James Baxley 3d69124340 change clientId => clientReportingId and schemaBranch => schemaTag (#1921)
@abernix this should be a lot more clear 👍
2018-11-05 21:18:25 -08:00

397 lines
14 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package mdg.engine.proto;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option optimize_for = SPEED;
message Trace {
message CachePolicy {
enum Scope {
Scope scope = 1;
int64 max_age_ns = 2; // use 0 for absent, -1 for 0
message Details {
// The variables associated with this query (unless the reporting agent is
// configured to keep them all private). Values are JSON: ie, strings are
// enclosed in double quotes, etc. The value of a private variable is
// the empty string.
map<string, string> variables_json = 4;
// Deprecated. Engineproxy did not encode variable values as JSON, so you
// couldn't tell numbers from numeric strings. Send variables_json instead.
map<string, bytes> variables = 1;
// Optional: this is the original full query before the signature algorithm
// is applied. Engineproxy always sent this in all traces, which meant that
// literal-masking done by the signature algorithm didn't fully hide
// sensitive data from Engine servers. apollo-engine-reporting does not
// include this by default. (The Engine frontend does not currently show
// this field.)
string raw_query = 2;
// Don't include this in traces inside a FullTracesReport; the operation
// name for these traces comes from the key of the traces_per_query map.
string operation_name = 3;
message Error {
string message = 1; // required
repeated Location location = 2;
uint64 time_ns = 3;
string json = 4;
message HTTP {
message Values {
repeated string value = 1;
enum Method {
GET = 2;
HEAD = 3;
POST = 4;
PUT = 5;
TRACE = 7;
PATCH = 9;
Method method = 1;
string host = 2;
string path = 3;
// Should exclude manual blacklist ("Auth" by default)
map<string, Values> request_headers = 4;
map<string, Values> response_headers = 5;
uint32 status_code = 6;
bool secure = 8; // TLS was used
string protocol = 9; // by convention "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2" or "h2"
message Location {
uint32 line = 1;
uint32 column = 2;
message Node {
// The name of the field (for Nodes representing a resolver call) or
// the index in a list (for intermediate Nodes representing elements of
// a list). Note that nodes representing indexes (and the root node)
// don't contain all Node fields (eg types and times).
oneof id {
string field_name = 1;
uint32 index = 2;
// The field's return type; e.g. "String!" for User.email:String!
string type = 3;
// The field's parent type; e.g. "User" for User.email:String!
string parent_type = 13;
CachePolicy cache_policy = 5;
// relative to the trace's start_time, in ns
uint64 start_time = 8;
// relative to the trace's start_time, in ns
uint64 end_time = 9;
repeated Error error = 11;
repeated Node child = 12;
reserved 4;
// Wallclock time when the trace began.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4; // required
// Wallclock time when the trace ended.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 3; // required
// High precision duration of the trace; may not equal end_time-start_time
// (eg, if your machine's clock changed during the trace).
uint64 duration_ns = 11; // required
// These fields are specific to engineproxy.
google.protobuf.Timestamp origin_reported_start_time = 15;
google.protobuf.Timestamp origin_reported_end_time = 16;
uint64 origin_reported_duration_ns = 17;
// In addition to details.raw_query, we include a "signature" of the query,
// which can be normalized: for example, you may want to discard aliases, drop
// unused operations and fragments, sort fields, etc. The most important thing
// here is that the signature match the signature in StatsReports. In
// StatsReports signatures show up as the key in the per_query map (with the
// operation name prepended). The signature should be a valid GraphQL query.
// All traces must have a signature; if this Trace is in a FullTracesReport
// that signature is in the key of traces_per_query rather than in this field.
// Engineproxy provides the signature in legacy_signature_needs_resigning
// instead.
string signature = 19;
// Older agents (eg the Go engineproxy) relied to some degree on the Engine
// backend to run their own semi-compatible implementation of a specific
// variant of query signatures. The backend won't do that for new agents, but
// we keep this old field around to ensure that queries only get new IDs when
// you upgrade to the new agent, not just when we make backend changes
// to minimize backend-side signature calculation. Deprecated and ignored
// in FullTracesReports.
string legacy_signature_needs_resigning = 5;
Details details = 6;
// Note: engineproxy always sets client_name, client_version, and client_address to "none".
