Evans Hauser 65d7b100e4
CDN cache-control headers (#1138)
* core: return response object from runHttpQuery

* core: change gqlResponse to graphqlResponse and add custom RequestInit type

* core: add cache-control headers based on the calcualted maxAge

* core: add extensions check during cache-control header creation

* core: create headers when cacheControl is not enabled otherwise pass through extensions

* express: initial tests of CDN cach-contol headers

* core: fixed tests with applyMiddleware and pass cacheControl config

* core: cache hint fixes, ignore when no maxAge, and check for rootKeys

* core: check for hints of length 0

* core: node 10 fails file upload test for some stream reason

* docs: add cdn caching section to features

* add space after // in comments

* fix feedback: proxy alignment and response creation

Adds cache-control toggles for http header calculation and stripping out
the cache control extensions from the respose.

Brings the default calculation of headers in line with the proxy.

* fix links in comments

* fix tests with null dereference

* update cdn docs and migration guide to include latest cdn configuration

* add not for engine migration to set engine to false

* add engine set to false in migration guide

* express: fixed tests

* address feedback to use omit and documentation

* docs: cdn caching is alternative to full response caching

* add back epipe check in upload tests
2018-06-21 13:29:14 -07:00

344 lines
11 KiB

import { makeExecutableSchema, addMockFunctionsToSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
import { Server as HttpServer } from 'http';
import {
} from 'graphql';
import { GraphQLExtension } from 'graphql-extensions';
import { EngineReportingAgent } from 'apollo-engine-reporting';
import { InMemoryLRUCache } from 'apollo-datasource-rest';
import { GraphQLUpload } from 'apollo-upload-server';
import {
} from 'subscriptions-transport-ws';
// use as default persisted query store
import Keyv = require('keyv');
import QuickLru = require('quick-lru');
import { formatApolloErrors } from 'apollo-server-errors';
import {
GraphQLServerOptions as GraphQLOptions,
} from './graphqlOptions';
import {
} from './types';
import { gql } from './index';
const NoIntrospection = (context: ValidationContext) => ({
Field(node: FieldDefinitionNode) {
if (node.name.value === '__schema' || node.name.value === '__type') {
new GraphQLError(
'GraphQL introspection is not allowed by Apollo Server, but the query contained __schema or __type. To enable introspection, pass introspection: true to ApolloServer in production',
export class ApolloServerBase {
public subscriptionsPath: string;
public graphqlPath: string = '/graphql';
public requestOptions: Partial<GraphQLOptions<any>>;
private schema: GraphQLSchema;
private context?: Context | ContextFunction;
private engineReportingAgent?: EngineReportingAgent;
private extensions: Array<() => GraphQLExtension>;
protected subscriptionServerOptions?: SubscriptionServerOptions;
protected uploadsConfig?: FileUploadOptions;
// set by installSubscriptionHandlers.
private subscriptionServer?: SubscriptionServer;
// The constructor should be universal across all environments. All environment specific behavior should be set in an exported registerServer or in by overriding listen
constructor(config: Config) {
if (!config) throw new Error('ApolloServer requires options.');
const {
} = config;
// While reading process.env is slow, a server should only be constructed
// once per run, so we place the env check inside the constructor. If env
// should be used outside of the constructor context, place it as a private
// or protected field of the class instead of a global. Keeping the read in
// the contructor enables testing of different environments
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
// if this is local dev, introspection should turned on
// in production, we can manually turn introspection on by passing {
// introspection: true } to the constructor of ApolloServer
if (
(typeof introspection === 'boolean' && !introspection) ||
(introspection === undefined && !isDev)
) {
const noIntro = [NoIntrospection];
requestOptions.validationRules = requestOptions.validationRules
? requestOptions.validationRules.concat(noIntro)
: noIntro;
if (requestOptions.persistedQueries !== false) {
if (!requestOptions.persistedQueries) {
// maxSize is the number of elements that can be stored inside of the cache
// https://github.com/withspectrum/spectrum has about 200 instances of gql`
// 300 queries seems reasonable
const lru = new QuickLru({ maxSize: 300 });
requestOptions.persistedQueries = {
cache: new Keyv({ store: lru }),
} else {
// the user does not want to use persisted queries, so we remove the field
delete requestOptions.persistedQueries;
if (!requestOptions.cache) {
requestOptions.cache = new InMemoryLRUCache();
