* Initial commit
* Add .npmignore to avoid ignoring lib when publishing
* 0.0.2
* Update graphql-extensions dependency to 0.0.2
* 0.0.3
* Reorganize code and add tests
* 0.0.4
* Add tests and reorganize code
* 0.0.5
* Update dependency to graphql-extensions 0.0.4
* 0.0.6
* Update graphql-extensions dependency and downgrade TS target
* 0.0.7
* Update README
* Update README
* Update README
* Update README
* Add import instructions for TypeScript to README (#7)
* Add cache hints when the directive is defined on interfaces (#10)
* Increase version range for `graphql` peerDependency. (#12)
* 0.0.8
* Update dependencies
* 0.0.9
* [apollo-bot] Update the Issue/PR Templates with auto label (#13)
* [apollo-bot] Update the Templates with docs label (#15)
* Add cache hints to info.cacheControl (#16)
This exposes the `cacheControl` hints on the schema, to the resolvers at runtime.
* Update `graphql` peer dependency range to allow 0.13.x.
* dev: Update TypeScript to latest version, v2.7.2.
* dev: Update jest & dependencies to latest versions.
* dev: Update type definitions for `graphql`, `node` and `jest`.
* dev: Update `graphql` to latest version, v0.13.2.
* 0.0.10
* Add defaultMaxAge option
This is an easy way to quickly say "I want everything in my schema to be cached
for 5 seconds". You can override it with specific maxAges on specific fields or
An upcoming release of apollo-server-* will allow you to specify options to
* Add CircleCI config
* Add partial CHANGELOG
* 0.1.0
* Honor overwrite default maxAge with maxAge=0 (Fixes#22) (#23)
* 0.1.1
* Allow default caching to apply to interfaces
* remove unused files
* update versions and use a-s style config
* run prettier
* fix tests and typing