* AER: Remove encodedTraces to prevent duplicates
When there are multiple instances of apollo-engine-reporting, the
`Trace.encode` method gets wrapped each time to add the
`encodedTraces`. In order to prevent them from being added to the
protobuf multiple times, we remove the encodedTraces after adding them
* Add changelog
* Move incremental Trace encoding to a-e-r-protobuf
To enable incrmental compilation of traces, we add a patch to the
Trace.encode method generated by protobujs to accept and store encoded
traces. Occassionally with multiple instances of apollo-engine-reporting
that share the same version of the protobuf, the wrapper method gets
applied more than once. In order to ensure that the wrapper only gets
applied once, we patch the Trace.encode method inside of
tsc hangs on the processing the generated protobuf.js files, so the
tsconfig.json ignores the generated protobuf file. In order for the
typescript index.ts file to compile the generated protobuf.js file is
output to the src folder. To ensure the protobuf files are available to
the production build, `npm run compile` copies the protobuf file
manually from src to dist.
* Reexport protobuf import after modification
`export * from './protobuf'` exports the unmodified reference
* Update comment on Trace.encode to point at a-e-r-p
The override now occurs inside of apollo-engine-reporting-protobuf due
to the case of having multiple reporting challenges, so we need to
update the comments to help indicate that
* Remove typescript build step
In order to simplify the generation of this library, we move the change
the index.ts file into index.js and remove the typescript build step.
Since the type safety is created by the protobufjs generation, this
seems acceptable. In general this portion of the code should remain
relatively stable, so generating and copying the code with `prepare`
remains reasonable.
This commit supports two new concepts for reporting:
1. Client identity
2. Schema awareness
Client identity allows the GraphQLRequestContext to be mapped into
`clientId`, `clientName`, and `clientVersion` which can be used to
filter and view requests and metrics by client information.
Schema awareness introduces schema branches which allow arbitrary
strings to generate new "branches" (or variants) of a schema.
This PR fixes#1836.
This PR enables developers to inject the http agent to be used on the network requests to apollo engine endpoint.
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We can't use `apollo-server-env` as a project reference because that requires `composite: true`, and that implies `declaration: true`, which doesn't work for `apollo-server-env` because we need to write our own declaration files for re-exported imports.
This commit also removes `apollo-engine-reporting-protobuf` as a reference, which errored out because it doesn't actually contain any TypeScript code.
`esModuleInterop` was enabled in
to help with importing from packages that use default exports.
Those changes were reverted in
to work around a few reported issues. Those issues are no longer
relevant, so this commit re-enables `esModuleInterop`, and
updates all default imports to use the more common (standard)
import syntax.
The `generateClientInfo` API, used to set client identification attributes
within traces, is an experimental API and is subject to removal or change in
a future (major) Apollo Server release.
Ref: #1631
* Provide ability to specify client info in traces
Adds the createClientInfo to apollo-engine-reporting, which enables the
differentiation of clients based on the request, operation, and
variables. This could be extended to include the response. However for
the first release. It doesn't quite make sense.
* Use extensions and context in createClientInfo
* Remove support for clientAddress
The frontend will not support it in the near future
* create -> generate and make default generator
createClientInfo -> generateClientInfo
* Clarify default values
* Pass the context along to all the extension methods
Addresses #1343
With this change you should now be able to implement an extension like so:
class MyErrorTrackingExtension extends GraphQLExtension {
willSendResponse(o) {
const { context, graphqlResponse } = o
return o
Edit by @evans :
fixes#1343fixes#614 as the request object can be taken from context or from requestDidStart
fixes#631 ""
* Remove context from extra extension functions
The context shouldn't be necessary for format, parse, validation, and
execute. Format generally outputs the state of the extension. Parse and
validate don't depend on the context. Execution includes the context
argument as contextValue
* Move change entry under vNext
We always send traces that includes an error node if the trace has an
error. In the case that sending errors is disabled, we replace the
message and remove the location.
Note that the Engine proxy strips all error information from the traces
with noErrorTraces set. To get errors to show up in the ui, the proxy
sends error counts inside of the aggregated stats reports. To get
similar behavior inside of the apollo server metrics reporting, we
always send a trace and mask out the PII.