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synced 2025-03-05 09:21:38 -05:00
more documentation
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 258 additions and 25 deletions
@ -647,11 +647,10 @@ void arb_rising2_ui_rs(arb_t u, arb_t v, const arb_t x, ulong n, ulong m, long p
void arb_rising2_ui_bs(arb_t u, arb_t v, const arb_t x, ulong n, long prec);
void arb_rising2_ui(arb_t u, arb_t v, const arb_t x, ulong n, long prec);
/* TODO: document */
void arb_log_ui_from_prev(arb_t s, ulong k, arb_t log_prev, ulong prev, long prec);
/* TODO: document/test */
void arb_const_apery(arb_t s, long prec);
void arb_zeta_ui_asymp(arb_t x, ulong s, long prec);
void arb_zeta_ui_borwein_bsplit(arb_t x, ulong s, long prec);
void arb_zeta_ui_euler_product(arb_t z, ulong s, long prec);
@ -567,8 +567,6 @@ Powers and roots
Exponentials and logarithms
The following are currently simply wrappers for the corresponding *fmprb* functions.
.. function:: void arb_log(arb_t z, const arb_t x, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_log_ui(arb_t z, ulong x, long prec)
@ -579,6 +577,16 @@ The following are currently simply wrappers for the corresponding *fmprb* functi
assuming `x = m \pm r` where `m > r \ge 0`, the error is largest at
`m - r`, and we have `\log(m) - \log(m-r) = \log(1 + r/(m-r))`.
.. function:: void arb_log_ui_from_prev(arb_t log_k1, ulong k1, arb_t log_k0, ulong k0, long prec)
Computes `\log(k_1)`, given `\log(k_0)` where `k_0 < k_1`.
At high precision, this function uses the formula
`\log(k_1) = \log(k_0) + 2 \operatorname{atanh}((k_1-k_0)/(k_1+k_0))`,
evaluating the inverse hyperbolic tangent using binary splitting
(for best efficiency, `k_0` should be large and `k_1 - k_0` should
be small). Otherwise, it ignores `\log(k_0)` and evaluates the logarithm
the usual way.
.. function:: void arb_exp(arb_t z, const arb_t x, long prec)
Sets `z = \exp(x)`. Error propagation is done using the following rule:
@ -592,8 +600,6 @@ The following are currently simply wrappers for the corresponding *fmprb* functi
Trigonometric functions
The following are currently simply wrappers for the corresponding *fmprb* functions.
.. function:: void arb_sin(arb_t s, const arb_t x, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_cos(arb_t c, const arb_t x, long prec)
@ -646,8 +652,6 @@ The following are currently simply wrappers for the corresponding *fmprb* functi
Inverse trigonometric functions
The following are currently simply wrappers for the corresponding *fmprb* functions.
.. function:: void arb_atan(arb_t z, const arb_t x, long prec)
Sets `z = \tan^{-1} x`. Letting `d = \max(0, |m| - r)`,
@ -702,29 +706,122 @@ Hyperbolic functions
The following are currently simply wrappers for the corresponding *fmprb* functions.
The following functions cache the computed values to speed up repeated
calls at the same or lower precision.
.. function:: void arb_const_pi(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes `\pi` using the Chudnovsky series
.. math ::
\frac{1}{\pi} = 12 \sum^\infty_{k=0} \frac{(-1)^k (6k)! (13591409 + 545140134k)}{(3k)!(k!)^3 640320^{3k + 3/2}}
.. function:: void arb_const_sqrt_pi(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes `\sqrt{\pi}`.
.. function:: void arb_const_log_sqrt2pi(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes `\log \sqrt{2 \pi}`.
.. function:: void arb_const_log2(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes `\log(2)` using the hypergeometric series
.. math ::
\log 2 = \frac{3}{4} \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^k (k!)^2}{2^k (2k+1)!}
.. function:: void arb_const_log10(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes `\log 10` using the Machin-like formula
`\log 10 = 46 \operatorname{atanh}(1/31) + 34 \operatorname{atanh}(1/49) + 20 \operatorname{atanh}(1/161)`.
