2018-10-11 04:33:23 +02:00
src Fix failing tests by passing in structured engine apiKey 2018-10-06 08:39:39 +02:00
.npmignore Apollo Server 2 Koa integration (#1282) 2018-07-06 13:52:56 -07:00
jest.config.js Add TypeScript and Jest projects for tests in individual packages 2018-10-11 04:33:23 +02:00
package.json Update graphql-subscriptions dependency to 1.0.0 in all packages 2018-10-09 12:18:25 +02:00
README.md Apollo Server 2 Koa integration (#1282) 2018-07-06 13:52:56 -07:00
tsconfig.json Remove apollo-server-env as a project reference 2018-10-05 23:05:49 +02:00
tsconfig.test.json Add TypeScript and Jest projects for tests in individual packages 2018-10-11 04:33:23 +02:00

title description
Koa Setting up Apollo Server with Koa

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This is the Koa integration of GraphQL Server. Apollo Server is a community-maintained open-source GraphQL server that works with many Node.js HTTP server frameworks. Read the docs. Read the CHANGELOG.

npm install apollo-server-koa@rc graphql


const Koa = require('koa');
const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server-koa');

// Construct a schema, using GraphQL schema language
const typeDefs = gql`
  type Query {
    hello: String

// Provide resolver functions for your schema fields
const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello: () => 'Hello world!',

const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers });

const app = new Koa();
server.applyMiddleware({ app });

app.listen({ port: 4000 }, () =>
  console.log(`🚀 Server ready at http://localhost:4000${server.graphqlPath}`),


GraphQL Server is built with the following principles in mind:

  • By the community, for the community: GraphQL Server's development is driven by the needs of developers
  • Simplicity: by keeping things simple, GraphQL Server is easier to use, easier to contribute to, and more secure
  • Performance: GraphQL Server is well-tested and production-ready - no modifications needed

Anyone is welcome to contribute to GraphQL Server, just read CONTRIBUTING.md, take a look at the roadmap and make your first PR!