import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'; import { LogStep, LogAction, LogMessage, LogFunction } from './logging'; export class ApolloError extends Error { public extensions; [key: string]: any; constructor( message: string, code?: string, properties?: Record, ) { super(message); if (properties) { Object.keys(properties).forEach(key => { this[key] = properties[key]; }); } //extensions are flattened to be included in the root of GraphQLError's, so //don't add properties to extensions this.extensions = { code }; } } function enrichError(error: GraphQLError, debug: boolean = false) { const expanded: ApolloError = { message: error.message, path: error.path, locations: error.locations, ...error, extensions: { ...error.extensions, code: (error.extensions && error.extensions.code) || 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', exception: { ...(error.extensions && error.extensions.exception), ...(error.originalError as any), }, }, }; //ensure that extensions is not taken from the originalError //graphql-js ensures that the originalError's extensions are hoisted // delete expanded.extensions.exception.extensions; if (debug && !expanded.extensions.exception.stacktrace) { expanded.extensions.exception.stacktrace = (error.originalError && error.originalError.stack && error.originalError.stack.split('\n')) || (error.stack && error.stack.split('\n')); } if (Object.keys(expanded.extensions.exception).length === 0) { //remove from printing an empty object delete expanded.extensions.exception; } return expanded; } export function toApolloError( error: Error, code: string = 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', ): Error & { extensions: Record } { let err: GraphQLError = error; if (err.extensions) { err.extensions.code = code; } else { err.extensions = { code }; } return err as Error & { extensions: Record }; } export interface ErrorOptions { code?: string; errorClass?: typeof ApolloError; } export function fromGraphQLError(error: GraphQLError, options?: ErrorOptions) { const copy: GraphQLError = options && options.errorClass ? new options.errorClass(error.message) : new ApolloError(error.message); //copy enumerable keys Object.keys(error).forEach(key => { copy[key] = error[key]; }); //extensions are non enumerable, so copy them directly copy.extensions = { ...copy.extensions, ...error.extensions, }; //Fallback on default for code if (!copy.extensions.code) { copy.extensions.code = (options && options.code) || 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR'; } //copy the original error, while keeping all values non-enumerable, so they //are not printed unless directly referenced Object.defineProperty(copy, 'originalError', { value: {} }); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(error).forEach(key => { Object.defineProperty(copy.originalError, key, { value: error[key] }); }); return copy; } export class SyntaxError extends ApolloError { // TODO make the name nonenumerable // name = 'SyntaxError'; constructor(message: string) { super(message, 'GRAPHQL_PARSE_FAILED'); } } export class ValidationError extends ApolloError { // TODO make the name nonenumerable // name = 'ValidationError'; constructor(message: string) { super(message, 'GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED'); } } export class AuthenticationError extends ApolloError { // TODO make the name nonenumerable // name = 'AuthenticationError'; constructor(message: string) { super(message, 'UNAUTHENTICATED'); } } export class ForbiddenError extends ApolloError { // TODO make the name nonenumerable // name = 'ForbiddenError'; constructor(message: string) { super(message, 'FORBIDDEN'); } } export function formatApolloErrors( errors: Array, options?: { formatter?: Function; logFunction?: LogFunction; debug?: boolean; }, ): Array { const { formatter, debug, logFunction } = options; const enrichedErrors = => enrichError(error, debug)); if (!formatter) { return enrichedErrors; } return => { try { return formatter(error); } catch (err) { logFunction({ action: LogAction.cleanup, step: LogStep.status, data: err, key: 'error', }); if (debug) { return enrichError(err, debug); } else { //obscure error const newError: GraphQLError = fromGraphQLError( new GraphQLError('Internal server error'), ); return enrichError(newError, debug); } } }) as Array; }