import { expect } from 'chai'; import { stub } from 'sinon'; import 'mocha'; import { GraphQLSchema, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLInt, GraphQLError, GraphQLNonNull, introspectionQuery, BREAK, } from 'graphql'; // tslint:disable-next-line const request = require('supertest'); import { GraphQLOptions } from 'apollo-server-core'; import * as GraphiQL from 'apollo-server-module-graphiql'; import { OperationStore } from 'apollo-server-module-operation-store'; const queryType = new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'QueryType', fields: { testString: { type: GraphQLString, resolve() { return 'it works'; }, }, testStringWithDelay: { type: GraphQLString, args: { delay: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt) }, }, resolve(root, args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => resolve('it works'), args['delay']); }); }, }, testContext: { type: GraphQLString, resolve(_, args, context) { if (context.otherField) { return 'unexpected'; } context.otherField = true; return context.testField; }, }, testRootValue: { type: GraphQLString, resolve(rootValue) { return rootValue; }, }, testArgument: { type: GraphQLString, args: { echo: { type: GraphQLString } }, resolve(root, { echo }) { return `hello ${echo}`; }, }, testError: { type: GraphQLString, resolve() { throw new Error('Secret error message'); }, }, }, }); const personType = new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'PersonType', fields: { firstName: { type: GraphQLString, }, lastName: { type: GraphQLString, }, }, }); const mutationType = new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'MutationType', fields: { testMutation: { type: GraphQLString, args: { echo: { type: GraphQLString } }, resolve(root, { echo }) { return `not really a mutation, but who cares: ${echo}`; }, }, testPerson: { type: personType, args: { firstName: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString), }, lastName: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString), }, }, resolve(root, args) { return args; }, }, }, }); export const schema = new GraphQLSchema({ query: queryType, mutation: mutationType, }); export interface CreateAppOptions { excludeParser?: boolean; graphqlOptions?: | GraphQLOptions | { (): GraphQLOptions | Promise }; graphiqlOptions?: | GraphiQL.GraphiQLData | { (): GraphiQL.GraphiQLData | Promise }; } export interface CreateAppFunc { (options?: CreateAppOptions): any | Promise; } export interface DestroyAppFunc { (app: any): void | Promise; } export default (createApp: CreateAppFunc, destroyApp?: DestroyAppFunc) => { describe('apolloServer', () => { let app; afterEach(async () => { if (app) { if (destroyApp) { await destroyApp(app); app = null; } else { app = null; } } }); describe('graphqlHTTP', () => { it('can be called with an options function', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: (): GraphQLOptions => ({ schema }), }); const expected = { testString: 'it works', }; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testString }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('can be called with an options function that returns a promise', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: () => { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve({ schema }); }); }, }); const expected = { testString: 'it works', }; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testString }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('throws an error if options promise is rejected', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: () => { return (Promise.reject({}) as any) as GraphQLOptions; }, }); const expected = 'Invalid options'; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testString }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(500); return expect(res.error.text).to.contain(expected); }); }); it('rejects the request if the method is not POST or GET', async () => { app = await createApp({ excludeParser: true }); const req = request(app) .head('/graphql') .send(); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(405); expect(res.headers['allow']).to.equal('GET, POST'); }); }); it('throws an error if POST body is missing', async () => { app = await createApp({ excludeParser: true }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send(); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(500); return expect(res.error.text).to.contain('POST body missing.'); }); }); it('throws an error if GET query is missing', async () => { app = await createApp(); const req = request(app).get(`/graphql`); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(400); return expect(res.error.text).to.contain('GET query missing.'); }); }); it('can handle a basic GET request', async () => { app = await createApp(); const expected = { testString: 'it works', }; const query = { query: 'query test{ testString }', }; const req = request(app) .get('/graphql') .query(query); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('can handle a basic implicit GET request', async () => { app = await createApp(); const expected = { testString: 'it works', }; const query = { query: '{ testString }', }; const req = request(app) .get('/graphql') .query(query); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('throws error if trying to use mutation using GET request', async () => { app = await createApp(); const query = { query: 'mutation test{ testMutation(echo: "ping") }', }; const req = request(app) .get('/graphql') .query(query); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(405); expect(res.headers['allow']).to.equal('POST'); return expect(res.error.text).to.contain( 'GET supports only query operation', ); }); }); it('throws error if trying to use mutation with fragment using GET request', async () => { app = await createApp(); const query = { query: `fragment PersonDetails on PersonType { firstName } mutation test { testPerson(firstName: "Test", lastName: "Me") { ...PersonDetails } }`, }; const req = request(app) .get('/graphql') .query(query); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(405); expect(res.headers['allow']).to.equal('POST'); return expect(res.error.text).to.contain( 'GET supports only query operation', ); }); }); it('can handle a GET request with variables', async () => { app = await createApp(); const query = { query: 'query