Jesse Rosenberger 549a64eec6
Add support for Jest JUnit test output for consumption by CircleCI.
This should hopefully make it easier to quickly identify failing tests
within the CircleCI interface since CircleCI will be able to
programmatically consume the test results.
2018-09-26 22:47:58 +03:00

114 lines
4 KiB

version: 2
# Reusable Snippets!
# These are re-used by the various tests below, to avoid repetition.
run_install_desired_npm: &run_install_desired_npm
# Due to a bug, npm upgrades from the version of npm that ships with
# Node.js 6 (npm v3.10.10) go poorly and generally causes other problems
# with the environment. Since yarn is already available here we can just
# use that to work-around the issue. It's possible that npm cleanup might
# prevent this from being necessary, but this installation can be switched
# to use `npm` (rather than `yarn`) once Node 6 is no longer tested below.
name: Install npm@6, but with yarn.
command: sudo yarn global add npm@6
# These are the steps used for each version of Node which we're testing
# against. Thanks to YAMLs inability to merge arrays (though it is able
# to merge objects), every version of Node must use the exact same steps,
# or these steps would need to be repeated in a version of Node that needs
# something different. Probably best to avoid that, out of principle, though.
common_test_steps: &common_test_steps
- *run_install_desired_npm
- checkout
- restore_cache:
# When lock file changes, use increasingly general patterns to restore cache
- npm-v2-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}
- npm-v2-{{ .Branch }}-
- npm-v2-
- run: npm --version
- run: npm ci
- save_cache:
key: npm-v2-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}
# This should cache the npm cache instead of node_modules, which is needed because
# npm ci actually removes node_modules before installing to guarantee a clean slate.
- ~/.npm
- run:
command: npm run test:ci
JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT: "reports/junit/js-test-results.xml"
- run: npm run coverage:upload
- store_test_results:
path: reports/junit
- store_artifacts:
path: reports/junit
# Important! When adding a new job to `jobs`, make sure to define when it
# executes by also adding it to the `workflows` section below!
# Platform tests, each with the same tests but different platform or version.
# The docker tag represents the Node.js version and the full list is available
# at https://hub.docker.com/r/circleci/node/.
# NODE: Note certain tests are currently being skipped for Node.js 6.
Node.js 6:
docker: [{ image: 'circleci/node:6' }]
<<: *common_test_steps
Node.js 8:
docker: [{ image: 'circleci/node:8' }]
<<: *common_test_steps
# NODE: Note certain tests are currently being skipped for Node.js 10.
Node.js 10:
docker: [{ image: 'circleci/node:10' }]
<<: *common_test_steps
# Other tests, unrelated to typical code tests.
docker: [{ image: 'circleci/node:8' }]
# (speed) Intentionally omitted, unnecessary, run_install_desired_npm.
- checkout
# (speed) --ignore-scripts to skip unnecessary Lerna build during linting.
- run: npm install --ignore-scripts
- run: npm run lint
docker: [{ image: 'circleci/node:8' }]
# (speed) Intentionally omitted, unnecessary, run_install_desired_npm.
- checkout
- restore_cache:
key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "./docs/package.json" }}
# (speed) Ignore scripts to skip the Lerna build stuff for linting.
- run: npm install-test --prefix ./docs
- save_cache:
key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "./docs/package.json" }}
- ./docs/node_modules
ignore_doc_branches: &ignore_doc_branches
# If 'docs' is found, with word boundaries on either side, skip.
ignore: /.*?\bdocs\b.*/
version: 2
Build and Test:
- Node.js 6:
<<: *ignore_doc_branches
- Node.js 8:
<<: *ignore_doc_branches
- Node.js 10:
<<: *ignore_doc_branches
- Linting:
<<: *ignore_doc_branches
- Docs