# `apollo-engine-reporting-protobuf` > **Note:** The Apollo Engine reporting API is subject to change. We strongly > encourage developers to contact Apollo Engine support to discuss their use > case prior to building their own reporting agent using this module. This module provides JavaScript/TypeScript [Protocol buffer](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/) definitions for the Apollo Engine reporting API. These definitions are generated for consumption from the `reports.proto` file which is defined internally within Apollo. ## Development > **Note:** Due to a dependency on Unix tools (e.g. `bash`, `grep`, etc.), the > development of this module requires a Unix system. There is no reason why > this can't be avoided, the time just hasn't been taken to make those changes. > We'd happily accept a PR which makes the appropriate changes! Currently, this package generates a majority of its code with [`protobufjs`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/protobufjs) based on the `reports.proto` file. The output is generated with the `prepare` npm script. The root of the repository provides the `devDependencies` necessary to build these definitions (e.g. `pbjs`, `pbts`, `protobuf`, etc.) and the the `prepare` npm script is invoked programmatically via the monorepo tooling (e.g. Lerna) thanks to _this_ module's `postinstall` script. Therefore, when making changes to this module, `npx lerna run prepare` should be run from the **root** of this monorepo in order to update the definitions in _this_ module.