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import * as os from 'os';
import { gzip } from 'zlib';
import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql';
import {
} from 'apollo-engine-reporting-protobuf';
import { fetch, Response } from 'apollo-server-env';
import * as retry from 'async-retry';
import { EngineReportingExtension } from './extension';
// Override the generated protobuf Traces.encode function so that it will look
// for Traces that are already encoded to Buffer as well as unencoded
// Traces. This amortizes the protobuf encoding time over each generated Trace
// instead of bunching it all up at once at sendReport time. In load tests, this
// change improved p99 end-to-end HTTP response times by a factor of 11 without
// a casually noticeable effect on p50 times. This also makes it easier for us
// to implement maxUncompressedReportSize as we know the encoded size of traces
// as we go.
const originalTracesEncode = Traces.encode;
Traces.encode = function(message, originalWriter) {
const writer = originalTracesEncode(message, originalWriter);
const encodedTraces = (message as any).encodedTraces;
if (encodedTraces != null && encodedTraces.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < encodedTraces.length; ++i) {
writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/ 10);
return writer;
export interface EngineReportingOptions {
// API key for the service. Get this from
// [Engine](https://engine.apollographql.com) by logging in and creating
// a service. You may also specify this with the `ENGINE_API_KEY`
// environment variable; the option takes precedence. __Required__.
apiKey?: string;
// Specify the function for creating a signature for a query. See signature.ts
// for details.
calculateSignature?: (ast: DocumentNode, operationName: string) => string;
// How often to send reports to the Engine server. We'll also send reports
// when the report gets big; see maxUncompressedReportSize.
reportIntervalMs?: number;
// We send a report when the report size will become bigger than this size in
// bytes (default: 4MB). (This is a rough limit --- we ignore the size of the
// report header and some other top level bytes. We just add up the lengths of
// the serialized traces and signatures.)
maxUncompressedReportSize?: number;
// The URL of the Engine report ingress server.
endpointUrl?: string;
// If set, prints all reports as JSON when they are sent.
debugPrintReports?: boolean;
// Reporting is retried with exponential backoff up to this many times
// (including the original request). Defaults to 5.
maxAttempts?: number;
// Minimum backoff for retries. Defaults to 100ms.
minimumRetryDelayMs?: number;
// By default, errors that occur when sending trace reports to Engine servers
// will be logged to standard error. Specify this function to process errors
// in a different way.
reportErrorFunction?: (err: Error) => void;
// A case-sensitive list of names of variables whose values should not be sent
// to Apollo servers, or 'true' to leave out all variables. In the former
// case, the report will indicate that each private variable was redacted; in
// the latter case, no variables are sent at all.
privateVariables?: Array<String> | boolean;
// A case-insensitive list of names of HTTP headers whose values should not be
// sent to Apollo servers, or 'true' to leave out all HTTP headers. Unlike
// with privateVariables, names of dropped headers are not reported.
privateHeaders?: Array<String> | boolean;
// By default, EngineReportingAgent listens for the 'SIGINT' and 'SIGTERM'
// signals, stops, sends a final report, and re-sends the signal to
// itself. Set this to false to disable. You can manually invoke 'stop()' and
// 'sendReport()' on other signals if you'd like. Note that 'sendReport()'
// does not run synchronously so it cannot work usefully in an 'exit' handler.
handleSignals?: boolean;
// Sends the trace report immediately. This options is useful for stateless environments
sendReportsImmediately?: boolean;
// To remove the error message from traces, set this to true. Defaults to false
maskErrorDetails?: boolean;
// XXX Provide a way to set client_name, client_version, client_address,
// service, and service_version fields. They are currently not revealed in the
// Engine frontend app.
const REPORT_HEADER = new ReportHeader({
hostname: os.hostname(),
// tslint:disable-next-line no-var-requires
agentVersion: `apollo-engine-reporting@${require('../package.json').version}`,
runtimeVersion: `node ${process.version}`,
// XXX not actually uname, but what node has easily.
uname: `${os.platform()}, ${os.type()}, ${os.release()}, ${os.arch()})`,
// EngineReportingAgent is a persistent object which creates
// EngineReportingExtensions for each request and sends batches of trace reports
// to the Engine server.