.. function:: void arb_const_euler(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes Euler's constant `\gamma = \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} (H_k - \log k)`
where `H_k = 1 + 1/2 + \ldots + 1/k`.
Uses the Brent-McMillan formula ([BM1980]_, [MPFR2012]_)
.. math ::
\gamma = \frac{S_0(2n) - K_0(2n)}{I_0(2n)} - \log(n)
in which `n` is a free parameter and
.. math ::
S_0(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{H_k}{(k!)^2} \left(\frac{x}{2}\right)^{2k}, \quad
I_0(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(k!)^2} \left(\frac{x}{2}\right)^{2k}
2x I_0(x) K_0(x) \sim \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{[(2k)!]^3}{(k!)^4 8^{2k} x^{2k}}.
All series are evaluated using binary splitting.
The first two series are evaluated simultaneously, with the summation
taken up to `k = N - 1` inclusive where `N \ge \alpha n + 1` and
`\alpha \approx 4.9706257595442318644`
satisfies `\alpha (\log \alpha - 1) = 3`. The third series is taken
up to `k = 2n-1` inclusive. It is then shown in [BJ2013]_ that the error
is bounded by `24e^{-8n}`.
.. function:: void arb_const_catalan(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes Catalan's constant `C = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^n / (2n+1)^2`
using the hypergeometric series
.. math ::
C = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^k 4^{4 k+1}
\left(40 k^2+56 k+19\right) [(k+1)!]^2 [(2k+2)!]^3}{(k+1)^3 (2 k+1) [(4k+4)!]^2}
.. function:: void arb_const_e(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes Euler's number `e = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} 1/n!` from the
defining series.
.. function:: void arb_const_khinchin(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes Khinchin's constant `K_0` using the formula
.. math ::
\log K_0 = \frac{1}{\log 2} \left[
\sum_{k=2}^{N-1} \log \left(\frac{k-1}{k} \right) \log \left(\frac{k+1}{k} \right)
+ \sum_{n=1}^\infty
\frac {\zeta (2n,N)}{n} \sum_{k=1}^{2n-1} \frac{(-1)^{k+1}}{k}
where `N \ge 2` is a free parameter that can be used for tuning [BBC1997]_.
If the infinite series is truncated after `n = M`, the remainder
is smaller in absolute value than
.. math ::
\sum_{n=M+1}^{\infty} \zeta(2n, N) =
\sum_{n=M+1}^{\infty} \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} (k+N)^{-2n} \le
\sum_{n=M+1}^{\infty} \left( N^{-2n} + \int_0^{\infty} (t+N)^{-2n} dt \right)
= \sum_{n=M+1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{N^{2n}} \left(1 + \frac{N}{2n-1}\right)
\le \sum_{n=M+1}^{\infty} \frac{N+1}{N^{2n}} = \frac{1}{N^{2M} (N-1)}
\le \frac{1}{N^{2M}}.
Thus, for an error of at most `2^{-p}` in the series,
it is sufficient to choose `M \ge p / (2 \log_2 N)`.
.. function:: void arb_const_glaisher(arb_t z, long prec)
Rising factorials
Computes the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant `A = \exp(1/12 - \zeta'(-1))`.
.. function:: void arb_const_apery(arb_t z, long prec)
Computes Apery's constant `\zeta(3)` using the hypergeometric series
.. math ::
\zeta(3) = \frac{1}{64} \sum_{k=0}^\infty (-1)^k (205k^2 + 250k + 77) \frac{(k!)^{10}}{[(2k+1)!]^5}
Gamma function and factorials
.. function:: void arb_rising_ui_bs(arb_t z, const arb_t x, ulong n, long prec)
@ -765,26 +862,16 @@ Rising factorials
rectangular splitting (with optional nonzero step length *step*
to override the default choice), and an automatic algorithm choice.
