import { makeExecutableSchema, addMockFunctionsToSchema, IResolvers, mergeSchemas, } from 'graphql-tools'; import { Server as HttpServer } from 'http'; import { execute, GraphQLSchema, subscribe, ExecutionResult, GraphQLError, GraphQLResolveInfo, ValidationContext, FieldDefinitionNode, } from 'graphql'; import { ApolloEngine } from 'apollo-engine'; import { SubscriptionServer, ExecutionParams, } from 'subscriptions-transport-ws'; import { formatApolloErrors } from './errors'; import { GraphQLServerOptions as GraphQLOptions } from './graphqlOptions'; import { LogFunction, LogAction, LogStep } from './logging'; import { Config, ListenOptions, MiddlewareOptions, RegistrationOptions, ServerInfo, Context, ContextFunction, SubscriptionServerOptions, } from './types'; const NoIntrospection = (context: ValidationContext) => ({ Field(node: FieldDefinitionNode) { if ( === '__schema' || === '__type') { context.reportError( new GraphQLError( 'GraphQL introspection is not allowed by Apollo Server, but the query contained __schema or __type. To enable introspection, pass introspection: true to ApolloServer in production', [node], ), ); } }, }); export class ApolloServerBase { public disableTools: boolean; // set in the listen function if subscriptions are enabled public subscriptionsPath: string; public requestOptions: Partial>; private schema: GraphQLSchema; private context?: Context | ContextFunction; private graphqlPath: string = '/graphql'; private engineProxy: ApolloEngine; private engineEnabled: boolean = false; private http?: HttpServer; private subscriptionServer?: SubscriptionServer; protected getHttp: () => HttpServer; constructor(config: Config) { const { context, resolvers, schema, schemaDirectives, typeDefs, introspection, mocks, ...requestOptions } = config; //While reading process.env is slow, a server should only be constructed //once per run, so we place the env check inside the constructor. If env //should be used outside of the constructor context, place it as a private //or protected field of the class instead of a global. Keeping the read in //the contructor enables testing of different environments const env = process.env.NODE_ENV; const isDev = env !== 'production' && env !== 'test'; // if this is local dev, we want graphql gui and introspection to be turned on // in production, you can manually turn these on by passing { introspection: true } // to the constructor of ApolloServer // we use this.disableTools to track this internally for later use when // constructing middleware by frameworks if (typeof introspection === 'boolean') this.disableTools = !introspection; else this.disableTools = !isDev; if (this.disableTools) { const noIntro = [NoIntrospection]; requestOptions.validationRules = requestOptions.validationRules ? requestOptions.validationRules.concat(noIntro) : noIntro; } this.requestOptions = requestOptions; this.context = context; const enhancedTypeDefs = Array.isArray(typeDefs) ? typeDefs : [typeDefs]; enhancedTypeDefs.push(`scalar Upload`); this.schema = schema ? schema : makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs: enhancedTypeDefs.join('\n'), schemaDirectives, resolvers, }); if (mocks) { addMockFunctionsToSchema({ schema: this.schema, preserveResolvers: true, mocks: typeof mocks === 'boolean' ? {} : mocks, }); } } public use({ getHttp, path }: RegistrationOptions) { // we need to delay when we actually get the http server // until we move into the listen function this.getHttp = getHttp; this.graphqlPath = path; } public enhanceSchema( schema: GraphQLSchema | { typeDefs: string; resolvers: IResolvers }, ) { this.schema = mergeSchemas({ schemas: [ this.schema, 'typeDefs' in schema ? schema['typeDefs'] : schema, ], resolvers: 'resolvers' in schema ? [, schema['resolvers']] : {}, }); } public listen(opts: ListenOptions = {}): Promise { this.http = this.getHttp(); const options = { ...opts, http: { port: process.env.PORT || 4000, ...opts.http, }, }; if (opts.subscriptions !