this.requestOptions = requestOptions as GraphQLOptions;
this.context = context;
if (uploads !== false) {
if (this.supportsUploads()) {
if (uploads === true || typeof uploads === 'undefined') {
this.uploadsConfig = {};
} else {
this.uploadsConfig = uploads;
//This is here to check if uploads is requested without support. By
//default we enable them if supported by the integration
} else if (uploads) {
throw new Error(
'This implementation of ApolloServer does not support file uploads because the environmnet cannot accept multi-part forms',
//Add upload resolver
if (this.uploadsConfig) {
if (resolvers && !resolvers.Upload) {
resolvers.Upload = GraphQLUpload;
this.schema = schema
? schema
: makeExecutableSchema({
// we add in the upload scalar, so that schemas that don't include it
// won't error when we makeExecutableSchema
typeDefs: this.uploadsConfig
? [
scalar Upload
: typeDefs,
if (mocks) {
schema: this.schema,
preserveResolvers: true,
mocks: typeof mocks === 'boolean' ? {} : mocks,
// Note: doRunQuery will add its own extensions if you set tracing,
// or cacheControl.
this.extensions = [];
if (engine || (engine !== false && process.env.ENGINE_API_KEY)) {
this.engineReportingAgent = new EngineReportingAgent(
engine === true ? {} : engine,
// Let's keep this extension first so it wraps everything.
this.extensions.push(() => this.engineReportingAgent.newExtension());
if (extensions) {
this.extensions = [...this.extensions, ...extensions];
if (subscriptions !== false) {
if (this.supportsSubscriptions()) {
if (subscriptions === true || typeof subscriptions === 'undefined') {
this.subscriptionServerOptions = {
path: this.graphqlPath,
} else if (typeof subscriptions === 'string') {
this.subscriptionServerOptions = { path: subscriptions };
} else {
this.subscriptionServerOptions = {
path: this.graphqlPath,
// This is part of the public API.
this.subscriptionsPath = this.subscriptionServerOptions.path;
//This is here to check if subscriptions are requested without support. By
//default we enable them if supported by the integration
} else if (subscriptions) {
throw new Error(
'This implementation of ApolloServer does not support GraphQL subscriptions.',
// used by integrations to synchronize the path with subscriptions, some
// integrations do not have paths, such as lambda
public setGraphQLPath(path: string) {
this.graphqlPath = path;
public async stop() {
if (this.subscriptionServer) await this.subscriptionServer.close();
if (this.engineReportingAgent) {
await this.engineReportingAgent.sendReport();
public installSubscriptionHandlers(server: HttpServer) {
if (!this.subscriptionServerOptions) {
if (this.supportsSubscriptions()) {
throw Error(
'Subscriptions are disabled, due to subscriptions set to false in the ApolloServer constructor',
} else {
throw Error(
'Subscriptions are not supported, choose an integration, such as apollo-server-express that allows persistent connections',
const {
} = this.subscriptionServerOptions;
this.subscriptionServer = SubscriptionServer.create(
schema: this.schema,
onConnect: onConnect
? onConnect
: (connectionParams: Object) => ({ ...connectionParams }),
onDisconnect: onDisconnect,
onOperation: async (_: string, connection: ExecutionParams) => {
connection.formatResponse = (value: ExecutionResult) => ({
value.errors &&
formatApolloErrors([...value.errors], {
formatter: this.requestOptions.formatError,
debug: this.requestOptions.debug,
let context: Context = this.context ? this.context : { connection };
try {
context =
typeof this.context === 'function'
? await this.context({ connection })
: context;
} catch (e) {
throw formatApolloErrors([e], {
formatter: this.requestOptions.formatError,
debug: this.requestOptions.debug,
return { ...connection, context };
protected supportsSubscriptions(): boolean {
return false;
protected supportsUploads(): boolean {
return false;
// This function is used by the integrations to generate the graphQLOptions
// from an object containing the request and other integration specific
// options
protected async graphQLServerOptions(
integrationContextArgument?: Record<string, any>,
) {
let context: Context = this.context ? this.context : {};
try {
context =
typeof this.context === 'function'
? await this.context(integrationContextArgument || {})
: context;
} catch (error) {
// Defer context error resolution to inside of runQuery
context = () => {
throw error;
return {
schema: this.schema,
extensions: this.extensions,
// Allow overrides from options. Be explicit about a couple of them to
// avoid a bad side effect of the otherwise useful noUnusedLocals option
// (https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/21673).
persistedQueries: this.requestOptions
.persistedQueries as PersistedQueryOptions,
fieldResolver: this.requestOptions.fieldResolver as GraphQLFieldResolver<
} as GraphQLOptions;