document dlog functions

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Pascal 2016-09-15 18:32:29 +02:00
parent 0def74d1c2
commit 4d290da59c
3 changed files with 204 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -252,11 +252,11 @@ void dlog_vec_fill(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong x);
void dlog_vec_set_not_found(ulong *v, ulong nv, nmod_t mod);
void dlog_vec_loop(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_loop_add(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_eratos_add(ulong *v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_eratos(ulong *v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_sieve_add(ulong *v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_sieve(ulong *v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_add(ulong *v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec(ulong *v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_eratos_add(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_eratos(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_sieve_add(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_sieve(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec_add(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);
void dlog_vec(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order);

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@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ apow_cmp(const apow_t * x, const apow_t * y)
return (x->ak < y->ak) ? -1 : (x->ak > y->ak);
/* set size of table m=sqrt(nk) to compute k logs in a group of size n */
dlog_bsgs_init(dlog_bsgs_t t, ulong a, ulong mod, ulong n, ulong m)

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@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ to Dirichlet characters in mind.
In particular, this module defines a :type:`dlog_precomp_t` structure
permitting to describe a discrete log problem in some subgroup
of `\mathbb Z/p \mathbb Z` and store precomputed data for
faster computation of several such discrete logarithms.
of `(\mathbb Z/p^e \mathbb Z)^\times` for primepower moduli `p^e`,
and store precomputed data for faster computation of several such
discrete logarithms.
When initializing this data, the user provides both a group description and the expected
number of subsequent discrete logarithms calls. The choice of algorithm and
@ -32,15 +33,17 @@ Types, macros and constants
Structure for discrete logarithm precomputed data.
.. function:: void dlog_precomp_clear(dlog_precomp_t pre)
A :type:`dlog_precomp_t` is defined as an array of length one of type
:type:`dlog_precomp_struct`, permitting a :type:`dlog_precomp_t` to be passed by
Single evaluation
.. function:: ulong dlog_once(ulong b, ulong a, const nmod_t mod, ulong n)
Returns `x` such that `b = a^x` in `(\mathbb Z/mod \mathbb Z)^\times`,
a has order *n*.
Return `x` such that `b = a^x` in `(\mathbb Z/mod \mathbb Z)^\times`,
where *a* is known to have order *n*.
@ -50,12 +53,21 @@ Precomputations
Precompute data for *num* discrete logarithms evaluations in the subgroup generated
by *a* modulo *mod*, where *a* is known to have order *n*.
Specialized versions are available when specific information is known about the
.. function:: ulong dlog_precomp(const dlog_precomp_t pre, ulong b)
Return `\log(b)` for the group described in *pre*.
.. function:: void dlog_precomp_clear(dlog_precomp_t pre)
Clears *t*.
Specialized versions of :func:`dlog_precomp_n_init` are available when specific information
is known about the group:
.. function:: void dlog_precomp_modpe_init(dlog_precomp_t pre, ulong a, ulong p, ulong e, ulong pe, ulong num)
Assume that *a* generates the group of residues modulo `p^e`.
Assume that *a* generates the group of residues modulo *pe* equal `p^e` for
prime *p*.
.. function:: void dlog_precomp_p_init(dlog_precomp_t pre, ulong a, ulong mod, ulong p, ulong num)
@ -63,19 +75,19 @@ group:
.. function:: void dlog_precomp_pe_init(dlog_precomp_t pre, ulong a, ulong mod, ulong p, ulong e, ulong pe, ulong num)
Assume that *a* has primepower order *p*.
Assume that *a* has primepower order *pe* `p^e`.
.. function:: void dlog_precomp_small_init(dlog_precomp_t pre, ulong a, ulong mod, ulong n, ulong num)
.. function:: ulong dlog_precomp(const dlog_precomp_t pre, ulong b)
Returns `\log(b)` for the group described in *pre*.
Make a complete lookup table of size *n*.
If *mod* is small, this is done using an element-indexed array (see
:type:`dlog_table_t`), otherwise with a sorted array allowing binary search.
Vector evaluations
These functions compute all logarithms of successive integers `1\dots n`.
.. function:: void dlog_vec_fill(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong x)
Sets values *v[k]* to *x* for all *k* less than *nv*.
@ -95,7 +107,35 @@ Vector evaluations
to *v[k]* and reduce modulo *order* instead of replacing the value. Indices
*k* such that *v[k]* equals *DLOG_NONE* are ignored.
Depending on the relative size of *nv* and *na*, these two *dlog_vec* functions
call one of the following functions.
.. function:: void dlog_vec_loop(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order)
.. function:: void dlog_vec_loop_add(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order)
Perform a complete loop of size *na* on powers of *a* to fill the logarithm
