import {
} from 'chai';

import {
} from 'graphql';

// tslint:disable-next-line
const request = require('supertest-as-promised');

import ApolloOptions from './apolloOptions';

import * as GraphiQL from '../modules/renderGraphiQL';
import { OperationStore } from '../modules/operationStore';

const QueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'QueryType',
    fields: {
        testString: {
            type: GraphQLString,
            resolve() {
                return 'it works';
        testArgument: {
            type: GraphQLString,
            args: { echo: { type: GraphQLString } },
            resolve(root, { echo }) {
                return `hello ${echo}`;

const MutationType = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'MutationType',
    fields: {
        testMutation: {
            type: GraphQLString,
            args: { echo: { type: GraphQLString } },
            resolve(root, { echo }) {
                return `not really a mutation, but who cares: ${echo}`;

export const Schema = new GraphQLSchema({
    query: QueryType,
    mutation: MutationType,

export interface CreateAppOptions {
  excludeParser?: boolean;
  apolloOptions?: ApolloOptions | {(): ApolloOptions | Promise<{}>};
  graphiqlOptions?: GraphiQL.GraphiQLData;

export interface CreateAppFunc {
    (options?: CreateAppOptions): void;

export default (createApp: CreateAppFunc) => {
  describe('apolloServer', () => {
    describe('graphqlHTTP', () => {
      it('can be called with an options function', () => {
          const app = createApp({apolloOptions: (): ApolloOptions => ({schema: Schema})});
          const expected = {
              testString: 'it works',
          const req = request(app)
                  query: 'query test{ testString }',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(;

      it('can be called with an options function that returns a promise', () => {
          const app = createApp({ apolloOptions: () => {
              return new Promise(resolve => {
                  resolve({schema: Schema});
          const expected = {
              testString: 'it works',
          const req = request(app)
                  query: 'query test{ testString }',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(;

      it('throws an error if options promise is rejected', () => {
          const app = createApp({ apolloOptions: () => {
            return Promise.reject({}) as any as ApolloOptions;
          const expected = 'Invalid options';
          const req = request(app)
                  query: 'query test{ testString }',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(res.error.text).to.contain(expected);

      it('throws an error if POST body is missing', () => {
          const app = createApp({excludeParser: true});
          const req = request(app)
                  query: 'query test{ testString }',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(res.error.text).to.contain('POST body missing.');

      it('can handle a basic request', () => {
          const app = createApp();
          const expected = {
              testString: 'it works',
          const req = request(app)
                  query: 'query test{ testString }',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(;

      it('can handle a request with variables', () => {
          const app = createApp();
          const expected = {
              testArgument: 'hello world',
          const req = request(app)
                  query: 'query test($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }',
                  variables: { echo: 'world' },
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(;

      it('can handle a request with variables as string', () => {
          const app = createApp();
          const expected = {
              testArgument: 'hello world',
          const req = request(app)
                  query: 'query test($echo: String!){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }',
                  variables: '{ "echo": "world" }',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(;

      it('can handle a request with operationName', () => {
          const app = createApp();
          const expected = {
              testString: 'it works',
          const req = request(app)
                  query: `
                      query test($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }
                      query test2{ testString }`,
                  variables: { echo: 'world' },
                  operationName: 'test2',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(;

       it('can handle batch requests', () => {
          const app = createApp();
          const expected = [
                  data: {
                      testString: 'it works',
                  data: {
                      testArgument: 'hello yellow',
          const req = request(app)
                  query: `
                      query test($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }
                      query test2{ testString }`,
                  variables: { echo: 'world' },
                  operationName: 'test2',
                  query: `
                      query testX($echo: String){ testArgument(echo: $echo) }`,
                  variables: { echo: 'yellow' },
                  operationName: 'testX',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(res.body).to.deep.equal(expected);

      it('can handle a request with a mutation', () => {
          const app = createApp();
          const expected = {
              testMutation: 'not really a mutation, but who cares: world',
          const req = request(app)
                  query: 'mutation test($echo: String){ testMutation(echo: $echo) }',
                  variables: { echo: 'world' },
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(;

      it('applies the formatResponse function', () => {
          const app = createApp({apolloOptions: {
              schema: Schema,
              formatResponse(response) {
                  response['extensions'] = { it: 'works' }; return response;
          const expected = { it: 'works' };
          const req = request(app)
                  query: 'mutation test($echo: String){ testMutation(echo: $echo) }',
                  variables: { echo: 'world' },
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(res.body.extensions).to.deep.equal(expected);


    describe('renderGraphiQL', () => {
      it('presents GraphiQL when accepting HTML', () => {
          const app = createApp({graphiqlOptions: {
              endpointURL: '/graphql',

          const req = request(app)
              .set('Accept', 'text/html');
          return req.then((response) => {

    describe('stored queries', () => {
      it('works with formatParams', () => {
          const store = new OperationStore(Schema);
          store.put('query testquery{ testString }');
          const app = createApp({ apolloOptions: {
              schema: Schema,
              formatParams(params) {
                  params['query'] = store.get(params.operationName);
                  return params;
          const expected = { testString: 'it works' };
          const req = request(app)
                  operationName: 'testquery',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(;

      it('can reject non-whitelisted queries', () => {
          const store = new OperationStore(Schema);
          store.put('query testquery{ testString }');
          const app = createApp({ apolloOptions: {
              schema: Schema,
              formatParams(params) {
                  if (params.query) {
                      throw new Error('Must not provide query, only operationName');
                  params['query'] = store.get(params.operationName);
                  return params;
          const expected = [{
              data: {
                  testString: 'it works',
          }, {
              errors: [{
                  message: 'Must not provide query, only operationName',

          const req = request(app)
                  operationName: 'testquery',
              }, {
                  query: '{ testString }',
          return req.then((res) => {
              return expect(res.body).to.deep.equal(expected);