/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */ import { expect } from 'chai'; import { stub } from 'sinon'; import MockReq from 'mock-req'; import 'mocha'; import { GraphQLSchema, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLInt, GraphQLNonNull, parse, } from 'graphql'; import { runQuery } from './runQuery'; import { LogAction, LogStep } from './logging'; // Make the global Promise constructor Fiber-aware to simulate a Meteor // environment. import { makeCompatible } from 'meteor-promise'; import Fiber = require('fibers'); import { GraphQLExtensionStack, GraphQLExtension } from 'graphql-extensions'; makeCompatible(Promise, Fiber); const queryType = new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'QueryType', fields: { testString: { type: GraphQLString, resolve() { return 'it works'; }, }, testObject: { type: new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'TestObject', fields: { testString: { type: GraphQLString, }, }, }), resolve() { return { testString: 'a very test string', }; }, }, testRootValue: { type: GraphQLString, resolve(root) { return root + ' works'; }, }, testContextValue: { type: GraphQLString, resolve(_root, _args, context) { return context.s + ' works'; }, }, testArgumentValue: { type: GraphQLInt, resolve(_root, args) { return args['base'] + 5; }, args: { base: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt) }, }, }, testAwaitedValue: { type: GraphQLString, resolve() { // Calling Promise.await is legal here even though this is // not an async function, because we are guaranteed to be // running in a Fiber. return 'it ' + (Promise).await('works'); }, }, testError: { type: GraphQLString, resolve() { throw new Error('Secret error message'); }, }, }, }); const schema = new GraphQLSchema({ query: queryType, }); describe('runQuery', () => { it('returns the right result when query is a string', () => { const query = `{ testString }`; const expected = { testString: 'it works' }; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('returns the right result when query is a document', () => { const query = parse(`{ testString }`); const expected = { testString: 'it works' }; return runQuery({ schema, parsedQuery: query, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('returns a syntax error if the query string contains one', () => { const query = `query { test `; const expected = /Syntax Error/; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, variables: { base: 1 }, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.be.undefined; expect(res.errors.length).to.equal(1); expect(res.errors[0].message).to.match(expected); }); }); it('does not call console.error if in an error occurs and debug mode is set', () => { const query = `query { testError }`; const logStub = stub(console, 'error'); return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, debug: true, request: new MockReq(), }).then(() => { logStub.restore(); expect(logStub.callCount).to.equal(0); }); }); it('does not call console.error if in an error occurs and not in debug mode', () => { const query = `query { testError }`; const logStub = stub(console, 'error'); return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, debug: false, request: new MockReq(), }).then(() => { logStub.restore(); expect(logStub.callCount).to.equal(0); }); }); it('returns a validation error if the query string does not pass validation', () => { const query = `query TestVar($base: String){ testArgumentValue(base: $base) }`; const expected = 'Variable "$base" of type "String" used in position expecting type "Int!".'; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, variables: { base: 1 }, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.be.undefined; expect(res.errors.length).to.equal(1); expect(res.errors[0].message).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('correctly passes in the rootValue', () => { const query = `{ testRootValue }`; const expected = { testRootValue: 'it also works' }; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, rootValue: 'it also', request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('correctly passes in the context', () => { const query = `{ testContextValue }`; const expected = { testContextValue: 'it still works' }; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, context: { s: 'it still' }, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('passes the options to formatResponse', () => { const query = `{ testContextValue }`; const expected = { testContextValue: 'it still works' }; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, context: { s: 'it still' }, formatResponse: (response, { context }) => { response['extensions'] = context.s; return response; }, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal(expected); expect(res['extensions']).to.equal('it still'); }); }); it('correctly passes in variables (and arguments)', () => { const query = `query TestVar($base: Int!){ testArgumentValue(base: $base) }`; const expected = { testArgumentValue: 6 }; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, variables: { base: 1 }, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('throws an error if there are missing variables', () => { const query = `query TestVar($base: Int!){ testArgumentValue(base: $base) }`; const expected = 'Variable "$base" of required type "Int!" was not provided.'; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.errors[0].message).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('supports yielding resolver functions', () => { return runQuery({ schema, queryString: `{ testAwaitedValue }`, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal({ testAwaitedValue: 'it works', }); }); }); it('runs the correct operation when operationName is specified', () => { const query = ` query Q1 { testString } query Q2 { testRootValue }`; const expected = { testString: 'it works', }; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, operationName: 'Q1', request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal(expected); }); }); it('calls logFunction', () => { const query = ` query Q1 { testString }`; const logs = []; const logFn = obj => logs.push(obj); const expected = { testString: 'it works', }; return runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, operationName: 'Q1', variables: { test: 123 }, logFunction: logFn, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal(expected); expect(logs.length).to.equals(11); expect(logs[0]).to.deep.equals({ action: LogAction.request, step: LogStep.start, }); expect(logs[1]).to.deep.equals({ action: LogAction.request, step: LogStep.status, key: 'query', data: query, }); expect(logs[2]).to.deep.equals({ action: LogAction.request, step: LogStep.status, key: 'variables', data: { test: 123 }, }); expect(logs[3]).to.deep.equals({ action: LogAction.request, step: LogStep.status, key: 'operationName', data: 'Q1', }); expect(logs[10]).to.deep.equals({ action: LogAction.request, step: LogStep.end, key: 'response', data: { data: expected, }, }); }); }); it('uses custom field resolver', async () => { const query = ` query Q1 { testObject { testString } } `; const result1 = await runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, operationName: 'Q1', request: new MockReq(), }); expect(result1.data).to.deep.equal({ testObject: { testString: 'a very test string', }, }); const result2 = await runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, operationName: 'Q1', fieldResolver: () => 'a very testful field resolver string', request: new MockReq(), }); expect(result2.data).to.deep.equal({ testObject: { testString: 'a very testful field resolver string', }, }); }); describe('graphql extensions', () => { class CustomExtension implements GraphQLExtension { format(): [string, any] { return ['customExtension', { foo: 'bar' }]; } } it('creates the extension stack', async () => { const queryString = `{ testString }`; const extensions = [() => new CustomExtension()]; return runQuery({ schema: new GraphQLSchema({ query: new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'QueryType', fields: { testString: { type: GraphQLString, resolve(_root, _args, context) { expect(context._extensionStack).to.be.instanceof( GraphQLExtensionStack, ); expect( context._extensionStack.extensions[0], ).to.be.instanceof(CustomExtension); }, }, }, }), }), queryString, extensions, request: new MockReq(), }); }); it('runs format response from extensions', async () => { const queryString = `{ testString }`; const expected = { testString: 'it works' }; const extensions = [() => new CustomExtension()]; return runQuery({ schema, queryString, extensions, request: new MockReq(), }).then(res => { expect(res.data).to.deep.equal(expected); expect(res.extensions).to.deep.equal({ customExtension: { foo: 'bar' }, }); }); }); }); describe('async_hooks', () => { let asyncHooks; let asyncHook; const ids: number[] = []; try { asyncHooks = require('async_hooks'); } catch (err) { return; // async_hooks not present, give up } before(() => { asyncHook = asyncHooks.createHook({ init: asyncId => ids.push(asyncId) }); asyncHook.enable(); }); after(() => { asyncHook.disable(); }); it('does not break async_hook call stack', async () => { const query = ` query Q1 { testObject { testString } } `; await runQuery({ schema, queryString: query, operationName: 'Q1', request: new MockReq(), }); // this is the only async process so we expect the async ids to be a sequence ids.forEach((id, i) => { if (i > 0) { expect(id).to.equal(ids[i - 1] + 1); } }); }); }); });