values, discarding powers outside the bounds of *v*. This requires no
discrete logarithm computation.
.. function:: void dlog_vec_eratos(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order)
.. function:: void dlog_vec_eratos_add(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order)
Compute discrete logarithms of prime numbers less than *nv* and propagate to composite numbers.
.. function:: void dlog_vec_sieve_add(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order)
.. function:: void dlog_vec_sieve(ulong * v, ulong nv, ulong a, ulong va, nmod_t mod, ulong na, nmod_t order)
Compute the discrete logarithms of the first few prime numbers, then
use them as a factor base to obtain the logarithms of larger primes
by sieving techniques.
In the the present implementation, the full index-calculus method is not
Internal discrete logarithm strategies
Several discrete logarithms strategies are implemented:
@ -111,18 +151,149 @@ combined with mathematical reductions:
- p-adic log for primepower modulus `p^e`.
For *dlog_vec* functions which compute the vector of discrete logarithms
of successive integers `1\dots n`:
The *dlog_precomp* structure makes recursive use of the following
method-specific structures.
- A simple loop on group elements avoiding all logarithms is done when
the group size is comparable with the number of elements requested.
Complete table
- Otherwise the logarithms are computed on primes and propagated by
Eratosthene-like sieving on composite numbers.
.. type:: dlog_table
- When several logarithms are already computed, a basic smoothing technique
inspired by index-calculus is adopted to obtain larger logs from
smaller ones.
.. type:: dlog_table_t
- In the the present implementation, the full index-calculus method is not
Structure for complete lookup table.
.. function:: ulong dlog_table_init(dlog_table_t t, ulong a, ulong mod)
Initialize a table of powers of *a* modulo *mod*, storing all elements
in an array of size *mod*.
.. function:: void dlog_table_clear(dlog_table_t t)
Clears *t*.
.. function:: ulong dlog_table(dlog_table_t t, ulong b)
Return `\log(b,a)` using the precomputed data *t*.
Baby-step giant-step table
.. type:: dlog_bsgs_struct
.. type:: dlog_bsgs_t
Structure for Baby-Step Giant-Step decomposition.
.. function:: ulong dlog_bsgs_init(dlog_bsgs_t t, ulong a, ulong mod, ulong n, ulong m)
Initialize *t* and store the first *m* powers of *a* in a sorted array. The
return value is a rought measure of the cost of each logarithm using this
The user should take `m\approx\sqrt{kn}` to compute k logarithms in a group of size n.
.. function:: void dlog_bsgs_clear(dlog_bsgs_t t)
Clears *t*.
.. function:: ulong dlog_bsgs(dlog_bsgs_t t, ulong b)
Return `\log(b,a)` using the precomputed data *t*.
Prime-power modulus decomposition
.. type:: dlog_modpe_struct
.. type:: dlog_modpe_t
Structure for discrete logarithm modulo primepower `p^e`.
A :type:`dlog_modpe_t` is defined as an array of length one of type
:type:`dlog_modpe_struct`, permitting a :type:`dlog_modpe_t` to be passed by
.. function:: ulong dlog_modpe_init(dlog_modpe_t t, ulong a, ulong p, ulong e, ulong pe, ulong num)
.. function:: void dlog_modpe_clear(dlog_modpe_t t)
Clears *t*.
.. function:: ulong dlog_modpe(dlog_modpe_t t, ulong b)
Return `\log(b,a)` using the precomputed data *t*.
CRT decomposition
.. type:: dlog_crt_struct
.. type:: dlog_crt_t
Structure for discrete logarithm for groups of composite order.
A :type:`dlog_crt_t` is defined as an array of length one of type
:type:`dlog_crt_struct`, permitting a :type:`dlog_crt_t` to be passed by
.. function:: ulong dlog_crt_init(dlog_crt_t t, ulong a, ulong mod, ulong n, ulong num)
Precompute data for *num* evaluations of discrete logarithms in base *a* modulo *mod*,
where *a* has composite order *n*, using chinese remainder decomposition.
.. function:: void dlog_crt_clear(dlog_crt_t t)
Clears *t*.
.. function:: ulong dlog_crt(dlog_crt_t t, ulong b)
Return `\log(b,a)` using the precomputed data *t*.
padic decomposition
.. type:: dlog_power_struct
.. type:: dlog_power_t
Structure for discrete logarithm for groups of primepower order.
A :type:`dlog_power_t` is defined as an array of length one of type
:type:`dlog_power_struct`, permitting a :type:`dlog_power_t` to be passed by
.. function:: ulong dlog_power_init(dlog_power_t t, ulong a, ulong mod, ulong p, ulong e, ulong num)
Precompute data for *num* evaluations of discrete logarithms in base *a* modulo *mod*,
where *a* has prime power order *pe* equals `p^e`, using decomposition in base *p*.
.. function:: void dlog_power_clear(dlog_power_t t)
Clears *t*.
.. function:: ulong dlog_power(dlog_power_t t, ulong b)
Return `\log(b,a)` using the precomputed data *t*.
Pollard rho method
.. type:: dlog_rho_struct
.. type:: dlog_rho_t
Structure for discrete logarithm using Pollard rho.
A :type:`dlog_rho_t` is defined as an array of length one of type
:type:`dlog_rho_struct`, permitting a :type:`dlog_rho_t` to be passed by
.. function:: ulong dlog_rho_init(dlog_rho_t t, ulong a, ulong mod, ulong n, ulong num)
Initialize random walks for evaluations of discrete logarithms in base *a* modulo *mod*,
where *a* has order *n*.
.. function:: void dlog_rho_clear(dlog_rho_t t)
Clears *t*.
.. function:: ulong dlog_rho(dlog_rho_t t, ulong b)
Return `\log(b,a)` by the rho method in the group described by *t*.