Special functions
The following are currently simply wrappers for the corresponding *fmprb* functions.
.. function:: void arb_fac_ui(arb_t z, ulong n, long prec)
Computes the factorial `z = n!` via the gamma function.
.. function:: void arb_bin_ui(arb_t z, const arb_t n, ulong k, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_bin_uiui(arb_t z, ulong n, ulong k, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_fib_fmpz(arb_t z, const fmpz_t n, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_fib_ui(arb_t z, ulong n, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_agm(arb_t z, const arb_t x, const arb_t y, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_lgamma(arb_t z, const arb_t x, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_rgamma(arb_t z, const arb_t x, long prec)
Computes the binomial coefficient `z = {n \choose k}`, via the
rising factorial as `{n \choose k} = (n-k+1)_k / k!`.
.. function:: void arb_gamma(arb_t z, const arb_t x, long prec)
@ -792,11 +879,158 @@ The following are currently simply wrappers for the corresponding *fmprb* functi
.. function:: void arb_gamma_fmpz(arb_t z, const fmpz_t x, long prec)
Computes the gamma function `z = \Gamma(x)`.
.. function:: void arb_lgamma(arb_t z, const arb_t x, long prec)
Computes the logarithmic gamma function `z = \log \Gamma(x)`.
The complex branch structure is assumed, so if `x \le 0`, the
result is an indeterminate interval.
.. function:: void arb_rgamma(arb_t z, const arb_t x, long prec)
Computes the reciprocal gamma function `z = 1/\Gamma(x)`,
avoiding division by zero at the poles of the gamma function.
.. function:: void arb_digamma(arb_t y, const arb_t x, long prec)
Computes the digamma function `z = \psi(x) = (\log \Gamma(x))' = \Gamma'(x) / \Gamma(x)`.
Zeta function
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui_vec_borwein(arb_ptr z, ulong start, long num, ulong step, long prec)
Evaluates `\zeta(s)` at `\mathrm{num}` consecutive integers *s* beginning
with *start* and proceeding in increments of *step*.
Uses Borwein's formula ([Bor2000]_, [GS2003]_),
implemented to support fast multi-evaluation
(but also works well for a single *s*).
Requires `\mathrm{start} \ge 2`. For efficiency, the largest *s*
should be at most about as
large as *prec*. Arguments approaching *LONG_MAX* will cause
One should therefore only use this function for *s* up to about *prec*, and
then switch to the Euler product.
The algorithm for single *s* is basically identical to the one used in MPFR
(see [MPFR2012]_ for a detailed description).
In particular, we evaluate the sum backwards to avoid storing more than one
`d_k` coefficient, and use integer arithmetic throughout since it
is convenient and the terms turn out to be slightly larger than
The only numerical error in the main loop comes from the division by `k^s`,
which adds less than 1 unit of error per term.
For fast multi-evaluation, we repeatedly divide by `k^{\mathrm{step}}`.
Each division reduces the input error and adds at most 1 unit of
additional rounding error, so by induction, the error per term
is always smaller than 2 units.
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui_asymp(arb_t x, ulong s, long prec)
Assuming `s \ge 2`, approximates `\zeta(s)` by `1 + 2^{-s}` along with
a correct error bound. We use the following bounds: for `s > b`,
`\zeta(s) - 1 < 2^{-b}`, and generally,
`\zeta(s) - (1 + 2^{-s}) < 2^{2-\lfloor 3 s/2 \rfloor}`.
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui_euler_product(arb_t z, ulong s, long prec)
Computes `\zeta(s)` using the Euler product. This is fast only if *s*
is large compared to the precision.
Writing `P(a,b) = \prod_{a \le p \le b} (1 - p^{-s})`, we have
`1/\zeta(s) = P(a,M) P(M+1,\infty)`.
