import * as lambda from 'aws-lambda'; import { GraphQLOptions, runHttpQuery } from 'graphql-server-core'; import * as GraphiQL from 'graphql-server-module-graphiql'; export interface LambdaGraphQLOptionsFunction { (event: any, context: lambda.Context): GraphQLOptions | Promise; } // Design principles: // - there is just one way allowed: POST request with JSON body. Nothing else. // - simple, fast and secure // export interface LambdaHandler { (event: any, context: lambda.Context, callback: lambda.Callback): void; } export interface IHeaders { [header: string]: string | number; } export function graphqlLambda( options: GraphQLOptions | LambdaGraphQLOptionsFunction ): LambdaHandler { if (!options) { throw new Error('Apollo Server requires options.'); } if (arguments.length > 1) { throw new Error(`Apollo Server expects exactly one argument, got ${arguments.length}`); } return async (event, lambdaContext: lambda.Context, callback: lambda.Callback) => { let query = (event.httpMethod === 'POST') ? event.body : event.queryStringParameters, statusCode: number = null, gqlResponse = null, headers: {[headerName: string]: string} = {}; if (query && typeof query === 'string') { query = JSON.parse(query); } try { gqlResponse = await runHttpQuery([event, lambdaContext], { method: event.httpMethod, options: options, query: query, }); headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; statusCode = 200; } catch (error) { if ( 'HttpQueryError' !== ) { throw error; } headers = error.headers; statusCode = error.statusCode; gqlResponse = error.message; } finally { callback( null, { 'statusCode': statusCode, 'headers': headers, 'body': gqlResponse, }, ); } }; } /* This Lambda Function Handler returns the html for the GraphiQL interactive query UI * * GraphiQLData arguments * * - endpointURL: the relative or absolute URL for the endpoint which GraphiQL will make queries to * - (optional) query: the GraphQL query to pre-fill in the GraphiQL UI * - (optional) variables: a JS object of variables to pre-fill in the GraphiQL UI * - (optional) operationName: the operationName to pre-fill in the GraphiQL UI * - (optional) result: the result of the query to pre-fill in the GraphiQL UI */ export function graphiqlLambda(options: GraphiQL.GraphiQLData) { return (event, lambdaContext: lambda.Context, callback: lambda.Callback) => { const q = event.queryStringParameters || {}; const query = q.query || ''; const variables = q.variables || '{}'; const operationName = q.operationName || ''; const graphiQLString = GraphiQL.renderGraphiQL({ endpointURL: options.endpointURL, subscriptionsEndpoint: options.subscriptionsEndpoint, query: query || options.query, variables: q.variables && JSON.parse(variables) || options.variables, operationName: operationName || options.operationName, passHeader: options.passHeader, }); callback( null, { 'statusCode': 200, 'headers': { 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, 'body': graphiQLString, }, ); }; }