// apollo-engine-reporting allows for them to be set by the user.
string client_name = 7;
string client_version = 8;
string client_address = 9;
string client_reference_id = 23;
HTTP http = 10;
CachePolicy cache_policy = 18;
Node root = 14;
// Was this response served from a full query response cache? (In that case
// the node tree will have no resolvers.)
bool full_query_cache_hit = 20;
// Was this query specified successfully as a persisted query hash?
bool persisted_query_hit = 21;
// Did this query contain both a full query string and a persisted query hash?
// (This typically means that a previous request was rejected as an unknown
// persisted query.)
bool persisted_query_register = 22;
// removed: Node parse = 12; Node validate = 13;
// Id128 server_id = 1; Id128 client_id = 2;
reserved 12, 13, 1, 2;
// The `service` value embedded within the header key is not guaranteed to contain an actual service,
// and, in most cases, the service information is trusted to come from upstream processing. If the
// service _is_ specified in this header, then it is checked to match the context that is reporting it.
// Otherwise, the service information is deduced from the token context of the reporter and then sent
// along via other mechanisms (in Kafka, the `ReportKafkaKey). The other information (hostname,
// agent_version, etc.) is sent by the Apollo Engine Reporting agent, but we do not currently save that
// information to any of our persistent storage.
message ReportHeader {
string service = 3;
// eg "host-01.example.com"
string hostname = 5;
// eg "engineproxy 0.1.0"
string agent_version = 6; // required
// eg "prod-4279-20160804T065423Z-5-g3cf0aa8" (taken from `git describe --tags`)
string service_version = 7;
// eg "node v4.6.0"
string runtime_version = 8;
// eg "Linux box 4.6.5-1-ec2 #1 SMP Mon Aug 1 02:31:38 PDT 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux"
string uname = 9;
// eg "current", "prod"
string schema_tag = 10;
// The hex representation of the sha512 of the introspection response
string schema_hash = 11;
message PathErrorStats {
map<string, PathErrorStats> children = 1;
uint64 errors_count = 4;
uint64 requests_with_errors_count = 5;
message ClientNameStats {
// Duration histogram for non-cache-hit queries.
// (See docs/histograms.md for the histogram format.)
repeated int64 latency_count = 1;
reserved 2; // removed: repeated uint64 error_count = 2;
// These per-version fields were used to understand what versions contributed to this sample
// when we were implementing the aggregation of this information ourselves using BigTable.
// However, since the per-version stats don't separate out latency, it makes more sense to
// have stats reported with contextual information so we can have the specific breakdown we're
// looking for. These fields are somewhat misleading as we never actually do any per-version
// awareness with anything reporting in the legacy "per_client_name" stats, and instead use
// "query_stats_with_context" to have more contextual information.
map<string, uint64> requests_count_per_version = 3; // required
map<string, uint64> cache_hits_per_version = 4;
map<string, uint64> persisted_query_hits_per_version = 10;
map<string, uint64> persisted_query_misses_per_version = 11;
repeated int64 cache_latency_count = 5; // Duration histogram; see docs/histograms.md
PathErrorStats root_error_stats = 6;
uint64 requests_with_errors_count = 7;
// TTL histograms for cache misses for the public cache.
repeated int64 public_cache_ttl_count = 8;
// TTL histograms for cache misses for the private cache.
repeated int64 private_cache_ttl_count = 9;
message QueryLatencyStats {
repeated int64 latency_count = 1;
uint64 request_count = 2;
uint64 cache_hits = 3;
uint64 persisted_query_hits = 4;
uint64 persisted_query_misses = 5;
repeated int64 cache_latency_count = 6;
PathErrorStats root_error_stats = 7;
uint64 requests_with_errors_count = 8;
repeated int64 public_cache_ttl_count = 9;
repeated int64 private_cache_ttl_count = 10;
message StatsContext {
string client_reference_id = 1;
string client_name = 2;
string client_version = 3;
message ContextualizedQueryLatencyStats {
QueryLatencyStats query_latency_stats = 1;
StatsContext context = 2;
message ContextualizedTypeStats {
StatsContext context = 1;
map<string, TypeStat> per_type_stat = 2;
message FieldStat {
string name = 2; // deprecated; only set when stored in TypeStat.field
string return_type = 3; // required; eg "String!" for User.email:String!
uint64 errors_count = 4;
uint64 count = 5;
uint64 requests_with_errors_count = 6;
repeated int64 latency_count = 8; // Duration histogram; see docs/histograms.md
message TypeStat {
string name = 1; // deprecated; only set when stored in QueryStats.per_type
repeated FieldStat field = 2; // deprecated; use per_field_stat instead
// Key is (eg) "email" for User.email:String!