To bound the error caused by truncating
the product at `M`, we write `P(M+1,\infty) = 1 - \epsilon(s,M)`.
Since `0 < P(a,M) \le 1`, the absolute error for `\zeta(s)` is
bounded by `\epsilon(s,M)`.
According to the analysis in [Fil1992]_, it holds for all `s \ge 6` and `M \ge 1`
that `1/P(M+1,\infty) - 1 \le f(s,M) \equiv 2 M^{1-s} / (s/2 - 1)`.
Thus, we have `1/(1-\epsilon(s,M)) - 1 \le f(s,M)`, and expanding
the geometric series allows us to conclude that
`\epsilon(M) \le f(s,M)`.
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui_bernoulli(arb_t x, ulong s, long prec)
Computes `\zeta(s)` for even *s* via the corresponding Bernoulli number.
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui_borwein_bsplit(arb_t x, ulong s, long prec)
Computes `\zeta(s)` for arbitrary `s \ge 2` using a binary splitting
implementation of Borwein's algorithm. This has quasilinear complexity
with respect to the precision (assuming that `s` is fixed).
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui_vec(arb_ptr x, ulong start, long num, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui_vec_even(arb_ptr x, ulong start, long num, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui_vec_odd(arb_ptr x, ulong start, long num, long prec)
Computes `\zeta(s)` at *num* consecutive integers (respectively *num*
even or *num* odd integers) beginning with `s = \mathrm{start} \ge 2`,
automatically choosing an appropriate algorithm.
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui(arb_t x, ulong s, long prec)
Computes `\zeta(s)` for nonnegative integer `s \ne 1`, automatically
choosing an appropriate algorithm.
.. function:: void arb_zeta(arb_t z, const arb_t s, long prec)
Sets *z* to the value of the Riemann zeta function `\zeta(s)`.
Note: the Hurwitz zeta function is also available, but takes
complex arguments (see :func:`acb_hurwitz_zeta`).
For computing derivatives with respect to `s`,
use :func:`arb_poly_zeta_series`.
.. function:: void arb_zeta_ui(arb_t z, ulong n, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_bernoulli_ui(arb_t z, ulong n, long prec)
Sets *b* to the Riemann zeta function value `\zeta(n)`. This function is
intended for numerical evaluation of isolated zeta values; for
multi-evaluation, the vector versions are more efficient.
Bernoulli numbers
.. function:: void arb_bernoulli_ui(arb_t b, ulong n, long prec)
Sets `b` to the numerical value of the Bernoulli number `B_n` accurate
to *prec* bits, computed by a division of the exact fraction if `B_n` is in
the global cache or the exact numerator roughly is larger than
*prec* bits, and using :func:`arb_bernoulli_ui_zeta`
otherwise. This function reads `B_n` from the global cache
if the number is already cached, but does not automatically extend
the cache by itself.
.. function:: void arb_bernoulli_ui_zeta(arb_t b, ulong n, long prec)
Sets `b` to the numerical value of `B_n` accurate to *prec* bits,
computed using the formula `B_{2n} = (-1)^{n+1} 2 (2n)! \zeta(2n) / (2 \pi)^n`.
To avoid potential infinite recursion, we explicitly call the
Euler product implementation of the zeta function.
We therefore assume that the precision is small
enough and `n` large enough for the Euler product to converge
rapidly (otherwise this function will effectively hang).
Other special functions
.. function:: void arb_fib_fmpz(arb_t z, const fmpz_t n, long prec)
.. function:: void arb_fib_ui(arb_t z, ulong n, long prec)
Computes the Fibonacci number `F_n`. Uses the binary squaring
algorithm described in [Tak2000]_.
Provided that *n* is small enough, an exact Fibonacci number can be
computed by setting the precision to *ARF_PREC_EXACT*.
.. function:: void arb_agm(arb_t z, const arb_t x, const arb_t y, long prec)
Sets *z* to the arithmetic-geometric mean of *x* and *y*.
Add table
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