Sashko Stubailo
Update to graphql@0.12 (#726)
* Update peer deps and tests for 0.12
* v1.3.2
2018-03-13 17:10:37 +02:00 |
Laurin Quast
Setup prettier (#724)
* Setup prettier and precommit hooks
* Format code with prettier
* Use husky because it works...
* Move prettier config to .prettierrc file
* Implement fixing markdown file formatting when running lint-fix script
* Format markdown files
* Add .json file formatting
* Fixes json file formatting
* Add pretteir linting step
* Remove tslint
* Use gitignore for prettier
* Fix linting errors
* Ignore submodule folder
2018-01-08 15:08:01 -08:00 |
Martijn Walraven
Add connect-query middleware in front of graphqlExpress
2017-08-09 20:31:00 +02:00 |
Martijn Walraven
Use supertest query() method instead of manually constructing query string
2017-08-09 20:30:05 +02:00 |
Martijn Walraven
Remove deprecated supertest-as-promised and replace by regular supertest
2017-08-09 17:35:25 +02:00 |
Martijn Walraven
Rename packages from graphql-server- to apollo-server- (#465)
2017-07-17 16:29:40 -07:00 |