== false) { let config: SubscriptionServerOptions; if ( opts.subscriptions === true || typeof opts.subscriptions === 'undefined' ) { config = { path: this.graphqlPath, }; } else if (typeof opts.subscriptions === 'string') { config = { path: opts.subscriptions }; } else { config = { path: this.graphqlPath, ...opts.subscriptions }; } this.subscriptionsPath = config.path; this.subscriptionServer = this.createSubscriptionServer( this.http, config, ); } if (opts.engineProxy || opts.engineInRequestPath) this.createEngine(opts); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.engineProxy) { this.engineProxy.listen( { graphqlPaths: [this.graphqlPath], port: options.http.port, httpServer: this.http, launcherOptions: options.engineLauncherOptions, }, () => { this.engineProxy.engineListeningAddress.url = require('url').resolve( this.engineProxy.engineListeningAddress.url, this.graphqlPath, ); resolve(this.engineProxy.engineListeningAddress); }, ); this.engineProxy.on('error', reject); return; } // all options for http listeners // // // function listenCallback() { const listeningAddress: any = this.http.address(); // Convert IPs which mean "any address" (IPv4 or IPv6) into localhost // corresponding loopback ip. Note that the url field we're setting is // primarily for consumption by our test suite. If this heuristic is // wrong for your use case, explicitly specify a frontend host (in the // `` field in your engine config, or in the `host` // option to ApolloServer.listen). let hostForUrl = listeningAddress.address; if ( listeningAddress.address === '' || listeningAddress.address === '::' ) hostForUrl = 'localhost'; listeningAddress.url = require('url').format({ protocol: 'http', hostname: hostForUrl, port: listeningAddress.port, pathname: this.graphqlPath, }); resolve(listeningAddress); } if (options.http.handle) { this.http.listen( options.http.handle, options.http.backlog, listenCallback.bind(this), ); } else { this.http.listen(options.http, listenCallback.bind(this)); } }); } public async stop() { if (this.engineProxy) await this.engineProxy.stop(); if (this.subscriptionServer) await this.subscriptionServer.close(); if (this.http) await new Promise(s => this.http.close(s)); } private createSubscriptionServer( server: HttpServer, config: SubscriptionServerOptions, ) { const { onDisconnect, onConnect, keepAlive, path } = config; return SubscriptionServer.create( { schema: this.schema, execute, subscribe, onConnect: onConnect ? onConnect : (connectionParams: Object) => ({ ...connectionParams }), onDisconnect: onDisconnect, onOperation: async (_: string, connection: ExecutionParams) => { connection.formatResponse = (value: ExecutionResult) => ({ ...value, errors: value.errors && formatApolloErrors([...value.errors], { formatter: this.requestOptions.formatError, debug: this.requestOptions.debug, logFunction: this.requestOptions.logFunction, }), }); let context: Context = this.context ? this.context : { connection }; try { context = typeof this.context === 'function' ? await this.context({ connection }) : context; } catch (e) { throw formatApolloErrors([e], { formatter: this.requestOptions.formatError, debug: this.requestOptions.debug, logFunction: this.requestOptions.logFunction, })[0]; } return { ...connection, context }; }, keepAlive, }, { server, path, }, ); } private createEngine({ engineInRequestPath, engineProxy }: ListenOptions) { // only access this onces as its slower on node const { ENGINE_API_KEY, ENGINE_CONFIG } = process.env; if (engineProxy === false && (ENGINE_API_KEY || ENGINE_CONFIG)) { console.warn( 'engine is set to false when creating ApolloServer but either ENGINE_CONFIG or ENGINE_API_KEY was found in the environment', ); } let ApolloEngine; if (engineProxy) { // detect engine if it is set to true or has a config, and possibly load it try { ApolloEngine = require('apollo-engine').ApolloEngine; } catch (e) { console.warn(`ApolloServer was unable to load Apollo Engine yet engine was configured in the options when creating this ApolloServer? To fix this, run the following command: npm install apollo-engine --save `); } this.engineProxy = new ApolloEngine( typeof engineProxy === 'boolean' ? undefined : engineProxy, ); } // XXX should this allow for header overrides from graphql-playground? if (this.engineProxy || engineInRequestPath) this.engineEnabled = true; } request(request: Request) { let context: Context = this.context ? this.context : { request }; try { context = typeof this.context === 'function' ? this.context({ req: request }) : context; } catch (error) { //Defer context error resolution to inside of runQuery context = () => { throw error; }; } return { schema: this.schema, tracing: this.engineEnabled, cacheControl: this.engineEnabled, context, // allow overrides from options ...this.requestOptions, }; } }