import { HTTPCache } from './HTTPCache'; export type Params = | URLSearchParams | string | { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined } | Iterable<[string, string]> | Array<[string, string]>; export abstract class RESTDataSource { abstract baseURL: string; httpCache!: HTTPCache; context!: TContext; public willSendRequest?(request: Request): void; public willReceiveCache(httpCache: HTTPCache) { this.httpCache = httpCache; } public willReceiveContext(context: TContext) { this.context = context; } protected async get( path: string, params?: Params, options?: RequestInit, ): Promise { return this.fetch( path, params, Object.assign({ method: 'GET' }, options), ); } protected async post( path: string, params?: Params, options?: RequestInit, ): Promise { return this.fetch( path, params, Object.assign({ method: 'POST' }, options), ); } protected async patch( path: string, params?: Params, options?: RequestInit, ): Promise { return this.fetch( path, params, Object.assign({ method: 'PATCH' }, options), ); } protected async put( path: string, params?: Params, options?: RequestInit, ): Promise { return this.fetch( path, params, Object.assign({ method: 'PUT' }, options), ); } protected async delete( path: string, params?: Params, options?: RequestInit, ): Promise { return this.fetch( path, params, Object.assign({ method: 'DELETE' }, options), ); } private async fetch( path: string, params?: Params, init?: RequestInit, ): Promise { const url = new URL(path, this.baseURL); if (params && Object.keys(params).length > 0) { // Append params to existing params in the path for (const [name, value] of new URLSearchParams(params)) { url.searchParams.append(name, value); } } return this.trace(`${(init && init.method) || 'GET'} ${url}`, async () => { const request = new Request(String(url)); if (this.willSendRequest) { this.willSendRequest(request); } const response = await this.httpCache.fetch(request, init); if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } else { throw new Error( `${response.status} ${response.statusText}: ${await response.text()}`, ); } }); } private async trace( label: string, fn: () => Promise, ): Promise { const startTime =; try { return await fn(); } finally { const duration = - startTime; //to remove the unused error label; duration; // console.log(`${label} (${duration}ms)`); } } }