export class EngineReportingAgent<TContext = any> {
private options: EngineReportingOptions;
private apiKey: string;
private report!: FullTracesReport;
private reportSize!: number;
private reportTimer: any; // timer typing is weird and node-specific
private sendReportsImmediately?: boolean;
private stopped: boolean = false;
public constructor(options: EngineReportingOptions = {}) {
this.options = options;
this.apiKey = options.apiKey || process.env.ENGINE_API_KEY || '';
if (!this.apiKey) {
throw new Error(
'To use EngineReportingAgent, you must specify an API key via the apiKey option or the ENGINE_API_KEY environment variable.',
this.sendReportsImmediately = options.sendReportsImmediately;
if (!this.sendReportsImmediately) {
this.reportTimer = setInterval(
() => this.sendReportAndReportErrors(),
this.options.reportIntervalMs || 10 * 1000,
if (this.options.handleSignals !== false) {
const signals: NodeJS.Signals[] = ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'];
signals.forEach(signal => {
process.once(signal, async () => {
await this.sendReportAndReportErrors();
process.kill(process.pid, signal);
public newExtension(): EngineReportingExtension<TContext> {
return new EngineReportingExtension<TContext>(
public addTrace(signature: string, operationName: string, trace: Trace) {
// Ignore traces that come in after stop().
if (this.stopped) {
const protobufError = Trace.verify(trace);
if (protobufError) {
throw new Error(`Error encoding trace: ${protobufError}`);
const encodedTrace = Trace.encode(trace).finish();
const statsReportKey = `# ${operationName || '-'}\n${signature}`;
if (!this.report.tracesPerQuery.hasOwnProperty(statsReportKey)) {
this.report.tracesPerQuery[statsReportKey] = new Traces();
(this.report.tracesPerQuery[statsReportKey] as any).encodedTraces = [];
// See comment on our override of Traces.encode to learn more about this
// strategy.
(this.report.tracesPerQuery[statsReportKey] as any).encodedTraces.push(
this.reportSize += encodedTrace.length + Buffer.byteLength(statsReportKey);
// If the buffer gets big (according to our estimate), send.
if (
this.sendReportsImmediately ||
this.reportSize >=
(this.options.maxUncompressedReportSize || 4 * 1024 * 1024)
) {
public async sendReport(): Promise<void> {
const report = this.report;
if (Object.keys(report.tracesPerQuery).length === 0) {
// Send traces asynchronously, so that (eg) addTrace inside a resolver
// doesn't block on it.
await Promise.resolve();
if (this.options.debugPrintReports) {
// tslint:disable-next-line no-console
console.log(`Engine sending report: ${JSON.stringify(report.toJSON())}`);
const protobufError = FullTracesReport.verify(report);
if (protobufError) {
throw new Error(`Error encoding report: ${protobufError}`);
const message = FullTracesReport.encode(report).finish();
const compressed = await new Promise<Buffer>((resolve, reject) => {
// The protobuf library gives us a Uint8Array. Node 8's zlib lets us
// pass it directly; convert for the sake of Node 6. (No support right
// now for Node 4, which lacks Buffer.from.)
const messageBuffer = Buffer.from(
message.buffer as ArrayBuffer,
gzip(messageBuffer, (err, gzipResult) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const endpointUrl =
(this.options.endpointUrl || 'https://engine-report.apollodata.com') +
// Wrap fetch with async-retry for automatic retrying
const response: Response = await retry(
// Retry on network errors and 5xx HTTP
// responses.
async () => {
const curResponse = await fetch(endpointUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'user-agent': 'apollo-engine-reporting',
'x-api-key': this.apiKey,
'content-encoding': 'gzip',
body: compressed,
if (curResponse.status >= 500 && curResponse.status < 600) {
throw new Error(`${curResponse.status}: ${curResponse.statusText}`);
} else {
return curResponse;
retries: this.options.maxAttempts || 5,
minTimeout: this.options.minimumRetryDelayMs || 100,
factor: 2,
).catch((err: Error) => {
throw new Error(`Error sending report to Engine servers: ${err}`);
if (response.status < 200 || response.status >= 300) {
// Note that we don't expect to see a 3xx here because request follows
// redirects.
throw new Error(
`Error sending report to Engine servers (HTTP status ${
}): ${await response.text()}`,
if (this.options.debugPrintReports) {
// tslint:disable-next-line no-console
console.log(`Engine report: status ${response.status}`);
// Stop prevents reports from being sent automatically due to time or buffer
// size, and stop buffering new traces. You may still manually send a last
// report by calling sendReport().
public stop() {
if (this.reportTimer) {
this.reportTimer = undefined;
this.stopped = true;
private sendReportAndReportErrors(): Promise<void> {
return this.sendReport().catch(err => {
// This catch block is primarily intended to catch network errors from
// the retried request itself, which include network errors and non-2xx
// HTTP errors.
if (this.options.reportErrorFunction) {
} else {
private resetReport() {
this.report = new FullTracesReport({ header: REPORT_HEADER });
this.reportSize = 0;