import { GraphQLSchema, GraphQLFieldResolver, ExecutionResult, DocumentNode, parse, validate, execute, ExecutionArgs, getOperationAST, GraphQLError, specifiedRules, ValidationContext, } from 'graphql'; import { Request } from 'apollo-server-env'; import { enableGraphQLExtensions, GraphQLExtension, GraphQLExtensionStack, } from 'graphql-extensions'; import { TracingExtension } from 'apollo-tracing'; import { CacheControlExtension, CacheControlExtensionOptions, } from 'apollo-cache-control'; import { fromGraphQLError, formatApolloErrors, ValidationError, SyntaxError, } from 'apollo-server-errors'; export interface GraphQLResponse { data?: object; errors?: Array; extensions?: object; } export interface QueryOptions { schema: GraphQLSchema; // Specify exactly one of these. parsedQuery is primarily for use by // OperationStore. queryString?: string; parsedQuery?: DocumentNode; // If this is specified and the given GraphQL query is not a "query" (eg, it's // a mutation), throw this error. nonQueryError?: Error; rootValue?: any; context?: any; variables?: { [key: string]: any }; operationName?: string; validationRules?: Array<(context: ValidationContext) => any>; fieldResolver?: GraphQLFieldResolver; // WARNING: these extra validation rules are only applied to queries // submitted as string, not those submitted as Document! formatError?: Function; formatResponse?: Function; debug?: boolean; tracing?: boolean; cacheControl?: boolean | CacheControlExtensionOptions; request: Pick; extensions?: Array<() => GraphQLExtension>; persistedQueryHit?: boolean; persistedQueryRegister?: boolean; } function isQueryOperation(query: DocumentNode, operationName?: string) { const operationAST = getOperationAST(query, operationName); return operationAST && operationAST.operation === 'query'; } export function runQuery(options: QueryOptions): Promise { // Fiber-aware Promises run their .then callbacks in Fibers. return Promise.resolve().then(() => doRunQuery(options)); } function doRunQuery(options: QueryOptions): Promise { if (options.queryString && options.parsedQuery) { throw new Error('Only supply one of queryString and parsedQuery'); } if (!(options.queryString || options.parsedQuery)) { throw new Error('Must supply one of queryString and parsedQuery'); } const debugDefault = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test'; const debug = options.debug !== undefined ? options.debug : debugDefault; const context = options.context || {}; // If custom extension factories were provided, create per-request extension // objects. const extensions = options.extensions ? => f()) : []; // If you're running behind an engineproxy, set these options to turn on // tracing and cache-control extensions. if (options.tracing) { extensions.push(new TracingExtension()); } if (options.cacheControl === true) { extensions.push(new CacheControlExtension()); } else if (options.cacheControl) { extensions.push(new CacheControlExtension(options.cacheControl)); } const extensionStack = new GraphQLExtensionStack(extensions); // We unconditionally create an extensionStack, even if there are no // extensions (so that we don't have to litter the rest of this function with // `if (extensionStack)`, but we don't instrument the schema unless there // actually are extensions. We do unconditionally put the stack on the // context, because if some other call had extensions and the schema is // already instrumented, that's the only way to get a custom fieldResolver to // work. if (extensions.length > 0) { enableGraphQLExtensions(options.schema); } context._extensionStack = extensionStack; const requestDidEnd = extensionStack.requestDidStart({ // Since the Request interfacess are not the same between node-fetch and // typescript's lib dom, we should limit the fields that need to be passed // into requestDidStart to only the ones we need, currently just the // headers, method, and url request: options.request as any, queryString: options.queryString, parsedQuery: options.parsedQuery, operationName: options.operationName, variables: options.variables, persistedQueryHit: options.persistedQueryHit, persistedQueryRegister: options.persistedQueryRegister, }); return Promise.resolve() .then( (): Promise => { // Parse the document. let documentAST: DocumentNode; if (options.parsedQuery) { documentAST = options.parsedQuery; } else if (!options.queryString) { throw new Error('Must supply one of queryString and parsedQuery'); } else { const parsingDidEnd = extensionStack.parsingDidStart({ queryString: options.queryString, }); let graphqlParseErrors: SyntaxError[] | undefined; try { documentAST = parse(options.queryString); } catch (syntaxError) { graphqlParseErrors = formatApolloErrors( [ fromGraphQLError(syntaxError, { errorClass: SyntaxError, }), ], { debug, }, ); return Promise.resolve({ errors: graphqlParseErrors }); } finally { parsingDidEnd(...(graphqlParseErrors || [])); } } if ( options.nonQueryError && !isQueryOperation(documentAST, options.operationName) ) { // XXX this goes to requestDidEnd, is that correct or should it be // validation? throw options.nonQueryError; } let rules = specifiedRules; if (options.validationRules) { rules = rules.concat(options.validationRules); } const validationDidEnd = extensionStack.validationDidStart(); let validationErrors: GraphQLError[] | undefined; try { validationErrors = validate( options.schema, documentAST, rules, ) as GraphQLError[]; // Return type of validate is ReadonlyArray } catch (validationThrewError) { // Catch errors thrown by validate, not just those returned by it. validationErrors = [validationThrewError]; } finally { try { if (validationErrors) { validationErrors = formatApolloErrors( => fromGraphQLError(err, { errorClass: ValidationError }), ), { debug, }, ); } } finally { validationDidEnd(...(validationErrors || [])); if (validationErrors && validationErrors.length) { return Promise.resolve({ errors: validationErrors, }); } } } const executionArgs: ExecutionArgs = { schema: options.schema, document: documentAST, rootValue: options.rootValue, contextValue: context, variableValues: options.variables, operationName: options.operationName, fieldResolver: options.fieldResolver, }; const executionDidEnd = extensionStack.executionDidStart({ executionArgs, }); return Promise.resolve() .then(() => execute(executionArgs)) .catch(executionError => { return { // These errors will get passed through formatApolloErrors in the // `then` below. // TODO accurate code for this error, which describes this error, which // can occur when: // * variables incorrectly typed/null when nonnullable // * unknown operation/operation name invalid // * operation type is unsupported // Options: PREPROCESSING_FAILED, GRAPHQL_RUNTIME_CHECK_FAILED errors: [fromGraphQLError(executionError)], } as ExecutionResult; }) .then(result => { let response: GraphQLResponse = { data:, }; if (result.errors) { response.errors = formatApolloErrors([...result.errors], { debug, }); } executionDidEnd(...(result.errors || [])); const formattedExtensions = extensionStack.format(); if (Object.keys(formattedExtensions).length > 0) { response.extensions = formattedExtensions; } if (options.formatResponse) { response = options.formatResponse(response, options); } return response; }); }, ) .catch((err: Error) => { // Handle the case of an internal server failure (or nonQueryError) --- // we're not returning a GraphQL response so we don't call // willSendResponse. requestDidEnd(err); throw err; }) .then((graphqlResponse: GraphQLResponse) => { const response = extensionStack.willSendResponse({ graphqlResponse }); requestDidEnd(); return response.graphqlResponse; }); }