map<string, FieldStat> per_field_stat = 3;
message QueryStats {
// Either per_client_name (for back-compat) or query_stats_with_context must be specified. If both are
// specified, then query_stats_with_context will be used and per_client_name will be ignored. Although
// the fields in ClientNameStats mention things "per-version," the information in the "per-version"
// fields will only ever be over the default version, the empty String: "", if arrived at via the
// FullTracesAggregator.
map<string, ClientNameStats> per_client_name = 1; // deprecated; use stats_with_context instead
repeated ContextualizedQueryLatencyStats query_stats_with_context = 4;
repeated TypeStat per_type = 2; // deprecated; use type_stats_with_context instead
// Key is the parent type, e.g. "User" for User.email:String!
map<string, TypeStat> per_type_stat = 3; // deprecated; use type_stats_with_context instead
repeated ContextualizedTypeStats type_stats_with_context = 5;
// Top-level message type for the server-side traces endpoint
message TracesReport {
ReportHeader header = 1; // required
repeated Trace trace = 2; // required
message Field {
string name = 2; // required; eg "email" for User.email:String!
string return_type = 3; // required; eg "String!" for User.email:String!
message Type {
string name = 1; // required; eg "User" for User.email:String!
repeated Field field = 2;
message MemStats {
uint64 total_bytes = 1; // MemStats.Sys
uint64 stack_bytes = 2; // MemStats.StackSys
uint64 heap_bytes = 3; // MemStats.HeapSys
uint64 heap_released_bytes = 13; // MemStats.HeapReleased
uint64 gc_overhead_bytes = 4; // MemStats.GCSys
uint64 stack_used_bytes = 5; // MemStats.StackInuse
uint64 heap_allocated_bytes = 6; // MemStats.HeapAlloc
uint64 heap_allocated_objects = 7; // MemStats.HeapObjects
uint64 heap_allocated_bytes_delta = 8; // MemStats.TotalAlloc delta
uint64 heap_allocated_objects_delta = 9; // MemStats.Mallocs delta
uint64 heap_freed_objects_delta = 10; // MemStats.Frees delta
uint64 gc_stw_ns_delta = 11; // MemStats.PauseTotalNs delta
uint64 gc_count_delta = 12; // MemStats.NumGC delta
message TimeStats {
uint64 uptime_ns = 1;
uint64 real_ns_delta = 2;
uint64 user_ns_delta = 3;
uint64 sys_ns_delta = 4;
// Top-level message type for the server-side stats endpoint
message StatsReport {
ReportHeader header = 1; // required
// These fields are about properties of the engineproxy and are not generated
// from FullTracesReports.
MemStats mem_stats = 2;
TimeStats time_stats = 3;
// Beginning of the period over which stats are collected.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 8;
// End of the period of which stats are collected.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 9;
// Only used to interpret mem_stats and time_stats; not generated from
// FullTracesReports.
uint64 realtime_duration = 10;
// Maps from query descriptor to QueryStats. Required unless
// legacy_per_query_missing_operation_name is set. The keys are strings of the
// form `# operationName\nsignature` (literal hash and space), with
// operationName - if there is no operation name.
map<string, QueryStats> per_query = 14;
// Older agents (Go engineproxy) didn't explicitly include the operation name
// in the key of this map, and the server had to parse it out (after a
// re-signing operation). The key here is just the query
// signature. Deprecated.
map<string, QueryStats> legacy_per_query_implicit_operation_name = 12;
// Deprecated: it was useful in Optics where we had access to the whole schema
// but has not been ever used in Engine. apollo-engine-reporting will not
// send it.
repeated Type type = 13;
// This is the top-level message used by the new traces ingress. This
// is designed for the apollo-engine-reporting TypeScript agent and will
// eventually be documented as a public ingress API. This message consists
// solely of traces; the equivalent of the StatsReport is automatically
// generated server-side from this message. Agents should send traces
// for all requests in this report. Generally, buffering up until a large
// size has been reached (say, 4MB) or 5-10 seconds has passed is appropriate.
message FullTracesReport {
ReportHeader header = 1;
// key is statsReportKey (# operationName\nsignature) Note that the nested
// traces will *not* have a signature or details.operationName (because the
// key is adequate).
// We also assume that traces don't have
// legacy_per_query_implicit_operation_name, and we don't require them to have
// details.raw_query (which would consume a lot of space and has privacy/data
// access issues, and isn't currently exposed by our app anyway).
map<string, Traces> traces_per_query = 5;
// Just a sequence of traces with the same statsReportKey.
message Traces {
repeated Trace trace = 1;