import * as express from 'express'; import * as graphql from 'graphql'; import { runQuery } from '../core/runQuery'; import * as GraphiQL from '../modules/renderGraphiQL'; // TODO: will these be the same or different for other integrations? /* * ExpressApolloOptions * * - schema: an executable GraphQL schema used to fulfill requests. * - (optional) formatError: Formatting function applied to all errors before response is sent * - (optional) rootValue: rootValue passed to GraphQL execution * - (optional) context: the context passed to GraphQL execution * - (optional) logFunction: a function called for logging events such as execution times * - (optional) formatParams: a function applied to the parameters of every invocation of runQuery * - (optional) validationRules: extra validation rules applied to requests * - (optional) formatResponse: a function applied to each graphQL execution result * */ export interface ExpressApolloOptions { schema: graphql.GraphQLSchema; formatError?: Function; rootValue?: any; context?: any; logFunction?: Function; formatParams?: Function; validationRules?: Array; formatResponse?: Function; } export interface ExpressApolloOptionsFunction { (req?: express.Request): ExpressApolloOptions | Promise; } // Design principles: // - there is just one way allowed: POST request with JSON body. Nothing else. // - simple, fast and secure // export interface ExpressHandler { (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next): void; } export function graphqlHTTP(options: ExpressApolloOptions | ExpressApolloOptionsFunction): ExpressHandler { if (!options) { throw new Error('Apollo Server requires options.'); } if (arguments.length > 1) { // TODO: test this throw new Error(`Apollo Server expects exactly one argument, got ${arguments.length + 1}`); } return async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next) => { let optionsObject: ExpressApolloOptions; if (isOptionsFunction(options)) { optionsObject = await options(req); } else { optionsObject = options; } const formatErrorFn = optionsObject.formatError || graphql.formatError; if (req.method !== 'POST') { res.setHeader('Allow', 'POST'); res.status(405); res.send('Apollo Server supports only POST requests.'); return; } if (!req.body) { res.status(500); res.send('POST body missing. Did you forget "app.use(bodyParser.json())"?'); return; } let b = req.body; let isBatch = true; // TODO: do something different here if the body is an array. // Throw an error if body isn't either array or object. if (!Array.isArray(b)) { isBatch = false; b = [b]; } let responses: Array = []; for (let requestParams of b) { try { const query = requestParams.query; const operationName = requestParams.operationName; let variables = requestParams.variables; if (typeof variables === 'string') { // TODO: catch errors variables = JSON.parse(variables); } let params = { schema: optionsObject.schema, query: query, variables: variables, rootValue: optionsObject.rootValue, operationName: operationName, logFunction: optionsObject.logFunction, validationRules: optionsObject.validationRules, formatError: formatErrorFn, formatResponse: optionsObject.formatResponse, }; if (optionsObject.formatParams) { params = optionsObject.formatParams(params); } responses.push(await runQuery(params)); } catch (e) { responses.push({ errors: [formatErrorFn(e)] }); } } res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); if (isBatch) { res.send(JSON.stringify(responses)); } else { const gqlResponse = responses[0]; if (gqlResponse.errors && typeof === 'undefined') { res.status(400); } res.send(JSON.stringify(gqlResponse)); } }; } function isOptionsFunction(arg: ExpressApolloOptions | ExpressApolloOptionsFunction): arg is ExpressApolloOptionsFunction { return typeof arg === 'function'; } /* This middleware returns the html for the GraphiQL interactive query UI * * GraphiQLData arguments * * - endpointURL: the relative or absolute URL for the endpoint which GraphiQL will make queries to * - (optional) query: the GraphQL query to pre-fill in the GraphiQL UI * - (optional) variables: a JS object of variables to pre-fill in the GraphiQL UI * - (optional) operationName: the operationName to pre-fill in the GraphiQL UI * - (optional) result: the result of the query to pre-fill in the GraphiQL UI */ export function renderGraphiQL(options: GraphiQL.GraphiQLData) { return (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next) => { const q = req.query || {}; const query = q.query || ''; const variables = q.variables || '{}'; const operationName = q.operationName || ''; const graphiQLString = GraphiQL.renderGraphiQL({ endpointURL: options.endpointURL, query: query || options.query, variables: JSON.parse(variables) || options.variables, operationName: operationName || options.operationName, }); res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html'); res.send(graphiQLString); }; }