test($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }', variables: JSON.stringify({ echo: 'world' }), }; const expected = { testArgument: 'hello world', }; const req = request(app) .get('/graphql') .query(query); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('can handle a basic request', async () => { app = await createApp(); const expected = { testString: 'it works', }; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testString }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('can handle a request with variables', async () => { app = await createApp(); const expected = { testArgument: 'hello world', }; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }', variables: { echo: 'world' }, }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('can handle a request with variables as string', async () => { app = await createApp(); const expected = { testArgument: 'hello world', }; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test($echo: String!){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }', variables: '{ "echo": "world" }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('can handle a request with variables as an invalid string', async () => { app = await createApp(); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test($echo: String!){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }', variables: '{ echo: "world" }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(400); return expect(res.error.text).to.contain( 'Variables are invalid JSON.', ); }); }); it('can handle a request with operationName', async () => { app = await createApp(); const expected = { testString: 'it works', }; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: ` query test($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) } query test2{ testString }`, variables: { echo: 'world' }, operationName: 'test2', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('can handle introspection request', async () => { app = await createApp(); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: introspectionQuery }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect([0].fields[0].name, ).to.equal('testString'); }); }); it('can handle batch requests', async () => { app = await createApp(); const expected = [ { data: { testString: 'it works', }, }, { data: { testArgument: 'hello yellow', }, }, ]; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send([ { query: ` query test($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) } query test2{ testString }`, variables: { echo: 'world' }, operationName: 'test2', }, { query: ` query testX($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }`, variables: { echo: 'yellow' }, operationName: 'testX', }, ]); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(res.body).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('can handle batch requests', async () => { app = await createApp(); const expected = [ { data: { testString: 'it works', }, }, ]; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send([ { query: ` query test($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) } query test2{ testString }`, variables: { echo: 'world' }, operationName: 'test2', }, ]); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(res.body).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('can handle batch requests in parallel', async function() { // this test will fail due to timeout if running serially. const parallels = 100; const delayPerReq = 40; this.timeout(3000); app = await createApp(); const expected = Array(parallels).fill({ data: { testStringWithDelay: 'it works' }, }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send( Array(parallels).fill({ query: `query test($delay: Int!) { testStringWithDelay(delay: $delay) }`, operationName: 'test', variables: { delay: delayPerReq }, }), ); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(res.body).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('clones batch context', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, context: { testField: 'expected' }, }, }); const expected = [ { data: { testContext: 'expected', }, }, { data: { testContext: 'expected', }, }, ]; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send([ { query: 'query test{ testContext }', }, { query: 'query test{ testContext }', }, ]); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(res.body).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('executes batch context if it is a function', async () => { let callCount = 0; app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, context: () => { callCount++; return { testField: 'expected' }; }, }, }); const expected = [ { data: { testContext: 'expected', }, }, { data: { testContext: 'expected', }, }, ]; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send([ { query: 'query test{ testContext }', }, { query: 'query test{ testContext }', }, ]); return req.then(res => { expect(callCount).to.equal(2); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(res.body).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('can handle a request with a mutation', async () => { app = await createApp(); const expected = { testMutation: 'not really a mutation, but who cares: world', }; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'mutation test($echo: String){ testMutation(echo: $echo) }', variables: { echo: 'world' }, }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('applies the formatResponse function', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, formatResponse(response) { response['extensions'] = { it: 'works' }; return response; }, }, }); const expected = { it: 'works' }; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'mutation test($echo: String){ testMutation(echo: $echo) }', variables: { echo: 'world' }, }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(res.body.extensions).