[Now](https://zeit.co/now) is a service by Zeit that allows the deployment of an instance of Apollo Server, quickly providing a functional GraphQL endpoint.
The `now` command immediately deploys a server to the cloud and returns the hosted project link. After finishing, it should be possible to send a query to the GraphQL schema on `now` at `<NOW_APP_NAME>.now.sh/graphql`.
If a GraphQL server project is publically available on GitHub, [Now](https://zeit.co/now) provides the ability to deploy straight from GitHub by calling the `now` command with the user/organization name and repository name in the format `user/repository-name`.
The `now` command deploys right away and attempts to start the server. This specific example would fail though, due to missing environment variables. They can be added by following the [section](#env-variables) on environment variables.
[Now](https://zeit.co/now) supports automatic deployment from GitHub on pull requests.
To set up automatic deployment, visit [https://zeit.co/github](https://zeit.co/github) and click on the "Setup Now" button.
After signing in with GitHub, the [Now](https://zeit.co/now) GitHub app can be added to any account or organization. Once installed, it's possible to choose which repositories that [Now](https://zeit.co/now) can run on, allowing new deployments on Pull Requests.
The `graphql-server-example` project requires environment variables to enable reporting to Apollo Engine. To deploy to Now with environment variables, the `-e` flag can be used followed by the variables like so: