import { GraphQLOptions, HttpQueryError, runHttpQuery, } from 'apollo-server-core'; import { Request, Response, URL } from 'apollo-server-env'; // Design principles: // - You can issue a GET or POST with your query. // - simple, fast and secure // export function graphqlCloudflare(options: GraphQLOptions) { if (!options) { throw new Error('Apollo Server requires options.'); } if (arguments.length > 1) { throw new Error( `Apollo Server expects exactly one argument, got ${arguments.length}`, ); } const graphqlHandler = async (req: Request): Promise => { const url = new URL(req.url); const query = req.method === 'POST' ? await req.json() : { query: url.searchParams.get('query'), variables: url.searchParams.get('variables'), operationName: url.searchParams.get('operationName'), extensions: url.searchParams.get('extensions'), }; return runHttpQuery([req], { method: req.method, options: options, query, request: req as Request, }).then( ({ graphqlResponse, responseInit }) => new Response(graphqlResponse, responseInit), (error: HttpQueryError) => { if ('HttpQueryError' !== throw error; const res = new Response(error.message, { status: error.statusCode, headers: error.headers, }); return res; }, ); }; return graphqlHandler; }