
+ fmpz_bits(ARF_EXPREF(z)) < 10)
+ {
+ prec = ARF_PREC_EXACT;
+ }
+ switch (n_randint(state, 5))
+ {
+ case 0: rnd = ARF_RND_DOWN; break;
+ case 1: rnd = ARF_RND_UP; break;
+ case 2: rnd = ARF_RND_FLOOR; break;
+ case 3: rnd = ARF_RND_CEIL; break;
+ default: rnd = ARF_RND_NEAR; break;
+ }
+ aliasing = n_randint(state, 7);
+ switch (aliasing)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ r1 = arf_fma(res1, x, y, z, prec, rnd);
+ r2 = arf_fma_naive(res2, x, y, z, prec, rnd);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ arf_set(res1, z);
+ r1 = arf_fma(res1, x, y, res1, prec, rnd);
+ r2 = arf_fma_naive(res2, x, y, z, prec, rnd);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ arf_set(res1, x);
+ r1 = arf_fma(res1, res1, y, z, prec, rnd);
+ r2 = arf_fma_naive(res2, x, y, z, prec, rnd);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ arf_set(res1, y);
+ r1 = arf_fma(res1, x, res1, z, prec, rnd);
+ r2 = arf_fma_naive(res2, x, y, z, prec, rnd);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ r1 = arf_fma(res1, x, x, z, prec, rnd);
+ r2 = arf_fma_naive(res2, x, x, z, prec, rnd);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ arf_set(res1, x);
+ r1 = arf_fma(res1, res1, res1, z, prec, rnd);
+ r2 = arf_fma_naive(res2, x, x, z, prec, rnd);
+ break;
+ default:
+ arf_set(res1, x);
+ r1 = arf_fma(res1, res1, res1, res1, prec, rnd);
+ r2 = arf_fma_naive(res2, x, x, x, prec, rnd);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!arf_equal(res1, res2) || r1 != r2)
+ {
+ flint_printf("FAIL!\n");
+ flint_printf("prec = %wd, rnd = %d, aliasing = %d\n\n", prec, rnd, aliasing);
+ flint_printf("x = "); arf_print(x); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("y = "); arf_print(y); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("z = "); arf_print(z); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("res1 = "); arf_print(res1); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("res2 = "); arf_print(res2); flint_printf("\n\n");
+ flint_printf("r1 = %wd, r2 = %wd\n", r1, r2);
+ flint_abort();
+ }
+ arf_clear(x);
+ arf_clear(y);
+ arf_clear(z);
+ arf_clear(res1);
+ arf_clear(res2);
+ }
+ flint_randclear(state);
+ flint_cleanup();
+ flint_printf("PASS\n");
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/doc/source/arb.rst b/doc/source/arb.rst
index 31ba1f90..4161d06a 100644
--- a/doc/source/arb.rst
+++ b/doc/source/arb.rst
@@ -828,6 +828,13 @@ Arithmetic
Sets `z = z - x \cdot y`, rounded to prec bits. The precision can be
*ARF_PREC_EXACT* provided that the result fits in memory.
+.. function:: void arb_fma(arb_t res, const arb_t x, const arb_t y, const arb_t z, slong prec)
+ void arb_fma_arf(arb_t res, const arb_t x, const arf_t y, const arb_t z, slong prec)
+ void arb_fma_ui(arb_t res, const arb_t x, ulong y, const arb_t z, slong prec)
+ Sets *res* to `x \cdot y + z`. This is equivalent to an *addmul* except
+ that *res* and *z* can be separate variables.
.. function:: void arb_inv(arb_t z, const arb_t x, slong prec)
Sets *z* to `1 / x`.
diff --git a/doc/source/arf.rst b/doc/source/arf.rst
index 603cb90c..0d8ba4fd 100644
--- a/doc/source/arf.rst
+++ b/doc/source/arf.rst
@@ -621,6 +621,11 @@ Addition and multiplication
Performs a fused multiply-subtract `z = z - x \cdot y`, updating *z* in-place.
+.. function:: int arf_fma(arf_t res, const arf_t x, const arf_t y, const arf_t z, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd)
+ Sets *res* to `x \cdot y + z`. This is equivalent to an *addmul* except
+ that *res* and *z* can be separate variables.
.. function:: int arf_sosq(arf_t res, const arf_t x, const arf_t y, slong prec, arf_rnd_t rnd)
Sets *res* to `x^2 + y^2`, rounded to *prec* bits in the direction specified by *rnd*.