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Copyright (C) 2015 Jonathan Bober
Copyright (C) 2016 Fredrik Johansson
Copyright (C) 2016 Pascal Molin
This file is part of Arb.
Arb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See <>.
2016-03-29 14:04:08 +01:00
2016-03-29 14:04:08 +01:00
#define ACB_DIRICHLET_INLINE static __inline__
#include "acb.h"
#include "dlog.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct
ulong q; /* modulus */
nmod_t mod; /* modulus with precomputed inverse */
ulong q_even; /* even part of modulus */
ulong q_odd; /* odd part of modulus */
ulong phi_q; /* phi(q) = group size */
ulong expo; /* group exponent = lcm(phi(q_even), phi(p[k]^e[k]) ) */
slong neven; /* number of even components (in 0,1,2)*/
slong num; /* number of prime components (even + odd) */
ulong * primes; /* primes p[k] */
ulong * exponents; /* exponents e[k] */
ulong * primepowers; /* powers p[k]^[k] */
ulong * generators; /* generator for each prime p[k] lifted mod q */
ulong * phi; /* phi(k) = phi(p[k]^e[k]) */
ulong * PHI; /* PHI(k) = expo / phi(k) */
dlog_precomp_t * dlog; /* precomputed data for discrete log mod p^e */
typedef acb_dirichlet_group_struct acb_dirichlet_group_t[1];
2016-06-15 11:33:01 +02:00
acb_dirichlet_group_size(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G)
return G->phi_q;
void acb_dirichlet_group_init(acb_dirichlet_group_t G, ulong q);
void acb_dirichlet_group_clear(acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
void acb_dirichlet_group_dlog_precompute(acb_dirichlet_group_t G, ulong num);
/* properties of elements without log */
ulong acb_dirichlet_number_primitive(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
ulong acb_dirichlet_conductor_ui(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, ulong a);
2016-06-15 14:04:27 +02:00
int acb_dirichlet_parity_ui(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, ulong a);
ulong acb_dirichlet_order_ui(const acb_dirichlet_groupt_t G, ulong a);
/* elements of the group, keep both number and log */
typedef struct
ulong n; /* number */
ulong * log; /* s.t. prod generators[k]^log[k] = number */
typedef acb_dirichlet_conrey_struct acb_dirichlet_conrey_t[1];
void _acb_dirichlet_euler_product_real_ui(arb_t res, ulong s,
const signed char * chi, int mod, int reciprocal, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_eta(acb_t res, const acb_t s, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_conrey_init(acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
void acb_dirichlet_conrey_clear(acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x);
void acb_dirichlet_conrey_print(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x);
int acb_dirichlet_conrey_parity(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x);
2016-06-15 11:33:01 +02:00
ulong acb_dirichlet_conrey_conductor(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x);
void acb_dirichlet_conrey_log(acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, ulong m);
void acb_dirichlet_conrey_one(acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
void acb_dirichlet_conrey_first_primitive(acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
int acb_dirichlet_conrey_next(acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
int acb_dirichlet_conrey_next_primitive(acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
2016-06-15 11:33:01 +02:00
void acb_dirichlet_conrey_mul(acb_dirichlet_conrey_t c, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t a, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t b);
void acb_dirichlet_conrey_pow(acb_dirichlet_conrey_t c, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t a, ulong n);
2016-03-29 14:04:08 +01:00
ulong acb_dirichlet_ui_pairing_conrey(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t a, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t b);
ulong acb_dirichlet_ui_pairing(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, ulong m, ulong n);
void acb_dirichlet_pairing_conrey(acb_t res, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t a, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t b, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_pairing(acb_t res, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, ulong m, ulong n, slong prec);
/* introducing character type */
2016-06-15 11:33:01 +02:00
/* character = reduced exponents, keep order, number and conductor */
typedef struct
2016-03-29 14:37:21 +01:00
ulong q; /* modulus */
2016-04-05 11:55:04 +02:00
/*? acb_dirichet_conrey_struct n; */
2016-03-29 14:37:21 +01:00
ulong n; /* number */
ulong order; /* order */
ulong * expo; /* reduced exponents ( order * log[k] / gcd( ) ) */
int parity; /* 0 for even char, 1 for odd */
2016-06-15 11:33:01 +02:00
ulong conductor;
typedef acb_dirichlet_char_struct acb_dirichlet_char_t[1];
2016-04-05 11:55:04 +02:00
acb_dirichlet_char_order(const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi)
return chi->order;
2016-03-29 14:04:08 +01:00
acb_dirichlet_char_parity(const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi)
return chi->parity;
void acb_dirichlet_char_init(acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
void acb_dirichlet_char_clear(acb_dirichlet_char_t chi);
void acb_dirichlet_char_print(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi);
void acb_dirichlet_char(acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, ulong n);
void acb_dirichlet_char_conrey(acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x);
void acb_dirichlet_char_normalize(acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
void acb_dirichlet_char_denormalize(acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
ulong acb_dirichlet_char_conductor(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi);
void acb_dirichlet_char_one(acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
void acb_dirichlet_char_first_primitive(acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G);
2016-04-12 15:07:04 +02:00
ulong acb_dirichlet_ui_chi_conrey(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, const acb_dirichlet_conrey_t x);
ulong acb_dirichlet_ui_chi(const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, ulong n);
void acb_dirichlet_ui_vec_set_null(ulong *v, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, slong nv);
void acb_dirichlet_ui_chi_vec_loop(ulong *v, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, slong nv);
void acb_dirichlet_ui_chi_vec_primeloop(ulong *v, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, slong nv);
void acb_dirichlet_ui_chi_vec_sieve(ulong *v, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, slong nv);
void acb_dirichlet_ui_chi_vec(ulong *v, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, slong nv);
2016-04-12 15:07:04 +02:00
/* precompute powers of a root of unity */
typedef struct
ulong order;
acb_ptr z;
ulong m;
ulong M;
acb_ptr Z;
typedef acb_dirichlet_powers_struct acb_dirichlet_powers_t[1];
void acb_dirichlet_powers_init(acb_dirichlet_powers_t t, ulong order, slong num, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_powers_clear(acb_dirichlet_powers_t t);
void acb_dirichlet_power(acb_t z, const acb_dirichlet_powers_t t, ulong n, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_nth_root(acb_t res, ulong order, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_chi(acb_t res, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, ulong n, slong prec);
2016-04-12 15:07:04 +02:00
void acb_dirichlet_chi_vec(acb_ptr v, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, slong nv, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_arb_quadratic_powers(arb_ptr v, slong nv, const arb_t x, slong prec);
2016-04-12 15:07:04 +02:00
ulong acb_dirichlet_theta_length_d(ulong q, double x, slong prec);
ulong acb_dirichlet_theta_length(ulong q, const arb_t x, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_chi_theta(acb_t res, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, const arb_t x, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_gauss_sum_naive(acb_t res, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_gauss_sum_theta(acb_t res, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec);
void acb_dirichlet_gauss_sum(acb_t res, const acb_dirichlet_group_t G, const acb_dirichlet_char_t chi, slong prec);
#ifdef __cplusplus