import * as express from 'express'; import * as corsMiddleware from 'cors'; import { json, OptionsJson } from 'body-parser'; import { renderPlaygroundPage, RenderPageOptions as PlaygroundRenderPageOptions, } from '@apollographql/graphql-playground-html'; import { GraphQLOptions, FileUploadOptions, ApolloServerBase, formatApolloErrors, } from 'apollo-server-core'; import * as accepts from 'accepts'; import * as typeis from 'type-is'; import { graphqlExpress } from './expressApollo'; import { processRequest as processFileUploads } from 'apollo-upload-server'; export { GraphQLOptions, GraphQLExtension } from 'apollo-server-core'; export interface ServerRegistration { // Note: You can also pass a connect.Server here. If we changed this field to // `express.Application | connect.Server`, it would be very hard to get the // app.use calls to typecheck even though they do work properly. Our // assumption is that very few people use connect with TypeScript (and in fact // we suspect the only connect users left writing GraphQL apps are Meteor // users). app: express.Application; path?: string; cors?: corsMiddleware.CorsOptions | boolean; bodyParserConfig?: OptionsJson | boolean; onHealthCheck?: (req: express.Request) => Promise; disableHealthCheck?: boolean; } const fileUploadMiddleware = ( uploadsConfig: FileUploadOptions, server: ApolloServerBase, ) => ( req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction, ) => { // Note: we use typeis directly instead of via for connect support. if (typeis(req, ['multipart/form-data'])) { processFileUploads(req, uploadsConfig) .then(body => { req.body = body; next(); }) .catch(error => { if (error.status && error.expose) res.status(error.status); next( formatApolloErrors([error], { formatter: server.requestOptions.formatError, debug: server.requestOptions.debug, }), ); }); } else { next(); } }; export class ApolloServer extends ApolloServerBase { // This translates the arguments from the middleware into graphQL options It // provides typings for the integration specific behavior, ideally this would // be propagated with a generic to the super class async createGraphQLServerOptions( req: express.Request, res: express.Response, ): Promise { return super.graphQLServerOptions({ req, res }); } protected supportsSubscriptions(): boolean { return true; } protected supportsUploads(): boolean { return true; } public applyMiddleware({ app, path, cors, bodyParserConfig, disableHealthCheck, onHealthCheck, }: ServerRegistration) { if (!path) path = '/graphql'; if (!disableHealthCheck) { // uses same path as engine proxy, but is generally useful. app.use('/.well-known/apollo/server-health', (req, res) => { // Response follows res.type('application/health+json'); if (onHealthCheck) { onHealthCheck(req) .then(() => { res.json({ status: 'pass' }); }) .catch(() => { res.status(503).json({ status: 'fail' }); }); } else { res.json({ status: 'pass' }); } }); } let uploadsMiddleware; if (this.uploadsConfig) { uploadsMiddleware = fileUploadMiddleware(this.uploadsConfig, this); } // XXX multiple paths? this.graphqlPath = path; // Note that we don't just pass all of these handlers to a single app.use call // for 'connect' compatibility. if (cors === true) { app.use(path, corsMiddleware()); } else if (cors !== false) { app.use(path, corsMiddleware(cors)); } if (bodyParserConfig === true) { app.use(path, json()); } else if (bodyParserConfig !== false) { app.use(path, json(bodyParserConfig)); } if (uploadsMiddleware) { app.use(path, uploadsMiddleware); } // Note: if you enable playground in production and expect to be able to see your // schema, you'll need to manually specify `introspection: true` in the // ApolloServer constructor; by default, the introspection query is only // enabled in dev. app.use(path, (req, res, next) => { if (this.playgroundOptions && req.method === 'GET') { // perform more expensive content-type check only if necessary // XXX We could potentially move this logic into the GuiOptions lambda, // but I don't think it needs any overriding const accept = accepts(req); const types = accept.types() as string[]; const prefersHTML = types.find( (x: string) => x === 'text/html' || x === 'application/json', ) === 'text/html'; if (prefersHTML) { const playgroundRenderPageOptions: PlaygroundRenderPageOptions = { endpoint: path, subscriptionEndpoint: this.subscriptionsPath, ...this.playgroundOptions, }; res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); const playground = renderPlaygroundPage(playgroundRenderPageOptions); res.write(playground); res.end(); return; } } return graphqlExpress(this.createGraphQLServerOptions.bind(this))( req, res, next, ); }); } } export const registerServer = () => { throw new Error( 'Please use server.applyMiddleware instead of registerServer. This warning will be removed in the next release', ); };