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('passes the context to the resolver', async () => { const expected = 'context works'; app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, context: { testField: expected }, }, }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testContext }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('passes the rootValue to the resolver', async () => { const expected = 'it passes rootValue'; app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, rootValue: expected, }, }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testRootValue }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('returns errors', async () => { const expected = 'Secret error message'; app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, }, }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testError }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(res.body.errors[0].message).to.equal(expected); }); }); it('applies formatError if provided', async () => { const expected = '--blank--'; app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, formatError: err => ({ message: expected }), }, }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testError }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(res.body.errors[0].message).to.equal(expected); }); }); it('sends internal server error when formatError fails', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, formatError: err => { throw new Error('I should be caught'); }, }, }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testError }', }); return req.then(res => { return expect(res.body.errors[0].message).to.equal( 'Internal server error', ); }); }); it('sends stack trace to error if debug mode is set', async () => { const expected = /at resolveFieldValueOrError/; const stackTrace = []; const origError = console.error; console.error = (...args) => stackTrace.push(args); app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, debug: true, }, }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testError }', }); return req.then(res => { console.error = origError; return expect(stackTrace[0][0]).to.match(expected); }); }); it('sends stack trace to error log if debug mode is set', async () => { const logStub = stub(console, 'error'); const expected = /at resolveFieldValueOrError/; app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, debug: true, }, }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testError }', }); return req.then(res => { logStub.restore(); expect(logStub.callCount).to.equal(1); return expect(logStub.getCall(0).args[0]).to.match(expected); }); }); it('applies additional validationRules', async () => { const expected = 'alwaysInvalidRule was really invalid!'; const alwaysInvalidRule = function(context) { return { enter() { context.reportError(new GraphQLError(expected)); return BREAK; }, }; }; app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, validationRules: [alwaysInvalidRule], }, }); const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ query: 'query test{ testString }', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(400); return expect(res.body.errors[0].message).to.equal(expected); }); }); }); describe('renderGraphiQL', () => { it('presents GraphiQL when accepting HTML', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphiqlOptions: { endpointURL: '/graphql', }, }); const req = request(app) .get('/graphiql') .query('query={test}') .set('Accept', 'text/html'); return req.then(response => { expect(response.status).to.equal(200); expect(response.type).to.equal('text/html'); expect(response.text).to.include('{test}'); expect(response.text).to.include('/graphql'); expect(response.text).to.include('graphiql.min.js'); }); }); it('allows options to be a function', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphiqlOptions: () => ({ endpointURL: '/graphql', }), }); const req = request(app) .get('/graphiql') .set('Accept', 'text/html'); return req.then(response => { expect(response.status).to.equal(200); }); }); it('handles options function errors', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphiqlOptions: () => { throw new Error('I should be caught'); }, }); const req = request(app) .get('/graphiql') .set('Accept', 'text/html'); return req.then(response => { expect(response.status).to.equal(500); }); }); it('presents options variables', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphiqlOptions: { endpointURL: '/graphql', variables: { key: 'optionsValue' }, }, }); const req = request(app) .get('/graphiql') .set('Accept', 'text/html'); return req.then(response => { expect(response.status).to.equal(200); expect(response.text.replace(/\s/g, '')).to.include( 'variables:"{\\n\\"key\\":\\"optionsValue\\"\\n}"', ); }); }); it('presents query variables over options variables', async () => { app = await createApp({ graphiqlOptions: { endpointURL: '/graphql', variables: { key: 'optionsValue' }, }, }); const req = request(app) .get('/graphiql?variables={"key":"queryValue"}') .set('Accept', 'text/html'); return req.then(response => { expect(response.status).to.equal(200); expect(response.text.replace(/\s/g, '')).to.include( 'variables:"{\\n\\"key\\":\\"queryValue\\"\\n}"', ); }); }); }); describe('stored queries', () => { it('works with formatParams', async () => { const store = new OperationStore(schema); store.put('query testquery{ testString }'); app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, formatParams(params) { params['query'] = store.get(params.operationName); return params; }, }, }); const expected = { testString: 'it works' }; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send({ operationName: 'testquery', }); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(; }); }); it('can reject non-whitelisted queries', async () => { const store = new OperationStore(schema); store.put('query testquery{ testString }'); app = await createApp({ graphqlOptions: { schema, formatParams(params) { if (params.query) { throw new Error('Must not provide query, only operationName'); } params['query'] = store.get(params.operationName); return params; }, }, }); const expected = [ { data: { testString: 'it works', }, }, { errors: [ { message: 'Must not provide query, only operationName', }, ], }, ]; const req = request(app) .post('/graphql') .send([ { operationName: 'testquery', }, { query: '{ testString }', }, ]); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(200); return expect(res.body).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); }); describe('server setup', () => { it('throws error on 404 routes', async () => { app = await createApp(); const query = { query: '{ testString }', }; const req = request(app) .get('/bogus-route') .query(query); return req.then(res => { expect(res.status).to.equal(404); }); }); }); }); };