… version
This PR should hopefully correct some typing issues we are currently facing.
The problem:
- this package references v5.0.1 for @types/koa-bodyparser
- when we start our server that also uses koa-bodyparser for non-graphql routes, the type for koa.Request sets the "body" field to:
declare module "koa" {
interface Request {
body: {} | null | undefined;
rawBody: {} | null | undefined;
Which breaks our type defs for koa-bodyparser as we actually want "body" to be set to "any."
The v5.0.1 that was originally placed here is no longer "latest" and they have published a new v4 version that has the correct typing for koa-bodyparser (setting body to any). - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/koa-bodyparser
Thanks for filing a pull request on GraphQL Server!
Please look at the following checklist to ensure that your PR
can be accepted quickly:
* [ ] Update CHANGELOG.md with your change (include reference to issue & this PR)
* [x] Make sure all of the significant new logic is covered by tests
* [x] Rebase your changes on master so that they can be merged easily
* [x] Make sure all tests and linter rules pass
Currently, the only place that we use `lodash` in the entire `apollo-server`
repository is to utilize the `sortBy` function in this signature generation.
Looking at the bundle stats, it appears that lodash represents 7.1% of the
`apollo-server` package. We're a server, so bundle size is generally less
of a concern, but it's still not to be ignored, particularly as we move into
worker environments. More pressingly though, since this package will be
utilized by the `apollo` CLI, we'll be shaving precious download time off
the invocation of `npx apollo` if we can get this down.
By switching to the modular package (but still depending on `@types/lodash`
for _just_ the `ListIteratee` type — which we only need in development — we
should be able to trim 55.4kB minified (19.1kB minified+gzip'd) off the
`apollo-server` build.
cc @trevor-scheer @jbaxleyiii @martijnwalraven
These AST visitors and transformations are more generally usable for other
purposes rather than just the Apollo Engine signature reporting and would
seem to belong in a module of their own.
Many of these signature calculation functions are now utilized in tools or
helpers which are not directly related to `apollo-server` functionality,
including various aspects of the `apollo` CLI which live within
Currently, because of `apollo`'s dependency on `apollo-engine-reporting` for
this signature, this requires bringing in the entire dependency tree which
`apollo-server-core` relies on since `apollo-engine-reporting` depends on
By moving this into this new `apollo-graphql` utility library, we're able to
trim that rather hefty dependency tree and drastically reduce the download
for running, say, `npx apollo`.
* Remove `willStart` from `apollo-server`, already called via `...-express`.
When the request pipeline was initially introduced, the integrations
had yet to be updated to call the new life-cycle events. Now, the
integrations have all caught up, but `apollo-server` is still calling
`willStart`, despite the fact that its dependency which provides the actual
server implementation — `apollo-server-express` – is _also_ calling it,
resulting in double invocation of this event.
I suspect some follow-up work should guard against this possibility, but for
now this should remove the duplication.
* Update CHANGELOG.md for #2239.
Ref: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-server/pull/2239